Log message #4227588

# At Username Text
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:38 val Hi, is is possible to use QueryExpression for 'valueField' with `find('list')` in 3.x?
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:28 arthurb Also dont *debug* things thats not broke :)
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:27 arthurb *lesson learnt* thank you !
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:18 ndm Yup, PHP will abort and kill all database connections, and they will issue rollbacks on all open transactions.
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:16 arthurb @ndm So if I use `exit` in the calling transaction it kills all of it?
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:12 arthurb :egg::face_palm:
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:11 arthurb @ndm It does kill my initial save yes, but thats not the problematic one. But let me try without the exit.
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:09 ndm @arthurb Could it be that you're in a transaction, and the `exit` kills that?
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:02 arthurb Was going to add the field to the access list :)
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:02 arthurb Yeah, I’m also a bit rusty
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:01 neon1024 My first thought was mark the entity property dirty, but that’s Cake 3 :face_palm:
# Feb 18th 2020, 12:01 neon1024 @arthurb I’m a bit too rusty with Cake 2 to give any advice, sorry!
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:47 arthurb There is no emoji for perplexed
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:46 slackebot crud(this works 100%) The shortened version of the two model files: https://gist.github.com/abarkhuysen/0a7a95b02520566d73662e7461373a71 Any suggestions would be great :)
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:46 arthurb Hi there, Using Cakephp 2.10 and I’m trying to save a count to a single field. I’m using ClassRegistry to load the model and then pass arg to my function. The $this->save() returns the data array but nothing is saved to the db. There is also no entries in debug.log or error.log. What I have tried so far: 1. Clear the cache 2. Disable validation 3. Create whitelist 4. Specified the data type of my field (int) 5. Edit the record using
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:36 lilhermit Thanks for your time though
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:35 lilhermit @conehead No luck with that either going to use the id method
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:13 rochasmarcelo By the way there is one pull request in the way
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:11 lilhermit I didn't because I thought that meant it would save the User too. I'll try thanks for your help
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:01 conehead Did you try using 'associated' ?
# Feb 18th 2020, 11:00 conehead @lilhermit Although this here says otherwise: https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-belongsto-associations
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:59 kaliel @challgren https://gist.github.com/kaliel86/d404aecebccadbee9ba84674081bdc12
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:58 conehead When using multiple entities you can set the model directly. I think you cannot do it with a "single entity" like belongsTo
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:57 conehead So "`awarding_user_id` with `$awarding_user->id` " should be the way to go
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:57 lilhermit @conehead was that in reply to me? Because I'm sure i've done it before
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:56 conehead Think I had this discussion here already that I thought it is not that convinient :P Was told that it is convinient that way and you have to do it that way
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:54 lilhermit It works if I assign `awarding_user_id` with `$awarding_user->id`
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:52 lilhermit This is my `belongsTo` ``` $this->belongsTo('AwardingUsers', [ 'className' => 'Users' ]) ->setForeignKey('awarding_user_id') ->setProperty('awarding_user') ->setJoinType('INNER');```
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:50 slackebot ], '[dirty]' => [ 'points' => true, 'reason' => true, 'awarding_user' => true ], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[hasErrors]' => false, '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Points' }```
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:50 slackebot => 33, 'reason' => 'because', 'awarding_user' => $awarding_user ]); ``` The resulting entity is ```object(App\Model\Entity\Point) { 'points' => (int) 33, 'reason' => 'because', 'awarding_user' => null, '[new]' => true, '[accessible]' => [ 'points' => true, 'reason' => true, 'awarding_user_id' => true, 'created_at' => true, 'updated_at' => true, 'awarding_user' => true
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:50 lilhermit Hi I have a `PointsTable` which is belongsTo `Users` (twice) the points tables as an awarding_user_id field and if I insert manually into the table and find with contains it pulls in the awarding_user. However when I create a newEntity with User assigned to `awarding_user` property it doesn't nest the `awarding_user` nor set the `awarding_user_id` ``` $points = $this->Points->newEntity([ 'points'
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:45 martin `Cake\Utility\Hash::*sort*` does not understand sorting on datetime? I do `Hash::sort($users, '{n}.orders.{n}.created', 'asc');` but it is in a strange order :P
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:26 ndm Should be pretty easy, just query the recommendations on `recommendationgroup_id` (or whatever you've named the foreign key) with the selected IDs from the frontend
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:18 FunkadelicRelic Obvs just recommendation 1 and 2 but at least I know it is now working! Just need to figure out getting the array of ID's now instead of hard coding.
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:18 FunkadelicRelic }
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:18 FunkadelicRelic $data['recommendations']['_ids'] = [1,2];
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:18 FunkadelicRelic {
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:18 FunkadelicRelic public function beforeMarshal(\Cake\Event\Event $event, \ArrayObject $data, \ArrayObject $options)
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:18 FunkadelicRelic Thanks @ndm - this works:
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:14 challgren Thanks! I haven't gotten around to implementing my work around but yours would be good to see to see if I'm headed down the right path
# Feb 18th 2020, 10:13 kaliel sure