Log message #4222874

# At Username Text
# Jan 17th 2020, 08:11 javier.villanueva not works
# Jan 17th 2020, 08:10 d.lisiecki93 @javier.villanueva try `->limit(9999)` on query object
# Jan 17th 2020, 08:09 javier.villanueva One question.... I have a table with 1300 records. When I find by default, I get 100 rows... :thinking_face: How to can I change this limit? (to unlimited)
# Jan 17th 2020, 07:32 neon1024 Then the Flash->success() would use success.ctp
# Jan 17th 2020, 07:31 neon1024 Should be in the Elements/Flash folder
# Jan 17th 2020, 07:30 alexdd55976 fellows, i struggle with modifying the flash message. the elements in templates seems like they are not beeing used. do not really know where to make changes
# Jan 17th 2020, 07:22 neon1024 A very merry Friday to all
# Jan 17th 2020, 07:18 javier.villanueva morning all
# Jan 17th 2020, 06:58 d.lisiecki93 @admad oh sorry
# Jan 17th 2020, 06:47 alexdd55976 morning
# Jan 17th 2020, 06:42 admad don't use threads
# Jan 17th 2020, 06:41 d.lisiecki93 thank You
# Jan 17th 2020, 06:36 admad it's secure only if you use form `order('field' => $userInput)`
# Jan 17th 2020, 06:33 d.lisiecki93 hello fellas, is it secure to pass user input without any escaping to `->order` method on table object? something like this: ```$userInput = $this->request->getQuery('order'); $this->Model->find('all')->order($userInput);```
# Jan 16th 2020, 23:14 challgren Myself personally I just use the php functions directly]
# Jan 16th 2020, 23:13 challgren Well I can say in 4.x they are deprecated and set to be removed in 5.x
# Jan 16th 2020, 23:06 wizardfix I'm trying to use framework functions as documented here: https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/core-libraries/file-folder.html
# Jan 16th 2020, 23:01 challgren Ohh sorry, https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-put-contents.php?
# Jan 16th 2020, 23:00 wizardfix @challgren I'm on 3.8...not looking for a plugin,, just want to write text to a file! :)
# Jan 16th 2020, 22:57 challgren I think only https://github.com/josbeir/cakephp-filesystem supports 4.x
# Jan 16th 2020, 22:57 challgren @wizardfix check https://github.com/friendsofcake/awesome-cakephp for ones with :strawberry:
# Jan 16th 2020, 22:03 wizardfix *Problem creating and writing to file* This is probably something simple I'm missing. I'm just trying to create a file and write a line of text to it. ```$path = WWW_ROOT . 'files/test_results_ex.csv'; $file = new File($path, true, 0755); $file->write('#ID,Number,Country,Start time,Connect time,End time,Score,URL'); $file->close();```
# Jan 16th 2020, 21:26 ricksaccous is there a fileuploader plugin out there for cakephp4?
# Jan 16th 2020, 20:02 ndm @noel JSON column types are handles by the JSON database types, which encodes/decodes the data accordingly when reading/writing from/to the database. https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/3.8.8/src/Database/Type/JsonType.php
# Jan 16th 2020, 19:15 noel Actually that's not going to help me.. the value is already incorrectly stored within the entity's `_properties`. So I think the problem is at the point where the query is executed and the entity's properties are hydrated.
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:54 noel Or should I create my own datatype instead?
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:51 slackebot How can I affect this? I want to somehow intercept or overwrite the getter?
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:51 noel So.. the problem I'm having actually seems to be with the entity's getters. The property I'm interested in was defined in the migration as a `json` data type. The value stored in the database is `{"AO":{}}` but the entity defines the property as an array (i.e. `@property array`) and the getter returns the value as `["AO" => []]` as a PHP array structure. Presumably it is performing a `json_decode` in the getter due to the data type of the field.
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:41 jimbo2150 Hm, I don't see much difference with the dependencies with that package. I prefer not to try to revert back to dev for packages as 4 continues shifting over to stable packages. It is not affecting anything major, just wondering if anyone else was seeing that issue. Thanks @challgren
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:41 noel Wish I'd found this comment about 2 days ago: `// JSON API as generated by NeoMerx. When things look off, start debugging here`
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:28 challgren But if I switch it back to ^4.0 it does the upgrade and then downgrade
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:27 challgren But I am using a dev debugkit version
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:27 challgren @jimbo2150 doesn’t happen on my project today
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:21 jimbo2150 Happened again, upgrading then downgrading again with Composer with default CakePHP 4 setup. Still not sure what is going on...
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:20 noel I think the problem I'm having is to with the Entity. So my viewVar contains an entity. If I do a get on the property I want from the entity it is returning an incorrect value. It's confusing because as I understand it crud-json-api is supposed to get it's data from the BodyParserMiddleware... but I don't think it's doing that. I think instead it is getting it from the entity.
# Jan 16th 2020, 18:19 challgren Ughh I have to learn lararel I fought tooth and nail to use CakePHP
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:40 challgren We are already slaves to the machines!
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:36 ndm That's how the machines will take over
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:35 ndm Yeah, initially the traits were kinda cumbersome at times when digging through the code, luckily PhpStorm got better at it, so that it now also knows where a trait is being used, and basically inherits the inheritors for code completion and stuff, and so I don't really complain about it...
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:28 admad We unfortunately drank a bit too much of the "composition over inheritance" coolaid when traits were new in PHP
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:28 ndm I mean, the aliasing itself is pretty easy to understand, but that it can affect other use statements is really funky