Log message #4262137

# At Username Text
# Apr 29th 2021, 12:11 etibor I tried to point out from the current layout path by this: $this->viewBuilder()->setLayoutPath('./Administrator/layout'); but it does not help it still stay in the same
# Apr 29th 2021, 11:34 etibor i added this to the routes.php: $routes->connect('administrator/support', ['prefix'=>false,'controller' => 'Contacts', 'action' => 'support']); $this->request->prefix does not show the address in the url in my case, if i could get the real prefix(which is in the url bar) i could set the right menu layout
# Apr 29th 2021, 11:03 slackebot by get the prefix but it does not works, its show false it does not matter in the route I would not like to repeat the layouts in the non prefixed layout Do you have any hint?
# Apr 29th 2021, 11:03 etibor i stuggle with an issue, i use prefixed controllers, however i have non prefixed controllers for commonly used functions i use layouts for the menus(each prefix has different layouts) the issue is that when i try to use the common functions its display its default layout i tried to add a new route which contain the prefix and points to the common function(non-prefixed) and tried to set the layout in the commonly used function
# Apr 29th 2021, 10:57 etibor thank you @st.steinkuehler you are great
# Apr 29th 2021, 09:04 steinkel `$this->getController()->viewBuilder()`
# Apr 29th 2021, 09:03 steinkel @etibor navigate to the Controller from inside the Component first, then you'll be able to get the viewBuilder()
# Apr 29th 2021, 07:55 etibor i use a component for functions used common by different controllers for example i have a user profile function in the component, where i try to change the layout(the menu) like this: $this->viewBuilder()->setLayout($this->request->prefix); but o got: Call to undefined method App\Controller\Component\CommonFunctionsComponent::viewBuilder() how can i use the viewbuilder in a Component?
# Apr 29th 2021, 07:52 etibor Hello all
# Apr 28th 2021, 18:57 rightscoreanalysis does anyone know of a Twitter API plugin for recent version of Cake?
# Apr 28th 2021, 15:33 greg138 If it works sometimes, then the configuration is fine.
# Apr 28th 2021, 14:14 admad @erwane there's `DateTimeTimezoneType` https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Database/Type/DateTimeTimezoneType.php. So you can use that for your fields and contact the timezone to your POSTed values in `beforeMarshal()`
# Apr 28th 2021, 13:26 admad Don't have time to look into it now, you can open an issue if you think it's something that can be improved in the core.
# Apr 28th 2021, 13:24 erwane @admad what do you think about my problem ?
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:41 slackebot ?I18nDateTimeInterface { /** @psalm-var class-string<\Cake\I18n\I18nDateTimeInterface> $class */ $class = $this->_className; return $class::parseDateTime($value, $this->_localeMarshalFormat); } ``` Time-zone is not passed to `parseDateTime` and set to UTC by default. Maybe need to add a `localeTimezone` parameter ?```
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:41 slackebot ->useLocaleParser(true) ``` When patching entity with this data, it's passed to `Marshaller` then `DateTimeType` and it build a FrozenTime object with wrong time-zone : ```php object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) id:0 { 'time' => '2021-04-21 08:00:00.000000+00:00' 'timezone' => 'UTC' ``` The problem is in the method `\Cake\Database\Type\DateTimeType::_parseLocalValue()` ```php protected function _parseLocaleValue(string $value):
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:41 erwane ```My website has form with a date-time picker, localized to user language/locale. Time-zone is set globally to `UTC` and date-time are displayed in the correct user time-zone. The field display : `04/21/2021 08:00` for users in West-Coast or `21/04/2021 08:00` in France. In Controller::initialize() i set something like that, for a french user ```php TypeFactory::build('datetime') ->setLocaleFormat('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm')
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:39 erwane i've prepared an issue about that but don't post because there is alternative but i can expose here
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:37 erwane (alternative to my problem) ```if ($news->getError('published')) { $news->setError('published-datepicker', $news->getError('published')); } }```
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:37 admad what timezone issue you have with DateTimeType? In 4.x it allows you to specify the db timezone
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:34 admad value of hidden field is what will be submitted and validated in php
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:34 erwane I can't use "localized" datetime format due to a bug in DateTimeType (timezone is missing) I convert user choice in ISO string in an hidden field.
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:30 erwane but ... flatpickr use an hidden field too, problem is same. Validation should be done on the value of hidden field
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:28 erwane i don't like this answer :) but you certainly right
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:19 kevin.pfeifer then you should use the right datetime picker library ;) I switched to https://flatpickr.js.org/examples/ and it works great
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:15 erwane Is it possible, in cake4, to add validation on hidden field and report error to another "fake" field ? It's a datetime picker who set date in hidden field but i want error displayed under the picker field.
# Apr 28th 2021, 12:11 erwane which cake2 version ?
# Apr 28th 2021, 11:14 k4t only %25 is causing problems
# Apr 28th 2021, 11:14 k4t Hello, in old CakePhP2 project we are facing issue in which when in the url is encoded percentage symbol, for example "/suche/%25" then we got Bad Request error from HTTP server. It does not happen in projects which use CakePHP3. Can someone help me?
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:50 d.lisiecki93 so basically we have same settings, thanks @kevin.pfeifer for help, ill contact with Amazon then :)
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:49 kevin.pfeifer nothing more
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:49 slackebot 'EMAIL_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_URL', null ), ], ],```
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:49 kevin.pfeifer in my cake 4 instance i only need this in my app.php ``` 'EmailTransport' => [ 'default' => [ 'className' => Cake\Mailer\Transport\SmtpTransport::class, 'host' => 'smtpserver-address', 'port' => 587, 'timeout' => 30, 'username' => 'bla', 'password' => 'somesecurepassword', 'client' => null, 'tls' => true, 'url' => env(
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:44 d.lisiecki93 that’s what i also think, but wanted to make sure if my configuration etc is correct or if there is no some sort of known issue ;P
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:44 kevin.pfeifer In my opinion this would be a Amazon SMTP Server issue, not a CakePHP issue ;)
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:43 slackebot recipient / email, im trying to send same email to same recipient for e.g 100 times (with some delays to prevent some sort of spam block) and 5-10 of email are not reaching me. • cakephp version: `3.5.18`
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:43 d.lisiecki93 hi there, im having weird issue with Amazon SES smtp, for some reason, sometimes it randomly throw me exception that the SMTP server did not accept the password, like this: ```2021-04-26 19:00:02 Error: [Cake\Network\Exception\SocketException] SMTP server did not accept the password. in /var/www/source_b/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Mailer/Transport/SmtpTransport.php on line 272``` It happens totally randomly, no matter of
# Apr 28th 2021, 07:12 paolo.bragagni What is a PR (?)
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:40 asyraf.wahianuar thank you :) I'll try. Thanks
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:32 admad Or probably `$user['user_details']['fullname']`
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:30 admad So use `$user = $this->Auth->user()` to get the full record and `$user->user_details->fullname` will have the full name,