Log message #4226415

# At Username Text
# Feb 12th 2020, 10:06 damiano is this kind of cookie create automatically?
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:59 dereuromark https://github.com/cakephp/migrations/issues/424 was open for like a month without being touched. I now fixed it as my sandbox4 otherwise wont properly deploy. Just wondering where all the people are ;) in terms of cake4 dev and getting things stabilized.
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:48 dereuromark is no one using cake4 (and migrations) yet? :)
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:37 kaliel ok i found that i have to set `escapeTitle` instead of `escape` to false, the doc is not clear about that :S
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:31 damiano guys i have added `$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Cookie');` on Application.php inside `getAuthenticationService()` method then i also have added remember_me checkbox in the login form, when i try the code i am able to login but i do not see any cookie, does it not create a cookie?
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:31 admad @spriz you can start a discussion on the new WIP queue plugin repo if you want tobe able to queue events
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:29 kaliel Before to submit an issue i'd like to know if someone got this working : `echo $this->Form->button('span>Save</span>', ['escape' => false]);` In my cake 4.0.3 project, the html is still printed.
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:26 javier.villanueva morning all
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:26 damiano morning everybody
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:20 kaliel Hello everyone, does experienced issue on cake 4.x FormHelper::button() with escape set to false ?
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:18 md.islam11 can you tell me how to solve this error
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:18 md.islam11 I saw a github pr with this problem.
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:17 k4t anybody know what is going on?
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:17 md.islam11 hasMany relationship data save problem . Error : "message": "ExistsIn rule for 'iexpense_request_id' is invalid. 'Requests' is not associated with 'Iexpense\\Model\\Table\\RequestItemsTable'.",
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:17 slackebot failed using an ssh key for authentication, enter your GitHub credentials to access private repos Head to https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repoanddescription=Composer+on+xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxe1+2020-02-12+1011 to retrieve a token. It will be stored in "/root/.composer/auth.json" for future use by Composer. Token (hidden):
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:17 k4t cake dependency "digitalnature/php-ref": "dev-master", started causing roblems today. composer install/update is throwing following error now: - Updating digitalnature/php-ref dev-master (da0d2c0 => 2381f04): Checking out 2381f04d7e The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Cloning
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:17 md.islam11 Hello
# Feb 12th 2020, 09:12 k4t hi
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:43 spriz Even though it hurts a bit to say it out loud - this actually makes somewhat sense to me :) https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/events - being able to tie together queueing and events :)
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:41 spriz @admad Yeah that makes sense when I use my own events anyway! It started off as `$this->getTableLocator()->get('Claims')->getEventManager()->on(new ClaimsListener());` and I used `Model.afterSave` but that just crash and burn in case someone attaches that listener to another table class :) :)
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:39 admad @spriz `$this->getEventManager()->on(new ClaimsListener());` use `implementedEvents()` in `ClaimsListener()` to specify what events it's interested in
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:35 ishan It's returning blank string(`''`). Solution suggested by @admad is working as expected.
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:29 spriz I seem to be able to use events much better in library code/plugins rather than in my app-code - maybe it's just me? :shrug:
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:29 slackebot $this->getEventManager()->on('Model.Claim.created', new ClaimsListener());```
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:29 spriz I like the simplicity and testability of just asserting if the event was fired though - but I end up with lots of this: ```$this->getEventManager()->on('Model.ClaimAction.created', new ClaimActionsListener()); $this->getEventManager()->on('Model.ClaimAction.updated', new ClaimActionsListener()); //Would have made more sense to me: //$this->getEventManager()->on('Model.ClaimAction.*', new ClaimActionsListener());
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:26 spriz I am split between firing off methods in my models' `afterSave()` functions rather than actually using events and actually building events
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:25 spriz Does anyone have some oss examples of events usage that is not related to controller/view/models? :P I mean where you are defining custom events and using those to decouple things without just adding uneccessary complexity? :)
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:23 admad @ishan `(string)$response->getBody()`
# Feb 12th 2020, 08:06 jotpe Hi, folks!
# Feb 12th 2020, 07:58 spriz or even better - if you are using an IDE go to the definition of the Diactoros stream and see what that class can do for you :)
# Feb 12th 2020, 07:58 spriz @ishan Try ->getBody()->getContents()
# Feb 12th 2020, 07:24 ishan How can I get html response as a string in cakephp >= 3.5? I want same output as `$response->body()` but since it's deprecated what is the best alternative? I've tried using `$response->getBody()` but it is returning object of `\Zend\Diactoros\Stream` instead of string.
# Feb 12th 2020, 07:13 ishan Hello, Good morning
# Feb 12th 2020, 07:02 alexdd55976 morning
# Feb 12th 2020, 05:10 md.islam11 it always returning something: {     "success": true,     "data": {         "id": 24     } }
# Feb 12th 2020, 05:10 md.islam11 How to make custom return type of " ```return $this->Crud->execute();``` "
# Feb 12th 2020, 05:08 md.islam11 Hello
# Feb 11th 2020, 20:24 thomas078 still works..ok
# Feb 11th 2020, 20:15 thomas078 cake 3.8.9 isAuthorized($user) should it still work??
# Feb 11th 2020, 19:43 np @phantomwatson OK, the problem is with the scrutinizer. Thanks.
# Feb 11th 2020, 19:31 np We have upgrade app from cakephp3 to 4, config it’s same, now error comme https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ tool. I try now in different way