Log message #4262561

# At Username Text
# May 6th 2021, 14:18 neon1024 Anyone know what this means?
# May 6th 2021, 13:29 admad I am glad we ditched composer/installers :)
# May 6th 2021, 13:22 erwane The problem come from "async" install. composer prepare package list and download/install all at same time. I can't retrive real "installed package" when composer/installers return the path.
# May 6th 2021, 11:59 erwane That's it, the composer Local repository don't return "tmp packages" during installation process. I'm looking another way to bypass this
# May 6th 2021, 10:10 neon1024 Odd there is only a beta muffin/trash release for Cake 4.0
# May 6th 2021, 10:10 neon1024 I’ll target 4.0.10 for now :)
# May 6th 2021, 10:02 neon1024 Hey all, when upgrading from 3.9 to 4.x, what is the best 4.x release to target to get started? Start with 4.0.0? Or can I jump up a few?
# May 6th 2021, 10:02 paolo.bragagni and muffin/oauth2 is for cake3
# May 6th 2021, 10:01 paolo.bragagni CakeDC/users seems too much for me
# May 6th 2021, 10:00 paolo.bragagni I have wrote the script in 'simple' php that can use that IP, but I dont know to port it in 'cake' Authenticator
# May 6th 2021, 09:59 paolo.bragagni trying to build an Oauth2 authenticator for my IdentityProvider but I dont know how to start .. :S
# May 6th 2021, 09:08 admad https://github.com/composer/installers/commit/c839b378a7fe2ad408650841d2f5ec5b83adcf66#diff-18f4ad849c57619af66bd1ab9c0d483666d23368e9d35e6504796647adc4369b Changes like these make my theory more plausible :)
# May 6th 2021, 09:03 erwane that's the better explanation. I will check that this week.
# May 6th 2021, 08:56 admad Maybe the cakephp version check doesn't work as expected initially when `composer.lock` doesn't exist.
# May 6th 2021, 08:55 admad @erwane
# May 6th 2021, 06:35 kevin.pfeifer but sure, why the double install is needed I can’t tell you
# May 6th 2021, 06:34 kevin.pfeifer and you answerd with `moment/moment`
# May 6th 2021, 06:34 slackebot <kevin.pfeifer>
# May 6th 2021, 06:34 kevin.pfeifer well I asked you yesterday
# May 6th 2021, 06:32 slackebot re-download packages in th vendor dir this time. The behavior, if this package is required by a library we need, is "unpredictable". That's my problem ;) The solution ? use npm, you certainly right, and i will, but behavior still there.
# May 6th 2021, 06:32 erwane @admad and @kevin.pfeifer i'm not using an old package with an old dependents. moment/moment is still maintained and switch from robloach/component-installer to oomphinc/composer-installers-extender for servers without npm. The question is about : why first install (without a composer.lock), the `Plugin` dir is well created, `composer/installers` do the job, but packages not recognized. And a second `composer install`
# May 5th 2021, 22:17 me1367 Otherwise, it's a problem for future me
# May 5th 2021, 22:17 me1367 Well, let's hope not caching it won't F over my entire performance :^)
# May 5th 2021, 22:12 ndm That middleware object isn't serializable, so you can't cache it. There's not a lot you can do, other than not binding the middleware in your routes (and for example use a custom middleware that checks the request and applies your other middleware), or not using caching.
# May 5th 2021, 22:06 me1367 Mainly just questions. We tend to do the "general chat" in random
# May 5th 2021, 22:06 virtudavi99 Um is this the best channel for general chat? Or is this just for questions?
# May 5th 2021, 22:03 me1367 FileEngine has the same error... It works if I disable the routing cache but idk if that's a good idea...
# May 5th 2021, 21:49 me1367 Error seems to be while adding it to the `plugin.php`
# May 5th 2021, 21:45 slackebot '/graphql'],function ($routes) { $routes->scope('/', function(RouteBuilder $routes) { $routes->applyMiddleware('bodyParser'); $routes->connect('/', ['plugin' => 'Admiral/GraphQL', 'controller' => 'Graphql', 'action' => 'index', '_name' => 'graphql']); }); $routes->fallbacks(DashedRoute::class); });``` But now I get the error: `Exception: Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed` In the ApcuEngine...
# May 5th 2021, 21:45 me1367 hmm... added this to my `plugin.php`: ```public function routes(RouteBuilder $routes): void { // Add BodyParserMiddleware $routes->registerMiddleware('bodyParser', new BodyParserMiddleware()); // Add routes. // By default will load `config/routes.php` in the plugin. parent::routes($routes); }``` And this to my `routes.php` (of the same plugin): ```Router::plugin('Admiral/GraphQL', ['path' =>
# May 5th 2021, 21:26 me1367 oh, I see a lot more stuff in here that's interesting for later *creepy laughter*
# May 5th 2021, 21:26 me1367 ah
# May 5th 2021, 21:24 ndm body parser middleware
# May 5th 2021, 21:20 me1367 So, it appears I can't get POST data anymore? The following code returns an empty array in Xdebug... ```$this->getRequest()->getData();``` In Insomnia, however, I can see it being a POST request *and* it sending a body just fine...
# May 5th 2021, 20:30 tyler.adam.lazenby As well as create a script that makes the attempt to remove it on success.
# May 5th 2021, 20:29 tyler.adam.lazenby I have thought about handling the upload seperately, but I hadn't thought about the temp storage idea. I could do that. And then to be safe I would just have a queue job make sure that file itself is cleaned out after a while.
# May 5th 2021, 20:17 ndm There's variants of basically one and the same concept, which is to temporarily store the (valid) file using a unique identifier, and then just pass around that identifier, and use it to finalize/publish the upload once the form data has been successfully saved. Handling the upload separately and immediately via AJAX is also pretty popular.
# May 5th 2021, 20:00 slackebot ->first(); $this->set(compact('account', 'users', 'states', 'mailing_type', 'billing_type')); return null; }```
# May 5th 2021, 20:00 slackebot account could not be saved. Please, try again.')); } $users = $this->Accounts->Users->find('list', ['limit' => 200]); $states = $this->Accounts->Addresses->States->find('list'); $mailing_type = $this->Accounts->Addresses->AddressTypes->find() ->where(['name' => 'mailing']) ->first(); $billing_type = $this->Accounts->Addresses->AddressTypes->find() ->where(['name' => 'billing'])
# May 5th 2021, 20:00 slackebot process the file.'); $this->log($e->getMessage()); $this->log($e->getTraceAsString()); } $account = $this->Accounts->patchEntity($account, ['logo' => $result['ObjectURL']]); if ($this->Accounts->save($account)) { $this->Flash->success(__('The account has been saved.')); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); } $this->Flash->error(__('The
# May 5th 2021, 20:00 slackebot $this->Authorization->authorize($account); if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) { $account = $this->Accounts->patchEntity($account, $this->request->getData()); try { $result = $this->AWS->createFile($this->request->getUploadedFile('logo')) ?? ['ObjectURL' => $logo]; } catch (UploadedFileErrorException $e) { $result['ObjectURL'] = $logo; $this->log('Could not