Log message #4217208

# At Username Text
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:15 noel Yes it does, of course... but the question is what precisely has it to do with them :slightly_smiling_face:
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:15 josbeir => https://jsonapi.org/format/#document-resource-object-related-resource-links
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:15 josbeir i'm guessing it has to do with related content links in json:api
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:13 noel @josbeir Thanks. I have read the spec, however that string `_jsonApiBelongsToLinks` does not appear in the spec. In the CRUD implementation it splits the logic based on that setting but it's not clear why nor what it's doing – the code has no related comments and nor do the docs.
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:05 sohnyrin That was it, headers problem gone :)
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:00 sohnyrin ok thanks, the warning must be the problem then
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:00 sohnyrin ohhh
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:00 ricksaccous generally whenever i get the headers have already been sent message that means there is an error on that action/ a deprecation warning of some sort/etc
# Dec 3rd 2019, 16:00 sohnyrin Yes my entity is called "Evaluations" my method is "Analysis" and I call /Evaluations/Analysis in the url
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:59 ricksaccous @sohnyrin are you putting this in a controller action?
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:57 sohnyrin Hi ! :slightly_smiling_face: I'm using a php script that calls php-curl on my cake app but I get a warning that headers have already been sent. I put "die;'" as first line in my method so the header is sent somewhere else before?
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:54 josbeir @noel read up on json:api spec
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:45 noel Any CRUD masters here? :slightly_smiling_face: What does this config setting do? `_jsonApiBelongsToLinks`
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:44 ndm Pre new HTTP stack I was storing the global listeners in the config, and then apply them manually on test setup. But `Application::bootstrap()` should work, gave it a quick test and it works as expected, it's run for each test and will register events on the fresh event manager.
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:34 birdy247 doesnt work :(
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:34 birdy247 actually
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:33 ndm By default it's included via `require_once` , ie only once, so subsequent tests won't run it again.
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:31 birdy247 because we already incluce bootstrap.php at the top of this
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:31 birdy247 weird
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:29 birdy247 I moved them in there and it works :slightly_smiling_face:
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:28 ndm or maybe I'm mixing things up, I'd have to look how I did it in some of my apps
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:27 ndm If you're on the "new" HTTP stack, then moving registering events into `Application::bootstrap()` should work I think.
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:25 birdy247 Can we do anything for this test?
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:25 birdy247 right
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:25 ndm The global event manager is being reset on every test run to avoid events stacking up / bleeding into other tets
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:23 birdy247 In a controller (integration) test
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:23 birdy247 however, when we run a test, it is never called
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:22 birdy247 The Model.Initalize is hit fine
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:20 birdy247 EventManager::instance()->on('Model.initialize', function (Event $event) { //TODO - attach the tenant scope for all ArticlesManager tables if ($event->getSubject()->getRegistryAlias() == "ArticlesManager.Articles") { }
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:19 birdy247 We have attached an event listener in our bootstrap.php file
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:19 birdy247 Hi
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:12 ndm @ckjksl The result set that point 2 refers to is basically the result set from point 3 and 4. After results have been retrieved, being it from cache, or from the database, that result set will be assigned to a property of the query instance, and will be returned for all subsequent requests to fetch results for that query instance (until it's being marked dirty). https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/3.8.6/src/Datasource/QueryTrait.php#L298
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:07 gianmarxgagliardi thanks
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:06 gianmarxgagliardi @neon1024 wroooooooooooooooooooo
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:06 gianmarxgagliardi @neon1024 I solved -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59141547/cakephp-displays-the-id-display-table-name-from-two-different-tables-with-relati/59142515#59142515
# Dec 3rd 2019, 15:02 ckjksl haha, that's true. Does that mean in step 2., the query is able to ask for a "results set" without executing the query (as in step 4.)?
# Dec 3rd 2019, 14:57 phpnut jacquelove1969
# Dec 3rd 2019, 14:54 neon1024 Otherwise your next query might work, but the cache would return no results ;)
# Dec 3rd 2019, 14:53 neon1024 No point caching empty results right?
# Dec 3rd 2019, 14:45 ckjksl I'm not sure which "results set" no. 2 is referring to
# Dec 3rd 2019, 14:45 ckjksl 3. The cache key will be resolved and cache data will be read. If the cache data is not empty, those results will be returned. 4. If the cache misses, the query will be executed and a new ResultSet will be created. This ResultSet will be written to the cache and returned.