Log message #4199739

# At Username Text
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:44 admad overriding field type might creating problems when saving data
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:44 admad but best is to avoid creating unnecessary problems which you have to solve :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:43 rchavik noted, i will try to change the field
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:43 admad you can try overriding the field type in table table schema in Table::_initalizeSchema()
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:41 admad *same as
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:41 admad so don't do such wacky things, fk field type should be same and primary key field type
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:28 slackebot2 ^ ``` which I think is because postgres does not like it when trying to compare a string field Assets.foreign_key against an integer field Attachments.id
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:28 rchavik Eg: I have Asset table, with assets.id = integer. And the relationship is: ``` class AssetsTable extends Table { $this->belongsTo('Attachments', [ 'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key', ... ``` This errored out with ```Error: [PDOException] SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 1: ...achments ON (Assets.model = $1 AND Attachments.id = (Assets.foreign_key)
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:22 rchavik how can i cast the type of the foreignKey in an automatic join created by belongsTo() ?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 12:00 rchavik works!
# Aug 23rd 2019, 11:41 rchavik ah... trying this now https://github.com/cakephp/migrations/issues/370
# Aug 23rd 2019, 11:38 rchavik for sqlite and postgres, mysql is fine
# Aug 23rd 2019, 11:37 rchavik hi, getting "There is no active transaction" error when running seed() for this file: https://github.com/croogo/croogo/blob/4.0/Users/config/Seeds/UsersSeed.php#L25 I found https://github.com/cakephp/migrations/issues/83 but still could not work.
# Aug 23rd 2019, 10:27 alexdd55976 anyone has experience with authenticate against a Domain Controller?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 10:06 alexdd55976 ok
# Aug 23rd 2019, 10:06 conehead did not really help. actually changed the id type of 2 entities now and wrote migrations
# Aug 23rd 2019, 10:04 alexdd55976 did you try a fulltext index on foreign id then? not the solution, but maybe a way to speed it up
# Aug 23rd 2019, 10:03 alexdd55976 yeah.. i thought so... this is why is pointed it out
# Aug 23rd 2019, 09:22 conehead just use `debug` around it
# Aug 23rd 2019, 09:20 slackebot2 'fields' => array( 'name', 'email', ) )); ```
# Aug 23rd 2019, 09:20 chan how to see log of sql query in cakephp for ``` $this->Master->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( 'AND' => array('Master.client_id' => $client_id), 'OR' => array( array('Master.selected_main_group_id' => null), array('Master.selected_main_group_id' => 88), ), ),
# Aug 23rd 2019, 08:31 val Hi, would it be possible to have a standalone 3.x shell classes library like standalone ORM https://github.com/cakephp/orm?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 08:15 conehead I had/have one table that holds many entities which are linked to one Entity each. Lets say `Documents` and `Users` and the table `Statuses` had the fields `id, foreign_id, model, someData`. So you could link a `Status` with Documents and Users. If Documents use uuids but Users use ids, there is going to be a massive performance drain (timing out for me) when you try to access the linked data
# Aug 23rd 2019, 08:11 mehov @conehead thanks for the tip. what do you mean "do not mix ids and uuids" - as in don't use them in the same query, or maybe same database?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 08:08 lubos How do I paginate union results? I mean is it possible somehow to use `Paginator` with `Cake\Database\Query`?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:55 conehead With all of your help ;) But still find it a little strange
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:54 neon1024 @conehead Good job figuring it out :thumbsup:
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:47 conehead alex, neon and admad...and everyone else who helped me yesterday: I finally found out...do not mix uuids and ids...ever. This was the only reason everything slowed down a gazillion times
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:47 lubos `disableHydration` is what I was looking for :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:45 lubos I am trying to do SQL union, that's why this would be useful
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:44 lubos Morning, is it possible to adjust query to not have prefix in results, e.g. `$this->Posts->find()` will have `'Post' => [..]` in result set and I would like to have just `[..]`
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:38 chan handwritten query data count is 4. but cakephp 2 find condition data count is 3.
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:36 alexdd55976 whats the difference?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:36 alexdd55976 where does the data differ from query to find()?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:35 chan @alexdd55976 i run on this query with mysql navigate
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:35 alexdd55976 @chan the query on top is the generated query or is it handwritten?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:24 chan how to write with model find condition, query is ok, but cakephp 2 model find all wrong. ``` select id, username, main_group_id, client_id, selected_main_group_id, role_id from masters where client_id = 15 and (selected_main_group_id is null OR selected_main_group_id =88); ```
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:15 neon1024 Morning everyone! Happy Friday :tada:
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:15 alexdd55976 agreed
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:14 conehead Maybe used a different field name? Or you got it fixed now? It is quiet hard to understand where your problem is
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:11 Albert so it always turn out that my password is wrong since my pw in the db is hash