Log message #4202984

# At Username Text
# Sep 13th 2019, 05:40 challgren @javier.villanueva I think findAll(Query $query)
# Sep 13th 2019, 05:36 javier.villanueva can I set a default finder for an entity? I know that I can set default finder for their associations...
# Sep 13th 2019, 05:30 javier.villanueva morning all
# Sep 13th 2019, 05:11 conehead Hm I am trying to switch to the Auth middleware. When loading the `Authorization` plugin I can define `skipAuthorization`. Am I only able to set this per action, but not per controller? In case I have some methods with the same name but some should be authorized and some should not
# Sep 13th 2019, 05:09 conehead Good morning guys!
# Sep 13th 2019, 01:43 D-rex I have google authenticator to false so I dont know why its checking
# Sep 13th 2019, 01:43 D-rex Installed cakedc Users plugin and now im getting error "Invalid config for 'GoogleAuthenticator.checker', '' does not implement 'CakeDC\Users\Auth\TwoFactorAuthenticationCheckerInterface'
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:41 sdevore sounds like the start of a new book based on good night moon…
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:41 challgren Night night plugin! :P
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:41 challgren Lol!
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:41 dereuromark The plugin says good night - and goes into 503.
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:26 challgren I think he might even be a plugin :P
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:26 challgren He has a plugin for everything
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:26 sdevore of course he does
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:26 challgren I think dereuromark has a upgrade tool for 3.6 to 3.7
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:25 sdevore yea I’ve been doing that in this clients stuff as well, it is work that gets no glory but is so rewarding for me
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:24 challgren Its actually @narendravaghela I just updated it a bunch, was tired of the deprecation warnings
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:24 sdevore your mailgun plugin’s requirement for 3.7 is what sent me into this rabbit hole in the first place ;)
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:23 challgren Hehe yep, I’m _everywhere_
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:23 sdevore Oh that is you ;) until this came up I was hoping to play with a PR this weekend. But needless to say my productivity has fallen in the tank
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:22 challgren And FYI I did get your issue on cakephp-mailgun, I’ll probably have time to work on it end of this month
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:21 sdevore yea, I’ve also turned on `xdebug.auto_trace=1` to see where it dies as well
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:19 challgren I’d litter the controller with die’s to figure out where its crapping out
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:18 sdevore @challgren ditto… very frustrating when your crutch (xDebug) is blowing up
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:12 challgren I have cakephp/chronos 1.2.8
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:11 sdevore yea, I am seeing some notes in the cakephp/chronos about the __debuginfo() crashing xDebug, so I have tried to force that update to the version that seems to of addressed that, but still getting them. So I guess it could be another class that is causing that issue, it is just strange to me that these two issues popped up in the switch from 3.6 to 3.7
# Sep 12th 2019, 23:06 challgren Not sure then honestly
# Sep 12th 2019, 22:57 challgren Ohh ok
# Sep 12th 2019, 22:57 sdevore looking in composer.lock I am running ` "version": "3.20.2"` (composer.php has “cakephp/debug_kit”: “~3.0",)
# Sep 12th 2019, 22:54 challgren Did you upgrade debugkit?
# Sep 12th 2019, 22:49 slackebot problem with __debuginfo() when viewing in phpstorm is making it hard for me to track down. Any one have any ideas on how to track these issues down?
# Sep 12th 2019, 22:49 sdevore I just upgraded a client project from 3.6.x to 3.7.x and I am seeing a lot of places where I am getting errors for nesting more then 256 levels that I was not seeing before (I think it is the generation of the Variables DebugKit panel. Was there a change to the way things are marshalled or hashed that is causing this? I don’t get a stack trace reported so I can figure out where it is blowing up. This combined with xDebug seeming to throw
# Sep 12th 2019, 20:29 challgren I wish this could be a bit more descriptive.
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:48 this.impetus lolol I'm saving this to review on a day when I have 30+ minutes to be curious, but thanks
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:48 jh is cakephp 3.5 running on php 7.3 without issues? where can I read about it or find out?
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:44 jh https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-dandq=declarative+shadow+dom ... missing feature
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:43 jh one of the best things happening to css for a long time
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:43 jh no joke.
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:43 jh read this for more happyness: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2143
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:43 jh (and you could group concat within SQL to fetch nested data in one query say json encoded... and then unfold the returned data struct of addresses in your application... more complex, little gain)
# Sep 12th 2019, 16:42 jh (in theory in sql you can do all in one query but then you get duplications for the primary query... aka 10 user rows with the same user data for 10 different addresses of the same user)