Log message #4264029

# At Username Text
# May 26th 2021, 21:20 etibor well i almost implemented the whole, i added the 'class' and 'foreign_key' fields into the db table the issue is came when i tried to contain booth Models THe Model looks like this
# May 26th 2021, 21:18 etibor hello Kevin
# May 26th 2021, 21:17 kevin.pfeifer so you need table inheritance or what?
# May 26th 2021, 21:07 etibor is anyone who have ever worked with polymorphic associations
# May 26th 2021, 21:07 etibor hello everyone
# May 26th 2021, 16:11 erwane Sorry but i miss something about this plugin logic :(
# May 26th 2021, 16:10 hanchenglin101 Hello, everyone! I am looking for a CakePHP3 developer. Location: ANY, Welcome: Vietnam Period: 3 week ~ 5 weeks Hourly: 20 Please DM
# May 26th 2021, 14:32 tomrwaller Perfect - thank you. Nabbed an example from another baked view that I hadn't updated and the postLink works just fine. I think I changed it when trying to turn it into a button :face_with_rolling_eyes:
# May 26th 2021, 14:30 greg138 Yep. And the link you're generating is a GET link. So, either change it to a POST (which baking the view would do), or allow GET in your `allowMethod` call.
# May 26th 2021, 14:26 tomrwaller `$this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);`
# May 26th 2021, 14:25 tomrwaller Ah well this was baked so it's likely not been changed. I'll check.
# May 26th 2021, 14:21 greg138 Does your `delete` method allow `GET`, or just `POST`? I think the baked versions use post links for deletions.
# May 26th 2021, 14:19 slackebot a 'Method not allowed' error: `return true;`             `}`         `}`         `$allowed = strtoupper(implode(', ', $methods));`         `$e = new MethodNotAllowedException();`         `$e->setHeader('Allow', $allowed);`         `throw $e;`     `}`
# May 26th 2021, 14:19 tomrwaller Is anyone able to tell me why this doesn't work: `<?= $this->Html->link("<i class='fas fa-fw fa-trash'></i>", ['action' => 'delete', $assessment->id], array('class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-primary', 'escape' => false, 'confirm' => __('Are you sure you want to delete # {0}?', $assessment->id))) ?>` When I press the button on the assessments index page, I get the confirmation which I accept and I get
# May 26th 2021, 14:15 greg138 If the only thing your controller's `beforeFilter` function does is calls the parent version, then you may as well not have it at all; the parent version will just be used directly in that case.
# May 26th 2021, 13:48 erwane We can't define 'Model/Endpoint' directory ? I have multiple API Datasource and it's a little bit confusing to put everything in same folder
# May 26th 2021, 12:32 michal_kotus Hi, I am learning to work with mailer. I created `src/Mailer/UserMailer.php` with: ```namespace App\Mailer; use Cake\Mailer\Mailer; class UserMailer extends Mailer``` Why I can not put `$mailer = new Mailer();` inside? I get 10 errors immediately. What is wrong?
# May 26th 2021, 12:08 erwane README sounds good.
# May 26th 2021, 12:06 admad There aren't any docs so you'll have to see the existing implementations for reference :)
# May 26th 2021, 12:05 erwane will try with typesense
# May 26th 2021, 12:04 erwane Very nice, thanks
# May 26th 2021, 12:02 admad @erwane https://github.com/usemuffin/webservice
# May 26th 2021, 11:55 erwane maybe it's hard to do something "generic"
# May 26th 2021, 11:53 erwane Hi, there is no Core "Http Api" Datasource ?
# May 26th 2021, 11:11 neon1024 Is there an easier way to ensure all redirects are https? Or do I have to add `'_ssl' => true` to all my url arrays? Is that what the HttpsEnforcerMiddleware is for?
# May 26th 2021, 10:38 tomrwaller Awesome! Thanks - that does the trick! Quick question - It works using the 'templateVars' array key just fine - My only thought is it makes the code look a little untidy - is there a way to combine this into my helper template so I can get away with just using the 'help' keyword?
# May 26th 2021, 10:29 kevin.pfeifer you need to set custom template variables inside the `templateVars` array key when outputting the form See https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/views/helpers/form.html#adding-additional-template-variables-to-templates
# May 26th 2021, 10:26 tomrwaller Thought this might help: ```echo $this->Form->input('field_name', array( 'after'=>'<span class="help-block">This text appears underneath the input.</span></div>'));``` But it produces: ```<input class="form-control" type="text" name="name" after="<span class=andquot;help-blockandquot;>This text appears underneath the input.</span></div>"```
# May 26th 2021, 10:03 tomrwaller The help text is what I'm trying to get to display.
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 tomrwaller Ignore the 'help' entry - I was just playing with it. :)
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot `?>`
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot  => '<div class="form-group"><textarea class="form-control" name="{{name}}" {{attrs}}>{{value}}</textarea></div>',`         `'button'              => '<div class="form-group"><div><button class="btn btn-primary" {{attrs}} type="submit">{{text}}</button></div></div>',`         `'inputContainerError' => '<div class="form-group has-error" {{required}}>{{content}}</div>{{error}}',`     `];`
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot            => '<select class="form-control" {{attrs}} name={{name}}>{{content}}<select>',`         `'selectMultiple'      => '<div class="form-group"><select class="form-control" multiple="multiple" {{attrs}} name={{name}}[]>{{content}}</select></div>',`         `'error'               => '<p class="text-danger">{{content}}</p>',`         `'textarea'          
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot `'help' => '<small{{attrs}}>{{content}}</small>',`         `'inputContainer'      => '<div class="form-group">{{content}}</div>',`         `'input'               => '<input class="form-control" type="{{type}}" name="{{name}}" {{attrs}} />',`         `'label'               => '<label {{attrs}} class="control-label">{{text}}</label>',`         `'select'  
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 tomrwaller `<?php`      `return [`         `'checkboxFormGroup'   => '<div class="form-check"><div class="checkbox">{{label}}</div></div>',`         `'checkbox'            => '<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}" {{attrs}}>',`         `'checkboxWrapper'     => '<div class="form-check">{{label}} {{input}}</div>',`        
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 tomrwaller All I'm trying to achieve is presenting a help text underneath my form controls. I think the helper I am using is causing the examples I've tried not to work.
# May 26th 2021, 09:49 dereuromark Adminlte etc are the most famous
# May 26th 2021, 09:48 dereuromark What's the problem? There are tons of open source ones out there if u google :)
# May 26th 2021, 09:33 tomrwaller I did :)
# May 26th 2021, 09:02 dereuromark Did u check the awesome list? ;)
# May 26th 2021, 08:49 tomrwaller Bonus points if it's Bootstrap 5 :) But at this point I'd take anything!