Log message #4263824

# At Username Text
# May 21st 2021, 11:33 paolo.bragagni then when I have to build a new app I copy cakephp/app ?
# May 21st 2021, 11:33 neon1024 I think what you’re doing is a bit too bespoke for a ‘right way’
# May 21st 2021, 11:32 paolo.bragagni but it is the right way?
# May 21st 2021, 11:32 paolo.bragagni yes it is an idea
# May 21st 2021, 11:32 paolo.bragagni yes, we have smartcard and access to an oauth2 server authentication
# May 21st 2021, 11:32 ndm You might want to consider a custom application template, eg fork `cakephp/app` and maintain it according to your needs.
# May 21st 2021, 11:31 neon1024 Sounds like OAuth :thinking_face:
# May 21st 2021, 11:31 neon1024 So some kind of common way of authenticating?
# May 21st 2021, 11:31 paolo.bragagni some plugins internally developed
# May 21st 2021, 11:31 paolo.bragagni ssme template
# May 21st 2021, 11:31 paolo.bragagni same kind of authenticator
# May 21st 2021, 11:30 paolo.bragagni same kinfd of autentication and authorization
# May 21st 2021, 11:30 paolo.bragagni I need something more
# May 21st 2021, 11:29 neon1024 If you are going to be duplicating the same code many times, then there might be a better approach
# May 21st 2021, 11:28 neon1024 Wouldn’t that just be a framework and a coding standard?
# May 21st 2021, 11:28 paolo.bragagni so that my group of programmers use same structure
# May 21st 2021, 11:28 slackebot !xy
# May 21st 2021, 11:28 slackebot Command sent from Slack by neon1024:
# May 21st 2021, 11:28 paolo.bragagni I want to make an 'internal' skeleton
# May 21st 2021, 11:27 neon1024 @paolo.bragagni Are you building a multiple tenant application?
# May 21st 2021, 11:19 paolo.bragagni I'm only searching best method
# May 21st 2021, 11:18 paolo.bragagni Ssme template etc
# May 21st 2021, 11:18 neon1024 I am trying to test when my `delete()` fails, and I’m caught between using an Integration test where I’m not sure how to mock the Table::delete() or a Unit test where I cannot assert the Flash messages. Any tips?
# May 21st 2021, 11:18 paolo.bragagni I have to build many apps all of them eith same authandauth
# May 21st 2021, 11:12 ndm :upside_down_face:
# May 21st 2021, 11:11 steinkel lol, what @ndm said
# May 21st 2021, 11:11 steinkel @paolo.bragagni if your're aiming to create a plugin to handle these items, remember you can inject middlewares from the plugin and handle all configuration so your main app will be "clea"
# May 21st 2021, 11:11 slackebot collection directly to do that, like ```$plugins = \Cake\Core\Plugin::getCollection(); $plugins->add($plugins->create('Authentication'));``` To modify controllers you'd probably have to use events, like `Controller.initialize` (which is equivalent to `beforeFilter()`). Whether it makes sense to move this all into a plugin... that would be a different question :)
# May 21st 2021, 11:11 ndm That can be summed up as adding middleware, which is also possible from within your plugin's `Plugin` class, it has a `middleware()` method too. However depending on the specific middleware, you might need to add it using `insertAfter()`/`insertBefore()` as otherwise they will be appended after all application level middlewares. Plugins can also add other plugins in their bootstrap, but they need to obtain and use the plugin
# May 21st 2021, 11:02 paolo.bragagni etc etc
# May 21st 2021, 11:02 paolo.bragagni some changes in middleware
# May 21st 2021, 11:01 paolo.bragagni then $this->addPlugin('Authentication');
# May 21st 2021, 11:01 paolo.bragagni etc etc
# May 21st 2021, 11:01 paolo.bragagni in class Application I've implemented AuthenticationServiceProviderInterface, AuthorizationServiceProviderInterface
# May 21st 2021, 11:00 paolo.bragagni (for authentication)
# May 21st 2021, 11:00 paolo.bragagni in application I add //Authentication use Authentication\AuthenticationService; use Authentication\AuthenticationServiceInterface; use Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProviderInterface; use Authentication\Identifier\IdentifierInterface; use Authentication\Middleware\AuthenticationMiddleware;
# May 21st 2021, 10:59 paolo.bragagni I simply follow the guide for Authorization and Authentication
# May 21st 2021, 10:58 ndm Depends on what exactly you change in `Application` and `AppController` I guess.
# May 21st 2021, 10:47 paolo.bragagni (sorry for my english)
# May 21st 2021, 10:47 paolo.bragagni but how to keep 'src' as clean as possible and put all 'my' changes in my plugin?
# May 21st 2021, 10:46 paolo.bragagni right now I build my authenticator componentI put it in src/authenticator etc.. then I follow the guide and change something in Application.php and AppController.php