Log message #4227180

# At Username Text
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:57 hippo BodyParserMiddleware was actually included but I put the auth before it, so auth was failing but is was working in other places :thinking_face:
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:56 hippo New project on 4 :)
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:51 admad He could be using < 3.6 though :P
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:50 admad Yup I noticed but better to avoid a suggestion which will need changing when upgrading :)
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:49 ndm Yeah, but `$this->request->data()` looked kinda 3ish :)
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:48 admad @ndm BodyParserMiddleware is the only option in 4
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:41 hippo Middleware is perfect, thanks @ndm!
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:40 hippo Ahh perfect, I knew there has to be something.
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:37 ndm @hippo Built in solutions would be the body parser middleware (https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers/middleware.html#body-parser-middleware) or the request handler component (https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers/components/request-handling.html)
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:32 hippo Does anyone know if there is a way to make JSON data accessible in `$this->request->data()`
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:31 hippo @makubex.tt ```<button type="button" data-id="<?= $movie->id ?>" class="btn-favourite">Favourite</button> jQuery(function ($) { $('.btn-favourite').on('click', function () { $.post('/movies/favourite', { id: $(this).data('id') }).success(function () { alert('success'); }); }); });```
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:27 makubex.tt Thank you.
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:27 makubex.tt Is there a way to pass the value to the controller with JavaScript without using the form submit? For example, there is a favorite button in the movie list, and I want to save the value to the DB by clicking
# Feb 15th 2020, 16:27 makubex.tt Hi everyone
# Feb 15th 2020, 15:55 rudy1976s I am configuring CakeDC Users plugin with ADmad I18n plugin and I am not able to set a login redirect with correct language parameter: anyone here is using Users plugin ?
# Feb 15th 2020, 15:54 rudy1976s Good afternoon to everyone !
# Feb 15th 2020, 13:03 sebastian.krzewinski. Hi
# Feb 15th 2020, 10:58 damiano thanks @ndm
# Feb 15th 2020, 10:44 slackebot Also the authentication component supports accessing the identity data directly via its `getIdentityData()` method (`$this->Authentication->getIdentityData('field')`).
# Feb 15th 2020, 10:44 ndm @damiano The identity is usually an object, an instance of `\Authentication\Identity`. What you are looking at, is probably the formatted debug output, which doesn't reflect the objects interface. The object has a `get()` method for data access (`$identity->get('field')`), it supports property access (`$identity->field`), array access (`$identity['field']`), and using its `getOriginalData()` method you can retrieve all identity data at once.
# Feb 15th 2020, 10:20 damiano is there a way to get the data only without config?
# Feb 15th 2020, 10:20 damiano using the authentication plugin i get the identity with $this->Authentication->getIdentity() but it returns an array with 'config' and 'data' <-- user data here
# Feb 15th 2020, 10:19 damiano hello everybody
# Feb 15th 2020, 05:59 admad wow, GH turned the notifications page into an almost full fledged inbox
# Feb 15th 2020, 04:14 admad @sebastian.krzewinski. if you like to see new releases for everything regularly move to the javascript world :)
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:43 sebastian.krzewinski. yhyyyym
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:28 challgren A lot of plugins dont need to update if they are stable
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:28 challgren You do realize cake 3 is pretty stable
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:28 sebastian.krzewinski. plugins
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:28 sebastian.krzewinski. links
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:27 challgren What is old?
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:27 sebastian.krzewinski. its old
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:26 challgren What?
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:20 sebastian.krzewinski. everything have 3 5 years
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:15 challgren Look for the strawberry
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:15 sebastian.krzewinski. a lot of links are not compatibile to cakephp4
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:12 challgren What???
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:11 sebastian.krzewinski. 3/4 i not for cake 4
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:10 challgren https://github.com/friendsofcake/awesome-cakephp
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:10 sebastian.krzewinski. do you have more usefull links?
# Feb 15th 2020, 01:08 challgren Yes its a plugin