Log message #4264539

# At Username Text
# Jun 1st 2021, 07:55 jpramirez @kevin.pfeifer if you use the test suite light, you can activate the statistic tool, which will give you also information on how many tables were involved in your test, which you want low in order to speed up your tests. But `--log-junit` will definitely do the job.
# Jun 1st 2021, 06:59 paolo.bragagni put this in my table.twig but it doesnt find the schema
# Jun 1st 2021, 06:59 paolo.bragagni {% for field in fields %} {%- set fieldData = Bake.columnData(field, schema) %}
# May 31st 2021, 17:23 kevin.pfeifer pretty nice
# May 31st 2021, 17:23 kevin.pfeifer doing `phpunit --colors=always --log-junit "my_tests_log.xml"` also generates a XML which also contains the time for each function :)
# May 31st 2021, 17:21 steinkel `time vendor/bin/phpunit --filter yourTest` :P
# May 31st 2021, 17:17 kevin.pfeifer uh, didn’t think of the xdebug profiler :thinking_face:
# May 31st 2021, 17:17 ndm Run the test suite with xdebug profiling enabled, or for some more caveman-ish approach, start a timer in `setup()` and stop and log it in `teardown()`.
# May 31st 2021, 17:11 kevin.pfeifer so not the whole test-suite, more granular for each test
# May 31st 2021, 17:10 kevin.pfeifer Is there an “easy” way to measure how long a phpunit test takes? I got the problem, that some of my tests take pretty long, but I don’t know which and going through over 700 tests can take quite some time.
# May 31st 2021, 13:33 paolo.bragagni Thanks
# May 31st 2021, 13:31 ndm Most likely.
# May 31st 2021, 13:30 dereuromark isnt that done via Bake helper columnData() ? https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-setup/blob/master/templates/bake/element/form.twig#L44
# May 31st 2021, 13:29 paolo.bragagni I'd like to get name and type of fields
# May 31st 2021, 13:29 paolo.bragagni Ive done this
# May 31st 2021, 13:29 slackebot 'wildcardOne' => '?', 'fields' => ['{{ field }}'], ]) {% endfor %} ; //End PB {% endif %}
# May 31st 2021, 13:29 paolo.bragagni {%- if validation %} //PB per search $this->addBehavior('Search.Search'); $this->searchManager() {% for field in validation %} ->add('{{ field }}', 'Search.Like', [ 'before' => true, 'after' => true, 'mode' => 'or', 'comparison' => 'LIKE', 'wildcardAny' => '*',
# May 31st 2021, 13:28 ndm I'm afraid I don't understand what exactly you're trying to do. You're looking for "field details"?
# May 31st 2021, 13:26 paolo.bragagni fields
# May 31st 2021, 13:26 paolo.bragagni how to get field (in detail)?
# May 31st 2021, 13:26 paolo.bragagni validation
# May 31st 2021, 13:26 ndm sorry, what?
# May 31st 2021, 13:25 paolo.bragagni but how to disconnect to valodaton??
# May 31st 2021, 13:25 paolo.bragagni ecc ecc
# May 31st 2021, 13:25 paolo.bragagni {%- if validation %} //PB per search $this->addBehavior('Search.Search'); $this->searchManager() {% for field in validation %}
# May 31st 2021, 13:22 ndm @paolo.bragagni There should be a variable named `fields` containing all the columns of the related schema.
# May 31st 2021, 13:17 kevin.pfeifer @massimoi it depends on what your virtual field is called. e.g. `$entity->duedate_with_days_diff` would need that in your entity.php ``` public function _getDuedateWithDaysDiff(): string { return 'Date: ' . $this->date . ' - due in: ' . $this->duedays; }```
# May 31st 2021, 13:12 paolo.bragagni someone knows how to get fields (name and type) in table.twig?
# May 31st 2021, 13:05 ndm I do what I can, but let's not get carried away here :)
# May 31st 2021, 12:29 massimoi any idea if I'm doing something wrong or if this is the requested
# May 31st 2021, 12:28 massimoi @kevin.pfeifer, ok but when I do a $this->Model->find() I would expect to have the virtual fields, while they are empty
# May 31st 2021, 11:35 kevin.pfeifer virtualFields are on the entities, not on the table object itself
# May 31st 2021, 11:32 massimoi Hi, a simple question. We have Model with some virtualFields, is it normal that when I use the $this->loadModel the virtualFields are not accessible ?
# May 31st 2021, 11:20 amanda.goff Hey Rian! Our team of devs at CakeDC could definitely help. If you’d like. Shoot me an email at Amanda.goff@cakedc.com
# May 31st 2021, 11:17 kevin.pfeifer ok, thx :)
# May 31st 2021, 11:17 dereuromark jep, I dont think there is a way around that other than extending form helper to auto do that
# May 31st 2021, 11:14 slackebot fieldname with the corresponding text domain instead of the root app domain? Or do I now have to add a bunch of `'label' => __d('my_plugin', 'Name')` into my fields?
# May 31st 2021, 11:14 kevin.pfeifer One Question about translations in plugins I now moved a bunch of Code incl. templates into a plugin. Everything works pretty good but before (in the root app) the label for e.g. the input `$this->Form->control( 'name' )` was automatically translated without the need to set the `label` key. Now in my plugin i use `__d('my_plugin', 'Name')` to translate a given text. What do I have to tell my FormHelper to translate a
# May 31st 2021, 10:46 paolo.bragagni Hi in table.twig how to get the fields name (I'd like to use the search plugin for all fields)
# May 31st 2021, 08:35 rian.orie Howdy folks. If I were to look for a freelancer with a solid amount of experience with cake, where would I look?
# May 31st 2021, 06:52 k4t from my point of view everything looks fine, I also see thet whole authentication process is applied and request during it is poprulated with Identify object. But after exception is thrown and everything is get lost.