Log message #4204051

# At Username Text
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:29 adam282 You would need to make it a link within the view
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:29 adam282 SQL queries do not return links unless that’s what is in the database table column.
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:29 Fastidius basically the first field it returns is a string but i want it to be a link....i have the same thing on another page its just a UI inconsitency but i cant locate the bits in controlers
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:28 adam282 Ah, so in this case `paginate` is executing the query
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:28 Fastidius thats the index i want to change
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:28 Fastidius https://pastebin.com/9qPZ9Pwf
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:27 adam282 Sure
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:27 Fastidius preffered snippit place? pastebin?
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:26 adam282 Possibly…
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:26 Fastidius would a code snippet help identify?
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:26 adam282 Generally, there would be a `find` statement in the function that builds the view. They might have used queryBuilder as well or even wrote the queries manually.
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:25 adam282 Depends on how the built the queries.
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:25 Fastidius Inherited a cakephp project and I am figuring it all out mostly but i seem to be missing a fundamental if someone can explain or point me at what im missing. Mysql select allows me to put in what fields etc so i can tailor my view to what i want to see....to do this in cake is actually done where?
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:23 slackebot <adam282>
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:22 admad define "does not work"
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:17 adam282 Hm, so this does not work in `3.8`? ``` <?php echo $this->Time->format($user->created, 'M jS, Y g:iA'); ?> ```
# Sep 19th 2019, 05:10 javier.villanueva morning all
# Sep 19th 2019, 02:24 itmpls n/m, probably `SqlServer` -> `Sqlserver`
# Sep 19th 2019, 02:23 itmpls oh
# Sep 19th 2019, 02:23 itmpls anyone know why `Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\SqlServer could not be found` is thrown even though the class clearly exists? Also, sqlsrv is installed and is in_array of `PDO::getAvailableDrivers()` but enabled doesn't get called bc it doesn't reach the class
# Sep 18th 2019, 22:10 noel Nvm.. it must be late.. my eyes deceive me.
# Sep 18th 2019, 22:05 daniel.upshaw Thank you for your input and help :slightly_smiling_face:
# Sep 18th 2019, 22:04 noel The GET seems to work if I use an Accept header of `application/json` instead of the recommended `application/vnd.api+json` (which doesn't work, I get HTML back instead of json).
# Sep 18th 2019, 22:01 noel I'm trying to get CrudJsonApi working. I can get data using a request URL ending in .json. E.g. `http://crud-test:8888/cocktails/1.json`, however it also says that I should be able to make that request without the `.json` if using the correct headers but I can't seem to get that to work. Also it says that specific validation errors will be shown but it's telling me there are validation errors without specifics. Any clues?
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:47 daniel.upshaw I think it must not use fallbacks at all, for this case
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:46 daniel.upshaw Yeah, it seems like I'll just need to be specific with the routes, instead of leveraging fallbacks
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:46 dereuromark then instead of fallback set a custom route for /login inside. and you have your URL
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:45 daniel.upshaw Lol that does load, if I use `['path' => '/auth']`
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:45 daniel.upshaw `/auth/auth/login`
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:44 daniel.upshaw I think that's going to be the only way, to scope it to a path
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:44 daniel.upshaw Hmm, I'll check.. yeah maybe the idea will be to just rename my controllers and stuff
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:44 dereuromark what if you use /auth as path, and then set /login inside it etc?
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:42 daniel.upshaw I like to see `/auth/login` if possible
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:42 daniel.upshaw Yeah same
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:42 dereuromark but that doesnt sound like a good idea to me.
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:42 dereuromark ah, or maybe you indeed overwrite root
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:42 daniel.upshaw Hmmm
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:42 dereuromark the plugins root, including /auth
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:41 daniel.upshaw That's saying from the root, to use DashedRoutes as a fallback, right? But in the main app, since that fallbacks to DashedRoutes as well.... it never checks the plugin's fallback route
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:40 daniel.upshaw Even if I have ```Router::plugin( 'Auth', ['path' => '/'], function (RouteBuilder $routes) { $routes->fallbacks(DashedRoute::class); } );```
# Sep 18th 2019, 21:40 daniel.upshaw `plugins/Auth/src/Controller/AuthController.php` ... and a `login()` method.... it won't see `/auth/login`