Log message #4262626

# At Username Text
# May 7th 2021, 12:48 neon1024 Ah well
# May 7th 2021, 12:48 neon1024 Works in 3.9 too
# May 7th 2021, 12:47 neon1024 The routes are there in the controller if I dump them
# May 7th 2021, 12:47 neon1024 I was just testing the component
# May 7th 2021, 12:26 ndm Routes will not load themselves in regular tests. Why don't you use integration tests? :worried:
# May 7th 2021, 12:19 neon1024 Here is what the test looks like if anyone has any ideas why the routing wouldn’t work just in this test-case
# May 7th 2021, 12:01 neon1024 The test does build a Request object to inject into the controller which is what made me wonder
# May 7th 2021, 12:00 neon1024 Does the routing rely on the request beyond just mapping to a controller? I have a unit test which throws a missing route, when it works fine in my application
# May 7th 2021, 11:37 slackebot 'node_modules/packery/dist/packery.pkgd.min.js', 'node_modules/select2/dist/js/select2.js', 'node_modules/toastify-js/src/toastify.js', 'node_modules/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.js', ... you custom js modules ... ], base: 'source/js', filename: 'main.js', dest: "./webroot/js"``` And in your templates/layout/default.php you just include the generated main.js `*<?=* $this->Html->script( 'main.js' ) *?>*`
# May 7th 2021, 11:37 kevin.pfeifer so like this ```src: [ // NODE MODULES 'node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', 'node_modules/jquery-ui-dist/jquery-ui.min.js', 'node_modules/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.js', 'node_modules/flatpickr/dist/l10n/de.js ', 'node_modules/datatables.net/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js', 'node_modules/datatables.net-dt/js/dataTables.dataTables.min.js', 'node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js',
# May 7th 2021, 11:33 kevin.pfeifer and let gulp concat and minify them for you inside your desired `webroot/assets/js` or wherever path
# May 7th 2021, 11:33 kevin.pfeifer basically you "just" need to intall each JS library with `npm install my-desired-library` then check inside the node_modules/my-desired-library/ folder which file(s) you actually need inside your application
# May 7th 2021, 11:31 kevin.pfeifer if so checkout https://www.devguide.at/en/node-js/gulp/gulp-example-for-scss-js-and-browsersync/
# May 7th 2021, 11:31 kevin.pfeifer are you familiar with gulp?
# May 7th 2021, 10:57 neon1024 Otherwise you can implement a json template and serve whatever json you want from there
# May 7th 2021, 10:57 neon1024 You might be missing a serialize in your Controller if you’re expecting the controller to return json
# May 7th 2021, 10:44 rightscoreanalysis my request header is *X-Requested-With:* XMLHttpRequest
# May 7th 2021, 10:44 rightscoreanalysis from the book "By default RequestHandler will automatically detect AJAX requests based on the `X-Requested-With` HTTP header"
# May 7th 2021, 10:44 rightscoreanalysis in my routes I havbe: $builder->setExtensions(['json', 'xml', 'ajax']);
# May 7th 2021, 10:43 rightscoreanalysis when I am making an AJAX request Cake is complaining that it can't find the view
# May 7th 2021, 10:27 neon1024 Although I am on a 4.0.10 release of Cake, so perhaps a newer version of Cake would bring a newer version of DebugKit :thinking_face:
# May 7th 2021, 10:26 neon1024 How do I see `getRequest()->getAttribute()` data in Debug Kit? The Request tab doesn’t seem to show the request attributes
# May 7th 2021, 10:05 rightscoreanalysis thx
# May 7th 2021, 10:04 neon1024 @rightscoreanalysis Are you looking for Bulk Update maybe? https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/saving-data.html#bulk-updates
# May 7th 2021, 09:51 rightscoreanalysis if so how can I patch the entity, as it will be patching iteself?
# May 7th 2021, 09:50 rightscoreanalysis is this the right way to go? I want to do a single save rather than per record/row
# May 7th 2021, 09:50 rightscoreanalysis I want to update a field in every record of my table, I am doing a find all, then looping the results and updating the field
# May 7th 2021, 08:33 erwane @kevin.pfeifer do you have a doc about using npm packages in (cake)php project please ?
# May 6th 2021, 20:16 scsmith @admad prefect. thank you.
# May 6th 2021, 20:13 admad @scsmith `$this->getController()->loadModel()` will give you the default model instance.
# May 6th 2021, 19:29 greg138 How was it getting that, and what error do you get when you try it now?
# May 6th 2021, 19:15 scsmith In CakePHP 3.x we had a component that access the controllers primary model through the modelClass. In CakePHP 4.x is there another way to get this information?
# May 6th 2021, 16:08 neon1024 Ah well, it can be tomorrows problem :wave:
# May 6th 2021, 16:06 neon1024 Just some really odd test case issues. Like if you use the `IntergrationTestTrait`, use `configRequest` in your `setUp` and call `enableCsrfToken` then `post()`, you get an error because the cookie isn’t set. When `enableCsrfToken` docblock says it sets the cookie. I suppose it can set it and not send it :thinking_face:
# May 6th 2021, 16:00 neon1024 Thankfully a bit of regex and search and replace have got me most of the way so far
# May 6th 2021, 15:59 neon1024 I sure hope it works! I have gone up to 4.0.10, so have the 4.1 and 4.2 upgrades still on the horizon
# May 6th 2021, 15:55 ndm Could be for the better, trying to get rector to work was a pain everytime I tried it, that thing seems to break like clockwork, at least for me :upside_down_face:
# May 6th 2021, 15:51 neon1024 I had some issues with the upgrade tool crashing for Symfony Console ProgressBar class, so couldn’t get through all the automation :(
# May 6th 2021, 15:51 neon1024 This is probably an edge-case as I am upgrading from Cake 3.9 :)
# May 6th 2021, 15:50 ndm Ah, guess that only happens when the token is wrong...
# May 6th 2021, 15:50 ndm Looking at the source, it doesn't seem that debug tokens are supported... not sure what to make of that. https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/TestSuite/IntegrationTestTrait.php#L652