Log message #4264113

# At Username Text
# May 28th 2021, 01:45 khalil Hey guys! Is there an image upload plugin that supports ajax? like base64 images for example?
# May 27th 2021, 22:30 rightscoreanalysis I actually do not thin what I am trying to do is possible looking at the cake2 source
# May 27th 2021, 22:24 kevin.pfeifer well i started with cake 3, sooooo ^^
# May 27th 2021, 22:23 rightscoreanalysis be glad you no longer have to work with cake 2 :)
# May 27th 2021, 22:23 rightscoreanalysis seems cake2 prefix routing meant your actons were admin_index etc in the main controller
# May 27th 2021, 22:22 kevin.pfeifer then I unfortunately can't help you ,:)
# May 27th 2021, 22:22 rightscoreanalysis I have this working on my cake 3 and 4 projects already
# May 27th 2021, 22:22 kevin.pfeifer oh, ok ^^
# May 27th 2021, 22:22 rightscoreanalysis I am working on a legacy cake2 project
# May 27th 2021, 22:22 rightscoreanalysis @kevin.pfeifer
# May 27th 2021, 22:19 kevin.pfeifer see https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/development/routing.html#prefix-routing
# May 27th 2021, 22:18 slackebot will be required when generating URLs for these routes $routes->fallbacks(DashedRoute::class); }); $builder->fallbacks(); } );```
# May 27th 2021, 22:18 kevin.pfeifer @rightscoreanalysis then you need something like that in your plugin ``` $routes->plugin( 'Integrations', [ 'path' => '/integrations' ], function( RouteBuilder $builder ) { // Add custom routes here $routes->prefix('Foobar', function (RouteBuilder $routes) { // All routes here will be prefixed with `/foobar`, and // have the `'prefix' => 'Foobar'` route element added that //
# May 27th 2021, 22:15 rightscoreanalysis where integratinos is a plugin and foobar is a subdirectory of controllers
# May 27th 2021, 22:14 rightscoreanalysis I just want to make a simple sub-directory for a group of controllers: Router::connect(     '/integrations/foobar/*',  );
# May 27th 2021, 21:12 CakeIsGreat $this->Events instead of $post->Events but doesn't fix anything
# May 27th 2021, 21:12 CakeIsGreat Did just catch an error regarding setting $this->
# May 27th 2021, 21:08 CakeIsGreat https://pastebin.com/fB9ECn9X
# May 27th 2021, 21:08 CakeIsGreat Cake isn't saving any associations. Anyone mind taking a look the controller? Can't figure this out.
# May 27th 2021, 20:55 rightscoreanalysis ok looks like I can do what i need to do in the bootstrap
# May 27th 2021, 20:54 greg138 `core.php` in your plugin? I didn't think that was even a thing. Isn't `core` for, well, Cake's core?
# May 27th 2021, 20:50 rightscoreanalysis although now core.php is not being read :face_palm:
# May 27th 2021, 20:47 rightscoreanalysis ah fixed it :)
# May 27th 2021, 20:45 rightscoreanalysis I also added 'routes' => true
# May 27th 2021, 20:44 rightscoreanalysis adding bootstrap true requires that i have a bootstrap.php in my plugin/Config dir, but the routes.php is still not being read
# May 27th 2021, 20:29 kevin.pfeifer :+1:
# May 27th 2021, 20:29 rightscoreanalysis that was it thanks @kevin.pfeifer
# May 27th 2021, 20:25 rightscoreanalysis hmm good spot
# May 27th 2021, 20:25 kevin.pfeifer when loading the plugin did you add ```'routes' => true```
# May 27th 2021, 20:24 rightscoreanalysis "A plugin can also have basically any of the other directories that your application can, such as Config, Console, Lib, webroot, etc." -
# May 27th 2021, 20:23 rightscoreanalysis I have a plugin which works and I call, I have put a die() at the top of myplugin/Config/routes.php and core.php but execution does not die - how is that possible?
# May 27th 2021, 20:14 rightscoreanalysis seems the core.php and routes.php within a plugin are not read for some reason
# May 27th 2021, 19:46 rightscoreanalysis the book of prefix routing seems to be all about using /admn/foo/index to route to admin_index in foo controller - I guess that was a sensible option once upon a time?
# May 27th 2021, 19:45 rightscoreanalysis anyone remember if it is possible to have controller in subfolders in cake2
# May 27th 2021, 18:43 etibor very useful plugin
# May 27th 2021, 18:42 kevin.pfeifer nope
# May 27th 2021, 18:42 etibor have you ever worked with cakepdf?
# May 27th 2021, 18:42 etibor thank you @kevin.pfeifer
# May 27th 2021, 18:42 kevin.pfeifer but I could be wrong and there is some way to do what you want
# May 27th 2021, 18:42 etibor yes simple often faster solution :)
# May 27th 2021, 18:41 slackebot .htaccess redirect from `/review/*` to `/clark/*`