Log message #4262849

# At Username Text
# May 10th 2021, 18:43 kevin.pfeifer Hello there community :) I have got a route question. In my Plugin I have defined the following scope and resources ``` $routes->scope( '/api', function( RouteBuilder $builder ) { $builder->setExtensions( [ 'json' ] ); $builder->resources( 'EasybillDocuments', [ 'only' => [ 'index', 'chart', 'pie' ], 'map' => [ 'chart' => [ 'action' => 'chart', 'method' =>
# May 10th 2021, 18:08 kevin.pfeifer mealtime :)
# May 10th 2021, 18:07 tyler.adam.lazenby ok time for lunch
# May 10th 2021, 18:07 tyler.adam.lazenby it really has been
# May 10th 2021, 18:00 kevin.pfeifer thats definitely a good starting opportunity then
# May 10th 2021, 18:00 kevin.pfeifer sure
# May 10th 2021, 17:58 tyler.adam.lazenby Yeah, I am lucky that I get to decide the direction of projects. This one is very VERY near the end of the first dev cycle. At that point, I expect more devs to be thrown in to clean up, refactor, etc
# May 10th 2021, 17:58 kevin.pfeifer but nice :)
# May 10th 2021, 17:56 kevin.pfeifer i would love to learn quasar and make my own custom express backends but I haven't made the jump yet
# May 10th 2021, 17:56 tyler.adam.lazenby I am forcing myself to evolve enough that I don't leave things behind but learn to integrate the new frontend frameworks with the good backend capabilities of php
# May 10th 2021, 17:55 kevin.pfeifer yea i can get that
# May 10th 2021, 17:55 tyler.adam.lazenby Ummmm not leave it behind. I want to learn react and electron next. But my expertise has been PHP for a really long time.
# May 10th 2021, 17:55 kevin.pfeifer so will you leave cakephp behind and start something new?
# May 10th 2021, 17:54 kevin.pfeifer :)
# May 10th 2021, 17:54 tyler.adam.lazenby you're not wrong
# May 10th 2021, 17:54 kevin.pfeifer if you stand still you lose
# May 10th 2021, 17:53 kevin.pfeifer but they should always evolve and improve over time
# May 10th 2021, 17:53 kevin.pfeifer many things seemed like a good idea in the past
# May 10th 2021, 17:52 tyler.adam.lazenby Colbolt probably seemed like a good idea at the time
# May 10th 2021, 17:52 kevin.pfeifer i have heard of cobolt... but not good things :,)
# May 10th 2021, 17:52 kevin.pfeifer good on you :)
# May 10th 2021, 17:51 tyler.adam.lazenby My first real programming job (all others were freelance) I was thrown about 30 years of legacy code, projects, programs that didn't work, and I was asked I could fix it. Luckly the guy that owns the place is a former old time programmer (think cobolt) and when I flat out said no, he understood
# May 10th 2021, 17:50 kevin.pfeifer so kudos to you :)
# May 10th 2021, 17:49 kevin.pfeifer well then you are definitely an expectional programmer because I have inherited many projects in the past which didn't have any tests, documentation or anything like that
# May 10th 2021, 17:49 tyler.adam.lazenby I want to leave a nice little framework they can plug right into and ensure things are running the way that they should
# May 10th 2021, 17:48 tyler.adam.lazenby Haha, well Ci's are needed because I am planning on leaving the project and company some time in the moderate future. I don't want to leave developers hanging
# May 10th 2021, 17:48 kevin.pfeifer but have tried docker
# May 10th 2021, 17:48 kevin.pfeifer yea i haven't dealt with CI that closely till now ,:)
# May 10th 2021, 17:47 slackebot MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: secret # Run the phpunit tests All: script: - cp app.php - vendor/bin/phpunit```
# May 10th 2021, 17:47 tyler.adam.lazenby ```image: name/ofimage # Cache the vendor folder cache: paths: - vendor/ before_script: # Install composer - curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php # Install all project dependencies - composer install services: - mysql variables: # Configure mysql service (https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/) # We will need to use these in the app.php test datasource MYSQL_DATABASE: test_myapp
# May 10th 2021, 17:46 tyler.adam.lazenby I will be installing composer post image import and vendor non cache in my ci
# May 10th 2021, 17:46 kevin.pfeifer ah i see
# May 10th 2021, 17:46 tyler.adam.lazenby Right, the idea with that isn't to test if the project would run in docker. I am just testing to make sure everything is ready so that composer can run
# May 10th 2021, 17:45 kevin.pfeifer but i could be wrong
# May 10th 2021, 17:45 kevin.pfeifer if you change something later then nothing will happen in the container
# May 10th 2021, 17:45 kevin.pfeifer but i think your COPY inside the image only copys your project once while the image is being created
# May 10th 2021, 17:45 kevin.pfeifer i haven't used docker in a while
# May 10th 2021, 17:45 tyler.adam.lazenby I am currently running the first version to see what happens
# May 10th 2021, 17:44 kevin.pfeifer ```version: "3.8" services: web: container_name: my_web build: context: . dockerfile: docker/web/Dockerfile ports: # 'host:container' - '80:80' volumes: - myapp:/home/node/app```
# May 10th 2021, 17:44 tyler.adam.lazenby i see
# May 10th 2021, 17:44 kevin.pfeifer if you add that to the docker-compose.yml like that