Log message #4199790

# At Username Text
# Aug 24th 2019, 23:04 kazuna Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/cd51364bb0d07c7f97cf556f8101a32d/pasted.txt
# Aug 24th 2019, 23:04 kazuna The .htaccess in my application folder:
# Aug 24th 2019, 23:03 kazuna This is my site-enabled .conf
# Aug 24th 2019, 23:03 kazuna Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/ebebba3d24ef8464b212e64128ab7344/image.png
# Aug 24th 2019, 20:35 admad kazuna: make sure URL rewriting is working properly and that you have .htaccess file in your webroot folder
# Aug 24th 2019, 18:54 kazuna apache2
# Aug 24th 2019, 17:42 admad kazuna: what webserver are you using?
# Aug 24th 2019, 17:24 kazuna http://kazunanakama.hinterlandroad.org works just fine
# Aug 24th 2019, 17:24 kazuna where do I look to fix?
# Aug 24th 2019, 17:24 kazuna and when I go to http://kazunanakama.hinterlandroad.org/articles it says not found
# Aug 24th 2019, 17:24 kazuna I did a cake bake all Articles
# Aug 24th 2019, 17:24 kazuna I just installed cakephp
# Aug 23rd 2019, 18:59 challgren https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/internationalization-and-localization.html
# Aug 23rd 2019, 16:57 mogpusse how can transalte
# Aug 23rd 2019, 16:54 mogpusse I need help I want to internationalize my Cakephp app. I generate the .po file but that does not translate
# Aug 23rd 2019, 16:52 mogpusse Hello
# Aug 23rd 2019, 16:16 admad @davorminchorov unless you really want the mail to travel through the interwebs, you can use something like mailhog on local network
# Aug 23rd 2019, 16:14 admad We should fix that in 3.next
# Aug 23rd 2019, 16:06 dereuromark I would say, yes
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:43 rchavik it should by default escape the title, isn't it?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:36 dereuromark might be historically
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:35 rchavik BreadcrumbsHelper::add() does not auto escape?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:05 davorminchorov I am mainly setting this up for mailtrap for local testing because the rate limit is 3 emails per second, I think it would be fine for other SMTP providers like gmail etc.
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:03 ricksaccous i dunno, but yeah it's possible
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:03 ricksaccous or you could also just add taht metadata in and check against it to say worker hold on a bit
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:02 ricksaccous oh cool then yeah you should be able to mess with the workers and worker timings to set the rates
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:02 dereuromark if it fails it would just resend. But yeah, you could build in a bit of rate limiting.
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:02 davorminchorov Yeah, I am currently using cakephp-queue by dereuromark, I'll see the config if it does have any rate limits
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:01 ricksaccous by default it just attempts to send all emails at once i believe
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:01 ricksaccous you'd have to set things up so the plugin handles email sending though
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:00 ricksaccous using the plugin you can specify a rate
# Aug 23rd 2019, 14:00 ricksaccous @davorminchorov if you need something like that I'd recommend the Queue plugin
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:59 davorminchorov Is there a rate limit configuration for emails in CakePHP?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:54 dereuromark I would also think that the route itself is enough in that case
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:52 neon1024 Only advantage I can see is that the controller method tells me which methods it likes right in the code
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:51 neon1024 i don’t have fallback routes in this prefix, so I’m guessing checking in the controller is redundant as the route just won’t match right?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:51 neon1024 Feels like I’m doing the same thing from different ends
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:50 neon1024 If I specify an http method in my route as `->setMethods(['get'])` for example, do I need to check `$this->getRequest->allowMethod('get')` in my controller?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:34 admad shell classes are deprecated, replaced by command classes. It is planned to make commands lib standalone but markstory hasnt got around to it
# Aug 23rd 2019, 13:32 val @admad Hi, would it be possible to have a standalone 3.x shell classes library like standalone ORM https://github.com/cakephp/orm?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:49 admad if you absolutely want to support both uuid and int then make 2 fk fields and configure which field to use in association