Log message #4203115

# At Username Text
# Sep 13th 2019, 16:15 ruano84 Hi guys
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:35 admad welcome
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:33 felipe.marinho Nice, thank you :pray:
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:29 admad https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/memory-storage-engine.html
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:29 admad *storage engine
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:28 admad also if possible use 'MEMORY' engine for the temp table
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:27 felipe.marinho Awesome... a temp table and an action to match those 2 tables... I'll try this too... Thank you @admad
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:26 admad *if your
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:26 admad then do whatever processing you need
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:25 admad if you table columns don't directly match csv columns then first dump the csv in a temp table with matching columns
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:24 felipe.marinho the problem is to match the fields from the CSV and the table columns...
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:23 admad you should just upload file and use a shell / command to do the importing in background
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:23 admad ideally importing 500,000 lines of csv should be even done in a web request.
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:22 felipe.marinho Yes, his approach was to use the input type="hidden"... I'll try to upload the CSV, match the fields, and after use the uploaded CSV.
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:22 admad sorry but i am not going to bother reading that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:21 felipe.marinho I adapted this tutorial: https://quickadminpanel.com/blog/how-to-import-csv-in-laravel-and-choose-matching-fields/
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:20 admad if not possible then query builder to do multi insert
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:20 admad next don't use ORM methods to insert. if server allows Best would be to `LOAD DATA INFILE` syntax to directly make mysql use the csv file to insert rows
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:18 admad also make sure post_max_size and max_file_size are set to large enough values in php.ini to allow large file uploads
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:18 admad using hidden input to pass csv data sounds like a very brittle approach. use a file input to upload
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:17 ckjksl Locally will be faster, but are you trying to save 500,000 entities all at once?
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:15 slackebot approach is the best option for now... locally it will be faster.
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:15 felipe.marinho I'm using MYSQL 5.5, I read about update the mysql version, I'll try to install the MariaDB updated and test it... and maybe latter try to create all this entities using an uploaded csv... I tried to use the file inside the TMP folder, but after it uploads and use it inside the action the server delete the file... I saved the tmp file path in the input type="hidden" i created first, but the file was deleted :( I think the upload
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:11 ckjksl Maybe instead of trying to create them all at once, you can stagger it so it saves 100 (or whatever number you want) at a time? 1000 seconds isn't very long
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:07 felipe.marinho @ckjksl The PHP Timeout in the php.ini is max_execution_time=1000, and it crashes instantaneously, not even a single second lol... Yes, I'm using saveMany to save all those data...
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:02 slackebot => $this->toIso8601String(), 'timezone' => $this->getTimezone()->getName(), 'fixedNowTime' => static::hasTestNow() ? static::getTestNow()->toIso8601String() : false ]; ``` seems to trigger it.
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:02 sdevore I realize I asked this yesterday afternoon but any thoughts on how to find where xdebug is crashing in __debugInfo() after updating from 3.6 to 3.7, I updated chronos to 1.2.8 since that seemed to mention some issues with __debugInfo() the line in my code that seems to trigger it is $enrolled_course->set(‘course’, $overlap); and stepping though it is almost seems that something in DateFormat::__debugInfo(); ``` return [ 'ti
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:02 ckjksl Is it because of PHP timeout?
# Sep 13th 2019, 14:00 felipe.marinho Locally, using the WAMP the page loads for 2 minutes, but create the 500.000 entities.... but in the production the page crash (ERR_CONNECTION_RESET on chrome) when I start the processing...
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:56 ckjksl Would it be easier to save the file and read the lines you need rather than passing it through `type="hidden"`?
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:55 ckjksl @felipe.marinho Are you sure the 500,000 line CSV uploaded successfully?
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:27 info315 I will track it, looks like this is the best practice
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:15 dereuromark if you dont leverage it, you can also exclude for now :slightly_smiling_face:
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:11 info315 Ok
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:08 dereuromark usually people track it for project level.
# Sep 13th 2019, 13:00 info315 Should the file `Migrations/schema-dump-default.lock` be excluded from git or better get tracked?
# Sep 13th 2019, 12:59 felipe.marinho hey guys... I created an CSV uploader action, but I'm passing the CSV data to from 1 page to another using an input type="hidden". I tested with 30 lines, 100 lines, and it was OK BUT now the client is testing with a 500.000 lines CSV, and it's not working. What is another approach to pass this content and not screw up with the user's browser?
# Sep 13th 2019, 11:12 spriz Ah wait, it actually does in `PhpConfig`
# Sep 13th 2019, 11:11 spriz I guess the Configure::load does not fail even though there is no file? Or no?
# Sep 13th 2019, 10:57 lilhermit Thanks anyway guys
# Sep 13th 2019, 10:57 lilhermit maybe, I just like to keep my build/deployment as simple as possible