Log message #4261954

# At Username Text
# Apr 26th 2021, 02:26 slackebot save_or_update maybe? (up to 10k entries in a go.. though..)
# Apr 26th 2021, 02:26 turkles Hi all, I have an app which grabs data from an external API. They recently changed ID format from INT to CHAR and it broke my app a little.. The order of items in the API is not great, and my saving fails when an entry is duplicated. Previously I was using a query on 'id IN' => $api_ids and skipping ones I had already. This doesn't work with chars, is there a better way of dealing with this? Should I just turn on
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:35 kevin.pfeifer thx admad for clearing that up :man-bowing:
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:33 kevin.pfeifer ha, i missed that completely
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:32 admad Casing matters
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:32 admad Which not the same as 'Cake.pdf'.
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:30 kevin.pfeifer to be fair, `$this->viewBuilder()->setClassName('CakePdf.Pdf');` is present in the usage section of https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/CakePdf
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:29 admad Class names configs never take extensions
# Apr 25th 2021, 16:28 admad mogpusse: just read the plugin docs instead of crappy tutorials like that. `setClassName('CakePdf.pdf')` is incorrect
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:18 mogpusse slackebot i have use this tutorail https://codethepixel.com/cakephp/cakephp-4-print-pdf-using-cakepdf
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:16 mogpusse slackebot thks for you help
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:15 kevin.pfeifer sorry but i am out of ideas :man-shrugging:
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:13 mogpusse slackebot i have this file
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:12 kevin.pfeifer do you now have ```vendor/friendsofcake/cakepdf/src/View/PdfView.php```
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:11 mogpusse slackebot i have do this but i have the same error
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:07 Absalom OK
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:03 kevin.pfeifer https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/quickstart.html
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:03 kevin.pfeifer i would recommend you try the quick start guide before
# Apr 25th 2021, 15:03 kevin.pfeifer depends on how fast you can learn ;) But basically if your database structure is build with the cakephp naming conventions in mind then you can generate everything (controllers, models and templates) with just a few commands. See https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/intro/conventions.html and https://book.cakephp.org/2/en/console-and-shells/code-generation-with-bake.html
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:59 Absalom I think it's fine (nubuilder looks like some Windows 3.1 system ;-) What about achieving such an application in some days?
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:55 kevin.pfeifer you of course could install bootstrap (or other theme-plugins) but I have never used them
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:54 kevin.pfeifer absalom: depens on what you define as a "not very old interface" CakePHP per default uses https://milligram.io/ as a base where everything is generated. Looks something like this
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:52 mogpusse slackebot i'll try
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:52 mogpusse okay thanks you
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:51 kevin.pfeifer mogpusse: seems like composer didn't install the plugin correctly. First of all you should update composer to the newest version Then try the following ```rm composer.lock rm -rf vendor composer install --prefer-dist``` this should re-install all composer modules and then try again
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:50 mogpusse slackebot no i have note View.php
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:49 Absalom I tried nuBuilder which does what I want but which provides a very old interface.
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:49 Absalom Could such a project be achieved in two or three days?
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:48 Absalom Hi, I want to build a very simple webapp for my wife who is going to work as a psychologist; she only needs two or three MySQL tables, an authentication form, and a very smooth clickable way of navigating between forms (patients/invoices/etc.). I am a skilled programmer but I never used cakePhp before.
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:47 kevin.pfeifer do you have the file? ```vendor/friendsofcake/cakepdf/src/View/PdfView.php```
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:44 kevin.pfeifer :thinking_face:
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:44 mogpusse yes
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:43 kevin.pfeifer and you installed the plugin via ```composer require friendsofcake/cakepdf``` and loaded it via ```bin/cake plugin load CakePdf```
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:41 mogpusse slackebot YES
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:40 kevin.pfeifer and i guess you set the class in your controller function via ```$this->viewBuilder()->setClassName('CakePdf.Pdf');```
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:38 mogpusse Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/765dcff9494504e28980af2991b8325e/image.png
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:36 mogpusse slackebot i use DomPdf
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:36 mogpusse Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/88ee22baead488ae4640896a8e91e97c/image.png
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:34 kevin.pfeifer can you please elaborate the problem in more detail please? What did you do so the error appears? Where does the error pop up/send a screenshot of the debug kit error message like D-rex did above. What PDF Engine are you trying to use?
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:22 mogpusse i obtain this message CakePdf.pdf could not be found. Can i have help please
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:21 mogpusse hello please i need help i want to use CakePDF with cakephp 4