Log message #4199124

# At Username Text
# Aug 21st 2019, 09:00 alexdd55976 > "almost"
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:59 dereuromark pretty hard require though: https://github.com/cakephp/authentication/blob/2.x/composer.json#L13 :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:58 dereuromark hah, yeah, true. they are "almost" standalone^^
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:58 admad technically the auth libs are not cake dependent :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:57 dereuromark I also switched my 2.x branches to cake2 here for all my plugins for clarification.
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:57 dereuromark Yeah, I was pointing this out already that we should never use 2.x here usually, especially not on plugin syntax as this hides the matching core version. cake4 is more speaking. In this case it is kinda ok as the version of the plugin will actually be 2.x soonish here for cake4 series.
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:53 alexdd55976 lol.. ok.. having the versioning different there was not obvious for me.. sorry el duderinos :)
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:52 admad for authentication lib
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:52 admad 2.x
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:50 alexdd55976 authentication does not want to be installed though and there seems to be no branch for cake4
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:37 dereuromark details on these things are in composer docs - for branch names etc.
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:36 alexdd55976 really need to get into it more
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:36 alexdd55976 no ist going somewhere thanks..
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:32 dereuromark https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper/wiki#cakephp-version-map as such "dev-cake4"
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:32 alexdd55976 ok thanks... i am not good with the composer stuff.. not used to it
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:31 dereuromark as for it being working: I just tested it and made a PR to sync with current master: https://github.com/cakephp/app/pull/698
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:30 dereuromark again: wiki tells you everything
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:26 alexdd55976 @dereuromark
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:24 alexdd55976 `"dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper": "^0.13.16"`this is not working with composer.. what is the correct version?
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:23 alexdd55976 sorry.. i asked the wrong question
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:21 dereuromark see its branches and version map in wiki
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:20 alexdd55976 @dereuromark is the ide helper available for cake4.x?
# Aug 21st 2019, 08:08 santosh121290 Good morning everyone
# Aug 21st 2019, 07:45 neon1024 Morning everyone! :wave:
# Aug 21st 2019, 06:53 spriz you guys are amazing!
# Aug 21st 2019, 06:51 spriz Ah okay! Did you resolve it?
# Aug 21st 2019, 06:28 admad grdarko: run `bin/cake routes` on command line to see the connected routes
# Aug 21st 2019, 06:27 gdarko how can i override the action?
# Aug 21st 2019, 06:27 gdarko is this mapped automatically?
# Aug 21st 2019, 06:27 gdarko hello, i have /api/entity-name/add.json route that is hanlding the ajax call but i can't find where it is defined in which controller.
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:16 maymeow cool let me try "::)
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:16 maymeow i need create default user menu and this is tree
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous and use the data already in the table
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous you can bake a seed
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous but i don' tknow if seeds work across db structures, i'm guessing they do
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:14 ricksaccous you can seed anything
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:14 maymeow and one more thing.. is there any way how to seed tree structure?
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:12 maymeow for mysql doesnt matter ...
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:11 slackebot $query->distinct(['Posts.created', 'Posts.sender_name'])->combine('sender_name', 'sender_name'); } ```
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:11 maymeow @ricksaccous what i found for example if you ordering something by created field postgres will return error if you selecting distinct on another field so you have to select on both and mssql will return error when you selecting distinct on both :) ``` if ($conn['driver'] == Sqlserver::class) { $senders = $query->distinct(['Posts.sender_name'])->combine('sender_name', 'sender_name'); } else { $senders =
# Aug 20th 2019, 20:06 daniel.upshaw Thanks for the info @admad :slightly_smiling_face: