Log message #4222838

# At Username Text
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:40 challgren We are already slaves to the machines!
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:36 ndm That's how the machines will take over
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:35 ndm Yeah, initially the traits were kinda cumbersome at times when digging through the code, luckily PhpStorm got better at it, so that it now also knows where a trait is being used, and basically inherits the inheritors for code completion and stuff, and so I don't really complain about it...
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:28 admad We unfortunately drank a bit too much of the "composition over inheritance" coolaid when traits were new in PHP
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:28 ndm I mean, the aliasing itself is pretty easy to understand, but that it can affect other use statements is really funky
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:26 admad @ndm i do know theoretically about trait method aliasing. In practice it does create for "fun" code reading as you found out :)
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:22 noel I'm getting this error during xdebug session – but it's not being reported anywhere else (like logs etc.) `Aura\Intl\Exception: Package 'debug_kit' with locale 'en_US' is not registered.` Any ideas what it's about?
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:06 ndm You just have to love PHP :upside_down_face:
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:00 shoe I just saw that same thing the other day, and yes, it was news to me.
# Jan 16th 2020, 17:00 neon1024 I’ve seen it before in other Cake files, but never investigated it
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:58 ndm And by minute I mean I dumbfoundedly digged through the code for 20 minutes, not knowing what the hell is going on
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:56 ndm Ok, honestly, who here knew that separate `use` statements for traits seem to handled the same as using a single `use` statement and a comma separated list of traits, therefore allowing to alias methods of traits in other `use` statements? https://github.com/cakephp/migrations/blob/2.4.1/src/Command/Migrate.php#L24-L26 That really threw me off for a minute, as `execute` is a method of `CommandTrait`.
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:55 alexmax I use VSCode + PHP Intelliphense now, and it works great, but when I was having the worst of the issues I think I was either using no linter or `php -l` which doesn't catch those issues.
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:50 dereuromark you dont use en IDE? then this doesnt happen usually :)
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:47 alexmax `Exception` vs `\Exception` is the worst.
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:47 alexmax if I had a dollar for every time I've been caught out by catching a non-existant class because of namespace treachery...
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:45 shoe @ndm NAMESPACES!!! ha! I apparently didn’t add the proper namespace for the ForbiddenException when I tried that earlier. You’re right that does work now. Thank you!
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:38 ndm It will work, as the authorization middleware wraps all following middlewares in a `try...catch`, and catch all exceptions. The redirect handler would need to be configured accordingly to catch `\Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException` exceptions, as by default it only handles `\Authorization\Exception\MissingIdentityException`. All non configured exceptions will be rethrown.
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:34 shoe https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/2/en/request-authorization-middleware.html
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:34 shoe But that won’t work when using the request authorization middleware, will it?
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:33 ndm By default it uses the exception handler, which will just rethrow the catched exception
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:32 ndm That is handled through the authorization middleware https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/2/en/middleware.html#handling-unauthorized-requests
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:28 slackebot the Request Authorization, but I’m probably missing something really obvious :)
# Jan 16th 2020, 16:28 shoe When using the Authorization plugin, and specifically using the Request Authorization Middleware is it possible to redirect the user if the user is unauthorized, rather than throwing the ForbiddenException error?The regular Authorization Middleware has an “unauthorizedHandler” which can be used to redirect, but I’m basically using a roles based authentication limiting access to various controllers / actions and see no similar option for
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:39 rudy1976s @neon1024 nice idea I will try test and see what happens !
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:38 neon1024 Easier to read :point_right: https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.ORM.Table.html#_save
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:37 neon1024 Not much in the docs though :thinking_face: https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/table-objects.html#aftersave
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:36 neon1024 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/ORM/Table.php#L1744-L1747
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:36 neon1024 At least, that’s what I’d try first time
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:35 neon1024 So quite possible you could do `$this->Examples->save($entity, ['doCron' => false])`
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:35 neon1024 ```Model.afterSave: Will be triggered after a successful insert or save, * listeners will receive the entity and the options array as arguments.```
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:35 neon1024 From the docblock
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:34 neon1024 Sounds like you need to pass the ‘actor’ through with the save options, so your afterSave can know if it needs to process or not
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:32 rudy1976s @neon1024 I have some action performed every time a post model save on afterSave. Then have a scheduled cron routine which save the post entity but in that case i don't want the aftersave event to be trigged
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:29 neon1024 @rudy1976s Don’t you just return false or use `$event->stopPropagation()` ? https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/core-libraries/events.html#stopping-events
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:21 rudy1976s good afternoon! is there a way to stop the propagation of the afterSave event of a modelClass ?
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:20 neon1024 https://semver.mwl.be/#!?package=slevomat%2Fcoding-standardandversion=%5E5.0andminimum-stability=stable#%3Fpackage=cakephp%2Fcakephpandversion=%5E3.5.0andminimum-stability=stable
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:20 neon1024 the slevomat/coding-standard seems to be on 6.0.8 latest, and the sniffer requires ^5.0
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:19 neon1024 Few merges for it, that I can find :) https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp-codesniffer/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93andq=slevomat
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:19 dereuromark Deps might be declared wrong on the sniffer
# Jan 16th 2020, 15:18 neon1024 I wasn’t on Cake 4 though, so used 3.3.0