Log message #4264002

# At Username Text
# May 26th 2021, 10:26 tomrwaller Thought this might help: ```echo $this->Form->input('field_name', array( 'after'=>'<span class="help-block">This text appears underneath the input.</span></div>'));``` But it produces: ```<input class="form-control" type="text" name="name" after="<span class=andquot;help-blockandquot;>This text appears underneath the input.</span></div>"```
# May 26th 2021, 10:03 tomrwaller The help text is what I'm trying to get to display.
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 tomrwaller Ignore the 'help' entry - I was just playing with it. :)
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot `?>`
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot  => '<div class="form-group"><textarea class="form-control" name="{{name}}" {{attrs}}>{{value}}</textarea></div>',`         `'button'              => '<div class="form-group"><div><button class="btn btn-primary" {{attrs}} type="submit">{{text}}</button></div></div>',`         `'inputContainerError' => '<div class="form-group has-error" {{required}}>{{content}}</div>{{error}}',`     `];`
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot            => '<select class="form-control" {{attrs}} name={{name}}>{{content}}<select>',`         `'selectMultiple'      => '<div class="form-group"><select class="form-control" multiple="multiple" {{attrs}} name={{name}}[]>{{content}}</select></div>',`         `'error'               => '<p class="text-danger">{{content}}</p>',`         `'textarea'          
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 slackebot `'help' => '<small{{attrs}}>{{content}}</small>',`         `'inputContainer'      => '<div class="form-group">{{content}}</div>',`         `'input'               => '<input class="form-control" type="{{type}}" name="{{name}}" {{attrs}} />',`         `'label'               => '<label {{attrs}} class="control-label">{{text}}</label>',`         `'select'  
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 tomrwaller `<?php`      `return [`         `'checkboxFormGroup'   => '<div class="form-check"><div class="checkbox">{{label}}</div></div>',`         `'checkbox'            => '<input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}" {{attrs}}>',`         `'checkboxWrapper'     => '<div class="form-check">{{label}} {{input}}</div>',`        
# May 26th 2021, 10:01 tomrwaller All I'm trying to achieve is presenting a help text underneath my form controls. I think the helper I am using is causing the examples I've tried not to work.
# May 26th 2021, 09:49 dereuromark Adminlte etc are the most famous
# May 26th 2021, 09:48 dereuromark What's the problem? There are tons of open source ones out there if u google :)
# May 26th 2021, 09:33 tomrwaller I did :)
# May 26th 2021, 09:02 dereuromark Did u check the awesome list? ;)
# May 26th 2021, 08:49 tomrwaller Bonus points if it's Bootstrap 5 :) But at this point I'd take anything!
# May 26th 2021, 08:48 tomrwaller Hey everyone - I don't suppose anyone has a Bootstrap-enabled FormHelper template they wouldn't mind sharing with me at all? I've been using one over the years that I cobbled together through bits and pieces online but I'm noticing it doesn't provide me any scope to add input help-block text on my forms and I can't for the life of me figure it out.
# May 25th 2021, 23:23 ljolley Yea this gets the job done and how I've done it in the past.
# May 25th 2021, 23:21 ndm Depends on what exactly you mean by "_better_", that's very likely coupled to your specific application logic.
# May 25th 2021, 23:17 ljolley (I appreciate the help btw - I've been banging my head against this for too long today)
# May 25th 2021, 23:17 ljolley can you see a better way of handling this? Basically I have a set of logic that I need to run on every action with simple comparison checks - and if they fail, I redirect to where the user should be.
# May 25th 2021, 23:15 ndm Basically, yes.
# May 25th 2021, 23:15 ljolley got it. I modified my controller `beforeFilter` to have this: `return parent::beforeFilter($event);` and it appears to be doing what I need it to do. Is that what you meant by "overwritten method makes no use of it"?
# May 25th 2021, 23:12 ndm Alternatively, if applicable, you could also set the return value of `$this->redirect()` as the event result.
# May 25th 2021, 23:11 ndm Your return value from the parent method will vanish into the void, as your overwritten method makes no use of it. You need to check if `parent::beforeFilter()` returns something, and then return that in your overwritten method.
# May 25th 2021, 23:10 ljolley so controller action errors, and redirect doesn't happen.
# May 25th 2021, 23:09 ljolley but the controller action is looking for `$session->read('Admin.organization_id')`
# May 25th 2021, 23:09 ljolley again. redirect happens if I clear out the controller action
# May 25th 2021, 23:08 ljolley is that correct?
# May 25th 2021, 23:08 ljolley the code above is sitting in the `beforeFilter` in the `AppController`. It's literally the only thing in there ATM. In the controller, I have this: ```public function beforeFilter(EventInterface $event) { parent::beforeFilter($event); }```
# May 25th 2021, 23:06 ndm Either your `beforeFilter()` is not being invoked (maybe you've overwritten it incorrectly), or the conditions are not being fulfilled, ie the redirect is not being invoked.
# May 25th 2021, 22:54 ljolley Looks like if I put the same check in the controller action, it works. but it's much more efficient and easier to maintain if I can have it just run in the `beforeFilter`
# May 25th 2021, 22:45 ljolley regardless, I don't need the controller action to run.
# May 25th 2021, 22:43 ljolley not sure why. on actions that would fall under the same criteria, the redirect works - but there's no showstoppers in the controller action
# May 25th 2021, 22:43 ljolley this runs in the beforeFilter but it executes the controller action before the redirect happens
# May 25th 2021, 22:41 ljolley right.
# May 25th 2021, 22:38 greg138 `beforeFilter` does run before your controller's action starts.
# May 25th 2021, 22:34 ljolley looks like the `return` isn't returning?
# May 25th 2021, 22:32 ljolley working through this some more, it looks like the redirect is triggered, but the page errors out in the controller because it's expecting `$session->read('Admin.organization_id');` Is there a way to force the redirect in the `beforeFilter` before it hits controller logic?
# May 25th 2021, 22:25 ljolley top redirect under `//REDIRECT TO ORGANIZATION DASHBOARD` works fine.
# May 25th 2021, 22:25 slackebot == false) { //REDIRECT TO MAIN DASHBOARD $this->Flash->admin_info(__('Not an out action.')); return $this->redirect(['controller'=>'Dashboard','action'=>'main','prefix'=>'Admin']); } }```
# May 25th 2021, 22:25 slackebot $this->Flash->admin_info(__('Not an in action.')); return $this->redirect(['controller'=>'Dashboard','action'=>'organization','prefix'=>'Admin']); } } else if(!$session->check('Admin.organization_id')) { //IF UNLOADED $access = $this->Access->actionCheck($this->request->getParam('controller'),$this->request->getParam('action'),'out'); if($access
# May 25th 2021, 22:25 ljolley ``` //CHECK THAT A CONTROLLER AND ACTION IS ACCESSIBLE DEPENDING ON IF THE USER IS LOADED INTO AN ORGANIZATION if($session->check('Admin.organization_id')) { //IF LOADED $access = $this->Access->actionCheck($this->request->getParam('controller'),$this->request->getParam('action'),'in'); if($access == false) { //REDIRECT TO ORGANIZATION DASHBOARD