Log message #4227229

# At Username Text
# Feb 17th 2020, 06:46 alexdd55976 morning
# Feb 17th 2020, 05:58 itamer Hi @markstory - they've got a moodle website that needs to validate against my Cake site. It's more complex than that, but essentially they've said they want LDAP or AzureAD. It'd be much easier if they could just make a REST/API style request.
# Feb 17th 2020, 03:03 markstory oauth2 is another approach that can be differently complex to get going. Knowing more about how the clients need to access the users you have will help in deciding whether or not ldap is a good protocol.
# Feb 17th 2020, 03:01 markstory @itamer Are the other clients desktop/web or mixed clients?
# Feb 17th 2020, 01:11 itamer I've got a cake3 site that another site wants to use to authenticate it's users. It's been suggested that LDAP would be good. Has anyone added a layer over their cake database to allow it to be an LDAP server?
# Feb 16th 2020, 21:58 challgren @cake_baker yes
# Feb 16th 2020, 21:44 cake_baker Is cake 1.3 considered ancient?
# Feb 16th 2020, 19:02 wizardfix I thought perhaps so. :)
# Feb 16th 2020, 19:01 ndm No, the `belongsTo` is enough is all you want is read/save the user via result
# Feb 16th 2020, 19:00 wizardfix Btw do I actually need both ways associations to make it work?
# Feb 16th 2020, 18:59 ndm you're welcome
# Feb 16th 2020, 18:58 wizardfix Brilliant, it works! :,) Thanks a mil' @ndm
# Feb 16th 2020, 18:57 ndm `added_by` is the foreign key column, not the property name. Unless configured otherwise, the property name for an association is by default the lowercased, underscored variation association alias, either singular (belongsTo/hasOne) or plural (hasMany/belongsToMany), ie `$result->user->name`
# Feb 16th 2020, 18:52 slackebot [APP/Template/Results/index.ctp, line 55]` Can someone see what I'm missing please? :thinking_face:
# Feb 16th 2020, 18:52 slackebot ->setJoinType('INNER');``` and `UsersTable`: ```$this->hasMany('Results', [ 'foreignKey' => 'added_by', ]);``` and included this in my `ResultsController`'s `index()` method: `$this->paginate = ['contain' => ['Users']];` What happens is that I get an error from referring to ``$result->added_by->name`.` If I omit `->name` it works fine but just shows the id. `Notice (8): Trying to get property 'name' of non-object
# Feb 16th 2020, 18:52 wizardfix Hi - Using 3.8... :) I have a `Results` table and a `Users` table. Results have an `added_by` field which is a foreign key referencing Users table. I am trying to set up an association so that I can show the user name in the Results table, not just the user id, so `<td><?= h($result->added_by->name) ?></td>.` I've set up associations in the `ResultsTable`: ```$this->belongsTo('Users') ->setForeignKey('added_by')
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:20 ricksaccous oh ok then
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:19 flashios09 i know how to do it with cake(just force the response content type to `application/json` )
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:18 ricksaccous this is more for cake in general
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:18 ricksaccous oh sorry i don't know about the crud plugin
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:18 ricksaccous I think
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:18 ricksaccous you'd set dataType to json
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:18 flashios09 @ricksaccous how ? what is the hook that i have to use ? beforeFilter ? beforeRender ?
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:18 ricksaccous if you are using jquery.ajax
# Feb 16th 2020, 17:17 ricksaccous @flashios09 yes, just pass the headers in the request and cake will treat it as json
# Feb 16th 2020, 15:49 flashios09 will output: ```{ "success": true, "data": {...} }```
# Feb 16th 2020, 15:48 flashios09 i mean something like this `http://cakeapi.test/posts/1`
# Feb 16th 2020, 15:47 flashios09 is it possible to display the json on the browser without using the `.json` extension ?
# Feb 16th 2020, 15:46 flashios09 i’m trying the friendsofcake/crud plugin
# Feb 16th 2020, 15:46 flashios09 hi
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:48 narendravaghela anyone has faced this issue?
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:48 narendravaghela CakePHP 4 - It runs the action twice
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:44 admad https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/search/releases/tag/6.0.0-beta
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:06 damiano i do not know, admad you are following this plugin, can it be used?
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:05 damiano the first do not have ver. 4 branch
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:05 damiano pardon i said cakedc/search but it is friendofcake/search, my wrong
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:05 damiano i really do not know if it can be used with cake4
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:05 damiano Search provides a simple interface to create paginate-able filters for your >>> CakePHP 3.x <<< application.
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:04 damiano @admad https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/search/tree/cake-4.x
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:03 damiano admad i do not know :) i just found the 4.x branch
# Feb 16th 2020, 13:02 admad If it was considered stable there would be a stable release