Log message #4199701

# At Username Text
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:15 alexdd55976 agreed
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:14 conehead Maybe used a different field name? Or you got it fixed now? It is quiet hard to understand where your problem is
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:11 Albert so it always turn out that my password is wrong since my pw in the db is hash
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:10 Albert yeah. i found out that my password is not hashing when im trying to log
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:10 conehead The problem is probably not in that line of code
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:10 Albert i read many forums
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:10 Albert aside from that problem since everything is fine
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:09 Albert i watched a video using 3.4 and it went fine
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:09 Albert i'm using 3.8
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:09 conehead CakePHP version?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:09 Albert auth
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:09 Albert that code seems to be the problem.
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:08 Albert I'm having problems when logging in
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:08 Albert $user= $this->Auth->identify();
# Aug 23rd 2019, 07:01 conehead Depends. If you can let us know where your problem is
# Aug 23rd 2019, 06:56 Albert can you help me?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 06:51 alexdd55976 ?
# Aug 23rd 2019, 06:43 Albert rrect Login');
# Aug 23rd 2019, 06:43 Albert public function login(){
# Aug 23rd 2019, 06:43 alexdd55976 hi
# Aug 23rd 2019, 03:17 admad hi
# Aug 23rd 2019, 02:29 kgb.acct.personal hi
# Aug 23rd 2019, 02:27 challgren hi
# Aug 23rd 2019, 01:10 savant hi
# Aug 22nd 2019, 23:22 janoort hi
# Aug 22nd 2019, 20:00 ndm np
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:59 generitter It worked. Thanks again.
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:40 generitter Okay. That sounds good. I’ll give those a try. Thank you for your help.
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:31 ndm Actually, `Console.buildCommands` was a different problem... don't remember exactly
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:30 ndm Depending on what the plugin does you might be able to leverage existing events... and now I somewhat remember what the problem was about, I needed the config before the middleware is being built, and there was no other event before `Server.buildMiddleware`/`Console.buildCommands`, which both happens after the middleware is built.
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:25 generitter @ndm Thanks that’s not a bad idea. Wish there was a way to do it on a framework event.
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:24 slackebot2 Configure::write('Plugin.config', 'value'); }); ``` There was another way which I discarded because it wouldn't work properly, but I don't really remember what that was about...
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:24 ndm @generitter I remember using events in the test application class for that, like: ``` class Application extends BaseApplication { public function pluginBootstrap() { parent::pluginBootstrap(); EventManager::instance()->dispatch(new Event('TestApp.afterPluginBootstrap')); } // ... } ``` And then in the test case: ``` EventManager::instance()->on('TestApp.afterPluginBootstrap', function () {
# Aug 22nd 2019, 19:02 generitter When doing integration testing, does anyone know how to change the application/plugin configuration values? Configure::write() doesn’t work when running plugin controller integration tests from the outer application.
# Aug 22nd 2019, 17:15 nemmons @abhilashlohar i created a src/functions.php file for a few global functions. i load it in composer.json like... ``` "autoload": { "psr-4": { ... }, "files": [ "src/functions.php" ] }, ```
# Aug 22nd 2019, 16:43 abhilashlohar In CakePHP 3.x, I want to create a global function which will be utilized throughout the application. How should I achieve? Thanks in advance
# Aug 22nd 2019, 16:41 abhilashlohar Good day to everyone
# Aug 22nd 2019, 15:31 alexdd55976 now you got me all confused :)
# Aug 22nd 2019, 15:31 ricksaccous makes sense
# Aug 22nd 2019, 15:31 nemmons (well, i am also trying to avoid using the old AuthorizationComponent for the same reason)
# Aug 22nd 2019, 15:30 nemmons ah yeah sorry, i should have specified