Log message #4227314

# At Username Text
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:22 flashios09 sorry i don’t know anything about Laravel, i haven’t used any other php framework
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:21 dan874 but looking at it, this is what seems to be causing the issue with my session now as for some reason on a particular route with a particular set of data its blowing it up.
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:21 dan874 sorry its a laravel term. basically if i have a model called user and in the route i have a `userId` then what ive done is in a middleware swap that user id out with the user so in the controller i can typehint the user entity
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:20 flashios09 @dan874 what do you mean by *route model binding* ?
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:19 flashios09 change `posts` with your table name
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:19 flashios09 ```SELECT Posts.id AS `Posts__id`, 1 AS `my_filter`, DATE(modified) AS `modified_date` FROM posts Posts```
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:18 dan874 has anyone ever tried to setup route model binding in cakephp?
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:17 flashios09 try to execute the query manually (copy/paste it)
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:15 flashios09 @shifat.it both works for me
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:08 shifat.it Following code works ``` ->select([ 'id', 'my_filter' => 1, 'modified_date' => 'DATE(modified)', ])``` But following doesn't works ``` ->select([ 'id', 'my_filter' =>"1", 'modified_date' => 'DATE(modified)', ])``` why? latter one shows column doesnt exist
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:07 flashios09 where can i ask about FriendsOfCake/crud-json-api ?
# Feb 17th 2020, 16:06 flashios09 hi
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:58 admad @dan874 if you are using default file based session make sure you haven't run out disk space
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:54 dan874 it gets all the way to read from the session storage for `Auth.User` and blows up
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:54 dan874 its just odd as this has literally just started to happen when it was stable for about a month and a half
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:53 dan874 so its trying to read for the logged in user using the AuthComponent.
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:52 k4t check your logs first, you can have more detailes info there
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:51 dan874 just trying to figure out i there is something going on in a before filter that might be causing it
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:50 k4t what do you have in cakephp logs?
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:47 dan874 has anyone ever come across an issue where a simple redirect would cause a session to stop working? for some reason im not getting `Error: [RuntimeException] Could not start the session` when hitting the new page after the redirect and im then logged out.
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:43 willem with a table setup like so. how would i get the full history in a cake query?
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:42 slackebot who fill give me ready solution and do whole work for me. Looking for advices/hints. Thank you!
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:42 k4t can you recommend some kind of tutorial/articles/examples in which I can read about good practices for implementing data filtering? You know, in my project I have 3 dropdowns: dates, products, products type. Date and Product Type filters should add/remove query string parameter from url. Products filter contains normal links to each product but it should keep query string filters from Dates and Products Type filters. I am not looking for someone
# Feb 17th 2020, 15:38 k4t Hello
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:52 dereuromark Also the respective docs then per use case.
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:52 dereuromark Did you read the above articles in detail? That should answer this very question.
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:50 md.islam11 can i call a function of table in select() ?
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:49 md.islam11 Any way to get in select-()
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:49 dereuromark It works if you call this on the entity, has nothing to do with queries and select() though
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:48 md.islam11 ```protected $_virtual = [ 'type_string' ];``` ```public function _getTypeString() { return "test"; }``` I did this in my entity and its not working
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:43 dereuromark funny enough exactly a year distance between em^^
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:42 dereuromark read the docs, or https://www.dereuromark.de/2019/02/05/virtual-entity-fields-in-cakephp/ + https://www.dereuromark.de/2020/02/06/virtual-query-fields-in-cakephp/
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:42 md.islam11 how to achieve this?
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:42 md.islam11 can you please help me with an example.
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:41 dereuromark thats not an entity virtual field
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:41 md.islam11 ```->select(['id','tp','type'])```
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:40 md.islam11 when i try to select 'tp' in Cakephp orm. it shows column not in field list.
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:40 dereuromark How are you accessing it?
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:40 md.islam11 ```protected function _getTp() { return 'TP'; }```
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:39 md.islam11 mutator is not working
# Feb 17th 2020, 13:39 md.islam11 Hello