Log message #4227060

# At Username Text
# Feb 14th 2020, 12:27 lorenzo ?
# Feb 14th 2020, 12:25 val @lorenzo?
# Feb 14th 2020, 12:24 neon1024 I haven’t tried converting pdf to image though. Not sure what library might do that job :)
# Feb 14th 2020, 12:24 neon1024 @storkovo Yeah, that should work :)
# Feb 14th 2020, 12:23 storkovo @neon1024 Hello! I am looking at your Proffer plugin (version for cake 3.x at the moment) - I will need to upload and store pdf files and transform them to image (for preview and other things) - am I right with my assumption that custom “transformClass” is desired way and solution for that, please?
# Feb 14th 2020, 12:22 val Hi, we use `{$__cakeID__$}` in 'conditions' in associations in 2.x. What is the proper way to migrate that to 3.x?
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:45 lpj145 The first filter can't nothing, second try, I can't understand what my consurmer talking ? The problem is not me...
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:43 lpj145 Try add two filter for same filder with different filter type :$
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:43 lpj145 And express is based on concept functional programing
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:42 lpj145 Is a era of typed information, devs, meetups, organization, some people talking about stop use arrays, stop turn code with a breach's
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:40 dereuromark Interesting
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:40 lpj145 @dereuromark yes
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:40 lpj145 Express plugin ia based a group information about api query consulting
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:40 dereuromark You think Search plugin is not easy to use?
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:38 lpj145 Symfony and laravel have a similar concept, and express plugin try to help dev by powerful api softwares
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:35 lpj145 @dereuromark because approachable, broke changes, the existing plugin increase all of new or veterans devs needs to know about cake things, and turn more difficult for devs migrate from other fws, because have a new curve of learning.
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:25 revillosakristianpaol its actually overkill hahaha, but its already on prod so i have no choice hehe :,)
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:24 christianjohn.gss shouldnt that be a little overkill? hehe. did u normalize the table?
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:21 revillosakristianpaol unfortunately yes, its 40 :disappointed_relieved: or more on our table (we have no other choice but to find a solution)
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:20 revillosakristianpaol tested using 40, 45 columns table no response
# Feb 14th 2020, 09:18 revillosakristianpaol i think yes, i also tested it t o other tables with such column size. but when using fewer, it works
# Feb 14th 2020, 08:59 christianjohn.gss table contains 40 or more columns? :O
# Feb 14th 2020, 08:55 dereuromark are you sure its about size and not about the content? some invalid char or alike?
# Feb 14th 2020, 08:52 revillosakristianpaol hi im facing errors regarding serializing entities; when my table contains 40 or more columns, serialize returns nothing (json_encode also returns nothing) i hope someone can enlighten me
# Feb 14th 2020, 08:42 christianjohn.gss morning
# Feb 14th 2020, 08:07 damiano morning friends
# Feb 14th 2020, 07:55 javier.villanueva morning all
# Feb 14th 2020, 07:20 dereuromark @lpj145 Why didnt u contribute to the existing plugin? Whats the main difference of yours?
# Feb 14th 2020, 06:35 alexdd55976 morning
# Feb 14th 2020, 04:05 admad Make a PR and you will get feedback
# Feb 14th 2020, 03:27 lpj145 please, tell me if Readme are wrong, i try to be clear and objective as possible.
# Feb 14th 2020, 03:26 lpj145 @admad is possible add to awesome plugins ?
# Feb 14th 2020, 03:25 lpj145 i tested with a new project 4.x its works very well with php 7.4.
# Feb 14th 2020, 03:25 lpj145 @ndm maked for cakephp > 3.2
# Feb 14th 2020, 03:24 lpj145 https://github.com/lpj145/express-request
# Feb 13th 2020, 22:13 sebastian.krzewinski. i solve it
# Feb 13th 2020, 22:13 sebastian.krzewinski. nevermind
# Feb 13th 2020, 22:13 sebastian.krzewinski. 4
# Feb 13th 2020, 21:47 ricksaccous you are using cakephp3 right?
# Feb 13th 2020, 21:46 ricksaccous it only takes 2 parameters
# Feb 13th 2020, 21:46 ricksaccous @sebastian.krzewinski. https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/views/helpers/form.html#creating-form-controls