Log message #4261930

# At Username Text
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:51 kevin.pfeifer mogpusse: seems like composer didn't install the plugin correctly. First of all you should update composer to the newest version Then try the following ```rm composer.lock rm -rf vendor composer install --prefer-dist``` this should re-install all composer modules and then try again
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:50 mogpusse slackebot no i have note View.php
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:49 Absalom I tried nuBuilder which does what I want but which provides a very old interface.
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:49 Absalom Could such a project be achieved in two or three days?
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:48 Absalom Hi, I want to build a very simple webapp for my wife who is going to work as a psychologist; she only needs two or three MySQL tables, an authentication form, and a very smooth clickable way of navigating between forms (patients/invoices/etc.). I am a skilled programmer but I never used cakePhp before.
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:47 kevin.pfeifer do you have the file? ```vendor/friendsofcake/cakepdf/src/View/PdfView.php```
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:44 kevin.pfeifer :thinking_face:
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:44 mogpusse yes
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:43 kevin.pfeifer and you installed the plugin via ```composer require friendsofcake/cakepdf``` and loaded it via ```bin/cake plugin load CakePdf```
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:41 mogpusse slackebot YES
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:40 kevin.pfeifer and i guess you set the class in your controller function via ```$this->viewBuilder()->setClassName('CakePdf.Pdf');```
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:38 mogpusse Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/765dcff9494504e28980af2991b8325e/image.png
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:36 mogpusse slackebot i use DomPdf
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:36 mogpusse Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/88ee22baead488ae4640896a8e91e97c/image.png
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:34 kevin.pfeifer can you please elaborate the problem in more detail please? What did you do so the error appears? Where does the error pop up/send a screenshot of the debug kit error message like D-rex did above. What PDF Engine are you trying to use?
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:22 mogpusse i obtain this message CakePdf.pdf could not be found. Can i have help please
# Apr 25th 2021, 14:21 mogpusse hello please i need help i want to use CakePDF with cakephp 4
# Apr 24th 2021, 21:08 slackebot that should be converted. As a general tip, delete the schema cache (`tmp/cache/models`).
# Apr 24th 2021, 21:08 ndm Follow the stacktrace (use "toggle vendor stack frames" if no additional entries are being shown) on the left to the source of the exception (most likely `IntegerType`), and check what value is actually tried to be converted (use "toggle arguments" on the top right if they're not being displayed), that might give a clue on what could possibly be wrong. Generally it means there's a mismatch between the DB schema type, and the value
# Apr 24th 2021, 21:03 D-rex the error https://i.imgur.com/BKM7QEt.png
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:45 D-rex this is screenshot of my database https://imgur.com/luXm8qo
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:45 D-rex here is a gist of relevant files https://gist.github.com/cercos/4b5d9a2c0d698e4a72ee9523ed5914ff
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:37 D-rex if I remove the [contain => 'ProjectPhotos'] option from the get method in the view action I can view the project
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:35 D-rex I am making a construction website. I have a projects table in the database and a hasmany relations ship to a project_photos table. when I bake the defaults for them and go to view a project I keep getting an error "Cannot convert value of type `string` to integer"
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:31 kevin.pfeifer but thx for the answers :)
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:31 kevin.pfeifer yep, seems like it
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:28 kevin.pfeifer mhmm ok
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:28 kevin.pfeifer I also think one major problem we have here is the fact, that we check for tasks every 3 seconds
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:27 kevin.pfeifer yea the "spawn every 1min" is an approach i am thinking of
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:25 slackebot every 30mins" is a good idea or if there are "better" ways :) Because i guess we run into the problem because 2 workers wait 3 seconds at the same time and try to fetch a task at the same time. So I guess another solution would be to (somehow) force the workers to check for tasks on different time periods, but I don't know how/if its possible.
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:25 kevin.pfeifer well my problem here is, that 1 deploy task can be fetched multiple times if the given reference (my repo/branch name to deploy) is not the same. (because its a generic deploy task for all websites) Only tasks that have the same reference should be stopped to be fetched (which we currently do via a extra request in the deploy task) But i was more curious if the 30min "lifetime" of a worker with the "spawn a new worker
# Apr 24th 2021, 20:13 dereuromark The latest Version contains a costs Option and that can prevent one type of task fetched more than once. So no parallel processing.
# Apr 24th 2021, 19:35 slackebot are creating new worker instances every 30min. I guess there are better approaches to do what we want but I am just curious what your experiences are :)
# Apr 24th 2021, 19:35 slackebot the tasks if the given repo/branch is already deployed right now but still we very rarely run into the same problem. Now my guess is, that we should change how/how often our workers are fetching the tasks from the queue. Currently we allow a maximum of 4 parallel workers to be run where each worker checks every 3 seconds if a task can be fetched. Each worker can live up to 30min before it kills itself when it has nothing to do and we
# Apr 24th 2021, 19:35 kevin.pfeifer I have got a more "general" queue worker question for you all in here :) We are using https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-queue to do several tasks of which one is to deploy repositories onto DEV or LIVE websites. All that is working pretty well but sometimes we run into the problem, that 2 "identical" deploy tasks are fetched at the same time by 2 different worker tasks. We tried to mitigate that by checking inside
# Apr 24th 2021, 18:00 ndm Pretty much, yeah.
# Apr 24th 2021, 17:57 mehov Got it. So to summarise, if I were to stick with the abbreviation, the least problematic way (programming-wise) is to follow convention-over-configuration, and go with "B2c", right? The only complication then would be things looking strange here and there, but I can learn to live with that :)
# Apr 24th 2021, 17:52 slackebot :upside_down_face: Give it a try.
# Apr 24th 2021, 17:52 ndm @mehov Sure, routes can be changed easily with the `path` option, that's easy. Translation domains can be customized too, but it's not as straightforward, you'd have to define the loads for a domain/locale manually: https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/core-libraries/internationalization-and-localization.html#creating-your-own-translators Using all lowercase... actually I'm not sure about the implications, I guess it would work
# Apr 24th 2021, 17:51 kevin.pfeifer what about calling it `BusinessToCustomer` ? ,:)
# Apr 24th 2021, 17:50 mehov And to take this to the opposite direction, can I maybe name my plugin "b2b" or "crm", i.e. all lowercase? That should avoid the translation and URL issue