Log message #4203235

# At Username Text
# Sep 16th 2019, 08:00 guillaumep Not sure if I get your table relations right but you should try this : ```<?php $deliveries = $this->find()->contain(['Actors', 'Deliveries.Emails'])->where(['Users.loggable_object_id' => $loggable_object_id])->first(); debug($deliveries); ?>```
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:44 COOurb ok, found out that it's impossible
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:40 COOurb I have belongsTo relation and want to make it also allow NULL
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:39 COOurb Hello
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:37 peppejaripappalardo someone can help me? i have this ORM Query: `$deliveries = $this->find()->contain(['Actors' => ['Deliveries' => ['Emails']]])->where(['Users.loggable_object_id' => $loggable_object_id])->first()->actor->deliveries;` I need to get Deliveries and Emails withDeleted record, but when i put the find(‘all’, [‘withDeleted’] i am able to get only deliveries or emails, but not both, some hint?
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:35 peppejaripappalardo Good morning Guys
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:26 jotpe Morning!
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:19 challgren Night night all!
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:15 alexdd55976 youu too
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:15 alexdd55976 thank you coni
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:15 challgren Morning
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:15 conehead Wish you a pleasent good morning Alex!
# Sep 16th 2019, 07:09 alexdd55976 morning gents
# Sep 15th 2019, 17:14 jeff.black @ra7bi Have you checked the plugin doc? https://github.com/cakephp/elastic-search
# Sep 15th 2019, 16:54 ra7bi @ndm do the elastic-search plugin will automatically create index ? or i must do that ,
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:48 valerij.bancer nice catch. Thank you
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:42 ndm Not sure, I think they should be compatible, but who knows. However you don't seem to be using the PHPUnit installation that composer pulls in, but a different one from a phar package. Try `vendor/bin/phpunit` instead of just `phpunit`.
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:34 valerij.bancer https://travis-ci.org/cakemanager/cakephp-utils/jobs/585228903 cakephp 3.8.4, phpunit 5.7.27 - are they not compatible?
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:32 ndm Some kind of incompatible PHPUnit version / test suite compatibility workarounds...
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:30 valerij.bancer Any idea of `PHP Warning: Cannot redeclare class PHPUnit\Framework\Test in /home/travis/build/cakemanager/cakephp-utils/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/tests/phpunit_aliases.php on line 9` error?
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:29 valerij.bancer Hi, is there anybody here today?
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:22 ra7bi Sure thanks
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:22 ndm Check your Application class / bootstrap.
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:21 ndm That error indicates that the `Elastic` factory locator hasn't been registered, which indicates that the plugin isn't being loaded (correctly).
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:14 ra7bi ``` $this->loadmodel('Example', 'Elastic'); ``` will throw error ```Unknowen repository type Elastic make sure you register a type before trying to use it . ```
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:13 ra7bi @ndm i meant , i've two datasource 1- Mysql which is default , 2- ElasticSearch i want whenever i insert data into mysql it should go also to elastic this is what i want to end up with , but the error seems related to elastic server configuration im just double checking
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:10 ndm I don't know what exactly you mean by "_inserting at the same time_", but this is both isn't directly related to the error that you're receiving. AFAIU there doesn't _need_ to be anything more in those classes, ie that's the minimum configuration.
# Sep 15th 2019, 15:03 ra7bi @ndm i need to understand for example what should be on this class ``` class ArticlesType extends Type ``` also ```class Article extends Document``` my endpoint is to insert into mysql and elasticSearch at same time
# Sep 15th 2019, 14:58 ndm @ra7bi What kind of example are you looking for? I'm not familiar with the plugin, but being able to use the `Elastic` provider shouldn't require anything other than loading the plugin, which registers the `Elastic` factory at bootstrapping time.
# Sep 15th 2019, 14:34 ra7bi i do , but they dont have example
# Sep 15th 2019, 14:32 jeff.black Double check the doc. https://book.cakephp.org/elasticsearch/2.x/en/
# Sep 15th 2019, 13:57 ra7bi dont know what should i do
# Sep 15th 2019, 13:57 ra7bi im getting error ``` Unknowen repository type Elastic make sure you register a type before trying to use it . ```
# Sep 15th 2019, 13:56 ra7bi hey , anyone using ElasticSearch plugin ?
# Sep 15th 2019, 06:29 COOurb because when I call index of it's model I get error and Table 'project.people' doesn't exist
# Sep 15th 2019, 06:28 COOurb hey, cakephp, is word "Organizations" is key-word?
# Sep 15th 2019, 06:28 COOurb haha, very funny.
# Sep 14th 2019, 21:01 brandon Figured it out. The path to migrations is 'config/migrations' on Windows but on *nix, it is 'config/Migrations' which doesn't exist
# Sep 14th 2019, 20:45 brandon The database communication appears to be ok as it creates the phinxlog table.
# Sep 14th 2019, 20:37 brandon Hi all. I am having issues with migration plugin. I created 2 migrations (create table and seed) which works perfectly on my PC but when I commit to repo and pull down and try to run the migrate command, it acts as if there are no files in config/migrations when both are there. The status command doesn't list any migrations. Any ideas?
# Sep 14th 2019, 17:57 peppejaripappalardo with the new authentication component, how i can get user identity anywhere?