Log message #4262102

# At Username Text
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:43 slackebot recipient / email, im trying to send same email to same recipient for e.g 100 times (with some delays to prevent some sort of spam block) and 5-10 of email are not reaching me. • cakephp version: `3.5.18`
# Apr 28th 2021, 08:43 d.lisiecki93 hi there, im having weird issue with Amazon SES smtp, for some reason, sometimes it randomly throw me exception that the SMTP server did not accept the password, like this: ```2021-04-26 19:00:02 Error: [Cake\Network\Exception\SocketException] SMTP server did not accept the password. in /var/www/source_b/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Mailer/Transport/SmtpTransport.php on line 272``` It happens totally randomly, no matter of
# Apr 28th 2021, 07:12 paolo.bragagni What is a PR (?)
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:40 asyraf.wahianuar thank you :) I'll try. Thanks
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:32 admad Or probably `$user['user_details']['fullname']`
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:30 admad So use `$user = $this->Auth->user()` to get the full record and `$user->user_details->fullname` will have the full name,
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:19 asyraf.wahianuar yes, the `findAuth()` is inside the user table. in the auth component: `$this->loadComponent('Auth', ['authenticate' => ['Form' => ['finder' => 'auth',]]]);` already set the finder. When I debug, I can see the user_details table in the session under Auth->User->user_detail.
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:11 admad Is `findAuth()` in your users table? Have you configure the `AuthComponent` to use that custom finder?
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:06 slackebot component. Any suggestion? Thanks
# Apr 28th 2021, 04:06 asyraf.wahianuar hello, I've users and user_details table with is related to each other. When I logged in, I use `$this->set('auth_username',$this->Auth->user('username'));` to print the username. However, the fullname is stored inside the user_details table. I've include `return $query->contain(['UserDetails']);` in the public function findAuth. How can I print / echo the fullname? Currently the app is running in Cakephp 3 using auth
# Apr 28th 2021, 02:40 francisdoydora well I'll just scrap this method then. thanks for the input @richard :)
# Apr 28th 2021, 02:39 francisdoydora I see, I was wondering that too. I've implemented HTTPS force redirect successfully in Apache before but wanted to do it via Cake too as a test.
# Apr 28th 2021, 02:34 richard i’d say so
# Apr 28th 2021, 02:32 francisdoydora @richard is it okay to force HTTPS in apache and leave cakephp as is?
# Apr 28th 2021, 02:31 richard imo
# Apr 28th 2021, 02:30 richard @francisdoydora you’re better off handling this with apache/nginx than application code
# Apr 28th 2021, 01:47 francisdoydora https://cakesf.slack.com/archives/C053DPNGT/p1619491730026600 Good morning everyone, I was hoping you could help me with this.
# Apr 28th 2021, 01:12 dereuromark No, that not. Manual change afterwards. Or you can make a PR to Support this
# Apr 27th 2021, 23:06 slackebot Cake\Filesystem\Folder->pwd()```
# Apr 27th 2021, 23:06 genellern ```Exception: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in [/var/www/itic/src/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Filesystem/Folder.php, line 162] 2021-04-27 23:01:48 Error: [Error] Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in /var/www/itic/src/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Filesystem/Folder.php on line 162 Stack Trace: #0 /var/www/itic/src/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Filesystem/Folder.php(197):
# Apr 27th 2021, 23:06 slackebot /var/www/itic/src/src/,/var/www/itic/src/plugins/Admin/src/,/var/www/itic/src/plugins/Settings/src/,/var/www/itic/src/plugins/Tracking/src/,/var/www/itic/src/plugins/Gps/src/```
# Apr 27th 2021, 23:05 genellern Hi everyone, When extracting the strings for i18n, I'm getting a max recursive level reached. Not sure what changed though, I recently updated the project dependencies, should I create an issue on Github? ```bin/cake i18n extract --extract-core no --overwrite --no-location --output /var/www/itic/src/src/Locale/ --overwrite --merge yes --paths
# Apr 27th 2021, 19:13 kevin.pfeifer just FYI to you all: update composer.... now! https://blog.packagist.com/composer-command-injection-vulnerability/
# Apr 27th 2021, 18:58 kevin.pfeifer dont know why the config is consumed in the first place there but i guess it shouldnt be a problem to not consume it
# Apr 27th 2021, 18:57 kevin.pfeifer Just change the `Configure::consume` to `Configure::read` in your config/bootstrap.php and your can read the config as you expected it fron the start https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/bootstrap.php#L161
# Apr 27th 2021, 18:52 paolo.bragagni It works also in baking?
# Apr 27th 2021, 18:51 glafarge @kevin.pfeifer @greg138 Thank's for the answers. It's been consumed, i understand why it was difficult to retrieve it after bootstrap process. Anyway, is it possible to get it with other methods like `Cache::getConfig()` for example ?
# Apr 27th 2021, 17:46 greg138 If you're trying to read the cache config after the bootstrap process is done, I think it's been `consume`d by then, and no longer present in `Configure`.
# Apr 27th 2021, 17:38 kevin.pfeifer Cache config is set in the bootstrap.php via `Cache::setConfig(Configure::consume('Cache'));` https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/bootstrap.php#L161
# Apr 27th 2021, 17:36 glafarge Hi. I stuck on getting a Cache config path. `Configure::read('Cache')` return nothing, while `Cache::getConfig('myconfig')` return a `['className' => object(DebugKit\Cache\Engine\DebugEngine) {}]` with protected properties... Maybe i missed something... (today was a tuff day).
# Apr 27th 2021, 16:07 rightscoreanalysis I was expecting a table, I was looking for "migrations". This makes total sense now thx
# Apr 27th 2021, 16:06 kevin.pfeifer there is a `phinxlog` table which contains the run migrations
# Apr 27th 2021, 16:04 rightscoreanalysis How does the migrations plugin know which migrations to execute, obviously previous migrations which have already been applied should be run each time migrations are run
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:48 etibor Hello there
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:24 dereuromark It just isnt a global config anymore
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:23 dereuromark It was always there. Inside a table class you can defined a custom table name.
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:19 paolo.bragagni In 4 They have reintroduced it? (In 3 there was not )
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:17 paolo.bragagni Thanks I ll try all of them, but probably i ll build my own helper..
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:07 slackebot specified plugin like the bootstrap helper one.
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:07 ndm > Better, no, it just more "complete" because it support form too As the creator of it, I have to insist on that being a vast understatement :P Generally `icings/menu` generic menu plugin, it isn't limited to BS navbars, it can create all sorts of HTML structures. @paolo.bragagni If you don't need that freedom, and none of the other features that it provides, but just a BS4 navbar, then you're most likely better of with a more
# Apr 27th 2021, 15:04 dereuromark Yes, in the table classes directly.