Log message #4264349

# At Username Text
# May 29th 2021, 21:59 kevin.pfeifer i guess my solution above is a bit too hacky
# May 29th 2021, 21:56 kevin.pfeifer lets check the docs
# May 29th 2021, 21:55 kevin.pfeifer to check the connected entity
# May 29th 2021, 21:55 etibor yes min and max values can be change in the future
# May 29th 2021, 21:55 kevin.pfeifer i guess you would need to have the same logic on the other model as well
# May 29th 2021, 21:55 kevin.pfeifer but after e.g. 1 day these min and max values change and the connected entity is then wrong?
# May 29th 2021, 21:54 etibor if not with depending on the values of another entity
# May 29th 2021, 21:54 kevin.pfeifer I am just thinking that through What if your first “add” action works because your connected storage entity has valid min and max values
# May 29th 2021, 21:54 etibor but how would you deal with that?
# May 29th 2021, 21:53 etibor okey i found in my directory the Factory Locator
# May 29th 2021, 21:53 kevin.pfeifer depending on the values of another entitiy
# May 29th 2021, 21:53 kevin.pfeifer to have input validation present
# May 29th 2021, 21:53 kevin.pfeifer but I personally never had that case to be honest
# May 29th 2021, 21:52 kevin.pfeifer its present
# May 29th 2021, 21:52 kevin.pfeifer https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/3.x/src/Datasource/FactoryLocator.php
# May 29th 2021, 21:52 kevin.pfeifer ah wait
# May 29th 2021, 21:52 etibor i am looking for the using of FactoryLocator Class in Cake but at first sight its seem its for cake4
# May 29th 2021, 21:52 kevin.pfeifer but seems like that factory locator is also present in cake3 so it should work :) https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Datasource/FactoryLocator.php
# May 29th 2021, 21:50 kevin.pfeifer and with that table object you can then (as like you where in the controller or in the model of that table) load entities and check their fields
# May 29th 2021, 21:49 kevin.pfeifer you can basically load any table from anywhere when you have a Table Locator Object
# May 29th 2021, 21:49 slackebot $value){ return false; // Invalid! } return true; },```
# May 29th 2021, 21:49 kevin.pfeifer ``` 'rule' => function( $value, $context ) { // Get the selected $selected_storage_id = $context['data']['storage_id']; $table_locator = FactoryLocator::get('Table'); $StorageTable = $table_locator->get('Storage'); $storage_entity = $StorageTable->get($selected_storage_id); if($storage_entity->somefield < value || $storage_entity->otherfield >
# May 29th 2021, 21:48 kevin.pfeifer but i would do something like that
# May 29th 2021, 21:48 kevin.pfeifer i don’t know if you have the FactoryLocator Class in Cake 3
# May 29th 2021, 21:46 etibor thank you Kevin
# May 29th 2021, 21:45 kevin.pfeifer yea i am currently in the process of preparing that
# May 29th 2021, 21:44 etibor "the only thing you need to do by hand in there is load the values from your other Table" - this part i dont really know how to do it
# May 29th 2021, 21:44 etibor how The main Model is dependent on the Other Model's field value
# May 29th 2021, 21:43 etibor ```function( $value, $context ) { // ... some logic return true; },``` As i good unserstand here will declarete
# May 29th 2021, 21:42 kevin.pfeifer the only thing you need to do by hand in there is load the values from your other Table
# May 29th 2021, 21:42 kevin.pfeifer and basically you can add any custom rule you want to any field
# May 29th 2021, 21:42 kevin.pfeifer this is inside my Tables ```public function validationDefault( Validator $validator ): Validator {``` function
# May 29th 2021, 21:41 kevin.pfeifer ``` $validator->boolean( 'is_done' ) ->allowEmptyString( 'is_done' ) ->add( 'is_done', 'check_is_done_fields', [ 'rule' => function( $value, $context ) { // ... some logic return true; }, 'message' => __d('alfred_projects', 'Please fill out all necessary fields to close a project' ) ] );```
# May 29th 2021, 21:40 etibor thank you Kevin, i stuck by the buildRules
# May 29th 2021, 21:38 kevin.pfeifer let me grab one of my examples
# May 29th 2021, 21:38 kevin.pfeifer well this would be perfect for a custom validation rule I would guess
# May 29th 2021, 21:38 kevin.pfeifer i see
# May 29th 2021, 21:38 kevin.pfeifer ahh
# May 29th 2021, 21:37 etibor well, the first part is right, and the second is a bit different, Documents stores the score field, and Storage stores the score minimal and maximal value(there can be different Storeges) and Document's instances have storage_id
# May 29th 2021, 21:35 kevin.pfeifer am i right?
# May 29th 2021, 21:33 kevin.pfeifer so Storage hasMany Documents and Documents BelongsTo Storage And you want to “restrict” the selection of available Storage inside your Documents Model so they are “filtered” according to your logic