Log message #4264169

# At Username Text
# May 28th 2021, 18:23 etibor do you have any hint please
# May 28th 2021, 18:23 etibor @admad
# May 28th 2021, 18:23 etibor but it does not change
# May 28th 2021, 18:23 etibor `$this->getController()->viewBuilder()->setOptions([` `'pdfConfig' => [` `'template'=>'pdf_template'`
# May 28th 2021, 18:22 etibor basically its uses the same as the template name
# May 28th 2021, 18:21 etibor in cakepdf how can i change the template file for pdf?
# May 28th 2021, 18:21 etibor hello all
# May 28th 2021, 17:26 st.steinkuehler Now I understood: the CakeDC plugin is loading the file from `config/` if the config key + value is set...sorry
# May 28th 2021, 17:04 st.steinkuehler At the moment I do not have an issue. I want to understand. If I have an solution for my needs with your `Application::pluginBootstrap` hint than I can send a PR for the CakeDC documentation...
# May 28th 2021, 17:01 st.steinkuehler The CakeDC documentation (page "Installation") is clear, becaus it works. But I do not understand why `Configure::load` has not been used and it does not work with `Configure::load('users','Users.config')`
# May 28th 2021, 16:46 chris301 Thanks mate that's the one I wanted :)
# May 28th 2021, 16:38 steinkel or send a PR to the file with an example of your issue and how you fixed it, it'll help others in the same situation, thanks!
# May 28th 2021, 16:37 steinkel we can add that to the documentation for sure!
# May 28th 2021, 16:36 st.steinkuehler @steinkel OK, I get it, but isn't it documented? Thanks for the hint to override - that's exactly what I wanted and that's why I tried to understand the config loading of the CakeDC plugin better.
# May 28th 2021, 16:33 slackebot more asking on how to group the data together using the Form helper
# May 28th 2021, 16:33 tyler.adam.lazenby sugggestion request: How would you go about creating a form to with migration from a old data structure to a new one. I had been using users as the "account" but now I need to make it so that accounts are collections of users. Additionally I need to add addresses. Luckily there aren't a lot of users yet, otherwise that will make it harder. We also don't have any users that we currently need to group together. I am
# May 28th 2021, 16:29 steinkel if you need to override these settings after plugin load, you can use the `Application::pluginBootstrap` method
# May 28th 2021, 16:29 steinkel that's a way to name an array of files and get them loaded, and merged into the configuration
# May 28th 2021, 16:27 st.steinkuehler Hello, in the CakeDC User documentation the file "config/users.php" is loaded with this code `Configure::write('Users.config', ['users']);` into the configuration - but I can find anything in the API-Doc or Book about this file loading behavior of `Configure::write`. Can someone explain? Thanks.
# May 28th 2021, 15:18 shahways Thanks @admad, will do so. Have a nice weekend!
# May 28th 2021, 14:56 admad Please open an issue on github.
# May 28th 2021, 14:55 admad @shahways That's a bug with bake. The unique check should be in build rules only not validation.
# May 28th 2021, 14:49 st.steinkuehler Thanks
# May 28th 2021, 14:48 ndm Very likely.
# May 28th 2021, 14:40 st.steinkuehler Hello, I want to add a parameter into a post request comming from the browser before it reaches the plugin controller code. Is a middleware the right place to do this?
# May 28th 2021, 13:55 ndm `assertEventFiredWith()`?
# May 28th 2021, 13:37 chris301 hi guys, i’m currently working on something where i have dispatched a custom Event, and would like to assert that the specific event dispatched has the content i expect it to, but am struggling to find a way of searching for the event in the EventList other than using getOffset(). is there a method i haven’t found yet that would allow me to search for a particular event in the event list in tests?
# May 28th 2021, 13:18 neon1024 there it is
# May 28th 2021, 13:18 neon1024 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/2.10.24/lib/Cake/Routing/Router.php#L65-L71
# May 28th 2021, 13:17 neon1024 You could check the Routing class in your project to see if it supports prefixes
# May 28th 2021, 13:17 neon1024 @rightscoreanalysis It’s been a long time since I used Cake 2, but I think prefixes still existed back then
# May 28th 2021, 12:04 etibor i thought you were asking the prefixes
# May 28th 2021, 11:27 rightscoreanalysis damn it - I thought as much. Cake came a long way since then :)
# May 28th 2021, 11:22 khalil Your best bet would be to create separate "app" folders for each, and make them all use the same cake lib and webroot
# May 28th 2021, 11:21 khalil @rightscoreanalysis You need namespaces for the structure you're trying to accomplish, so no it's not possible in Cake 2
# May 28th 2021, 11:08 rightscoreanalysis I know I am asking a lot here, but anyone know if controllers in sub-folders is possible in Cake2?
# May 28th 2021, 10:33 etibor i found getExtension function, but dont know how can i use this for getting if page has different extension than php
# May 28th 2021, 10:32 etibor in cake3 how can i get the current page extension?
# May 28th 2021, 09:41 khalil I'm not sure about what bake generates, I haven't used it since bake 1.3 so I don't really have any info
# May 28th 2021, 09:38 slackebot to validate application rules , will run twice. Is this correct?
# May 28th 2021, 09:38 slackebot rules. This is what we understood based on the documentation. And makes perfect sense. However, the code produced by Bake, repeats the rule in both validation layers, which nullifies the logic described in the docs. So if I interpret the reasoning correctly, we should repeat all application rules in the basic validation as well? Since the application data might change between validation and saving? So any DB query which will be used