Log message #4203942

# At Username Text
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:16 luiz69 one moment please. I don't see where debug appears ...
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:13 luiz69 moment
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:13 ricksaccous in beforeSave before you run the first line of code do debug($entity); exit; and gist the result
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:12 ricksaccous or are you sure it's hitting that code?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:11 ricksaccous or are you sure it's hitting that code?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:11 ricksaccous is entity coming up as null?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:10 luiz69 ultimo_ip field is not saving in the db? -> yes, yes
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:10 luiz69 The purpose of the example is just to put a date in a field. This will already teach me how to do other things in the future. But he does not record anything in the field. (mysql)
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:10 ricksaccous what error are you getting?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:09 ricksaccous so what exactly is the problem? ultimo_ip field is not saving in the db?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:08 luiz69 it is ?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:08 luiz69 https://gist.github.com/LuizMarin/201c420bf26844b7dfd4994b465f7db0
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:07 luiz69 thanks cakebot. I have never been here. Patience please.
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:06 luiz69 "<ricksaccous> you would do that directly on the entity"
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:05 royalty !gist
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:05 royalty luiz69, please use a gist
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:05 luiz69 public function beforeSave($event, $entity, $options)
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:03 royalty luiz69, show your code
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:02 ricksaccous wait why are you having trouble with that beforeSave?
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:02 ricksaccous hmmmm
# Sep 18th 2019, 18:02 ricksaccous you would do that directly on the entity
# Sep 18th 2019, 17:59 luiz69 Good afternoon, I'm learning cakephp3.8.4. I can't use beforesave to set an automatic default value before saving.
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:37 ron.rattie language Richard..... lol
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:35 ricksaccous yeah, wowzers
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:34 neon1024 Ah well, enough brain for one day :slightly_smiling_face:
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:33 neon1024 Interesting the list Tamil, as I think that’s Sri Lankas language
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:33 neon1024 African nations might have a few too I’d guess
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:32 neon1024 ..languages for India that is
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:32 neon1024 Wikipedia lists 12! :O
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:32 ricksaccous I'd imagine making a website that caters to that audience would take more translation work
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 ricksaccous I have no idea what else, I think India has a lot of different languages/dialects
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 neon1024 Better to think of languages I suppose :thinking_face:
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 neon1024 Well I was thinking traditional and simplified, as per Google Translate
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 ricksaccous oh
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 neon1024 Probably simplified Chinese too
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 ricksaccous does China have more dialects?
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:31 neon1024 I presume Chinese would just cater for Mandarin and Cantonese
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:30 neon1024 My brain is asking if countries with multiple languages or dialects like India or China would run multiple translations in the same site for each dialect
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:29 neon1024 Saying I’m in the minority, on reflection, probably not. As my locale is `en_GB` rather than `en_US`
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:28 neon1024 With Brexit, we’ll have to make a fork and remove the translations :P
# Sep 18th 2019, 15:28 neon1024 Yeah, I figured as much