Log message #4209087

# At Username Text
# Oct 15th 2019, 17:02 dev.cyrusjayson we dont have login on our website. we want to put basic login then open it
# Oct 15th 2019, 17:02 challgren https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/tutorials-and-examples/cms/authentication.html would be a good start for you.
# Oct 15th 2019, 17:00 challgren What exactly are you trying to protect?
# Oct 15th 2019, 17:00 dev.cyrusjayson what is the correct way of implementing it via cake?
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:59 dev.cyrusjayson I tried to do that in www folder didnt work
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:59 challgren cpanel likes to mung files
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:59 dev.cyrusjayson ah
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:58 challgren You’re going to run into conflicts with cake’s .htaccess and cpanels .htaccess
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:58 dev.cyrusjayson okay I will check the link
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:58 dev.cyrusjayson so prefer to do it
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:58 dev.cyrusjayson yeah but we don't have time for development
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:58 challgren https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/cpanel/cpanel-security-features/password-protect-directories
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:57 challgren Honestly you’d be better implementing it via CakePHP
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:57 dev.cyrusjayson one more question, with cpanel/whm how can I put username and password protection in the directory?
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:55 dev.cyrusjayson thanks mate :: @challgren :man_dancing:
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:55 dev.cyrusjayson hey it works!!!!
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:54 challgren https://blog.cpanel.com/removal-of-php-5-6-and-php-7-0-in-easyapache-profiles/
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:53 challgren As its EOL
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:53 challgren I dont even think you can install 5.6 anymore
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:53 challgren Why use 5.6 its dead
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:53 challgren Did you reboot apache/php-fpm
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:52 dev.cyrusjayson I install it, samed error :(
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:52 dev.cyrusjayson I am using 5.6
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:48 slackebot1 <challgren>
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:47 challgren @dev.cyrusjayson you’ll need root access and then go into EasyApache 4 and choose PHP Extensions and then php-xx-php-zip
# Oct 15th 2019, 16:36 dev.cyrusjayson I tried to update the fix like installing it. I am using cpanel, still getting the same error Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in
# Oct 15th 2019, 15:10 scuadra I just figured out that there is also getColumnType() which should do the job
# Oct 15th 2019, 15:09 scuadra thank you
# Oct 15th 2019, 15:06 neon1024 `$table->getSchema()->getColumn()`
# Oct 15th 2019, 15:06 neon1024 Check the table schema
# Oct 15th 2019, 15:03 scuadra How can I view the type of table field in Cake 3.x
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:25 daniel.upshaw That looks like exactly the way, that @ndm just showed
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:24 daniel.upshaw At the moment the project I have open is Cake 3.5, `getTable()` may be old
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:24 daniel.upshaw Ah nice!
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:24 ndm ``` $table = \Cake\ORM\TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get($entity->getSource()); $properties = []; foreach ($table->associations() as $association) { $properties[] = $association->getProperty(); } ```
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:24 daniel.upshaw @val Maybe try `dd(get_class_methods($entity))`
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:14 davorminchorov @neon1024 I am accessing it by example.com/path/to/action.json
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:14 val I wish Entity would have `getAssociationProperties` method
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:13 val Maybe it would be possible to get a list of entity properties that represent columns vs associations from an instance of entity?
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:08 val @daniel.upshaw `getTable()` is not defined in entity
# Oct 15th 2019, 14:06 daniel.upshaw Good luck!!