Log message #4198882

# At Username Text
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:33 dakota @bernardine.ragas I know it can cause a minor panic when all you get is a wall of text and errors, but always remember that most errors normally have some clue as to how to fix the issue, In 2.x it's normally not the first, or last error message shown, it is a lot better in CakePHP 3. But of course, if you get something that you are really stumped on, this channel is always here!
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:31 dakota Awesome :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:29 bernardine.ragas thank you
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:29 bernardine.ragas @dakota thanks it worked. and yeah, i am currently using what my company offers but eventually we will transition to the latest version.
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:24 scuadra Also in NewsArticleImagesTable.php I have $this->setTable('news_images'); in initialize() method.
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:23 slackebot NewsProducts.news_article_id'] ] ], 'conditions' => ['NewsProducts.product_id' => $product['id']], 'order' => ['NewsArticles.date' => 'desc', 'NewsArticles.created' => 'desc'], 'contain' => ['Images'], 'limit' => 12 ];
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:23 scuadra Here is my paginate: $this->paginate = [ 'fields' => [ 'NewsArticles.id', 'NewsArticles.title', 'NewsArticles.slug', 'NewsArticles.date', 'NewsArticles.content', 'NewsArticles.image' ], 'join' => [ [ 'table' => 'news_products', 'type' => 'INNER', 'alias' => 'NewsProducts', 'conditions' => ['NewsArticles.id =
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:23 slackebot can't have an association of the same name with a different target "className" option anywhere in your app.
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:23 scuadra Hello. I am using Cake 3.7. I have news_articles table and news_images table (NewsArticle hasMany Images). I also have Products belongsToMany association with NewsArticles. So I am trying to paginate the NewsArticles for a given product but I get the following error: App\Model\Table\NewsArticlesTable association "Images" of type "oneToMany" to "Cake\ORM\Table" doesn't match the expected class "App\Model\Table\NewsArticleImagesTable". You
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:15 dakota Also, any reason why 2.9? It is very old and support for 2.x will be dropped soon
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:14 dakota @bernardine.ragas The third error there gives you what the problem is :slightly_smiling_face: You need to make the `tmp/` directory writable by your webserver user (Exactly how depends on your operating system, and how xampp works)
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:13 bernardine.ragas what do i need to configure?
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:12 bernardine.ragas 2.9 I MEAN
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:12 rgabasa.mynimo Ah I see, thank you for answering Dakota
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:12 bernardine.ragas Hi guyaass, I am new to cakephp , please please help, I am using cakephp 2.0 and i downloaded it from github also i am using xampp. Problem is when i tried to run the index.php it shows some error
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:10 dakota As long as your server, etc. all support UTF8
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:10 dakota @rgabasa.mynimo You should be able to
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:07 rgabasa.mynimo ?
# Aug 20th 2019, 08:06 rgabasa.mynimo Hi Everyone I just want to ask about routes or url, can I use special characters in the url for example www.domain.com/peña
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:49 voycey Discord has its own set of problems as well
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:49 admad we could move this support channel to discord with provide unlimited history unlike slack, but no one has the time to setup the irc - slack - discord bridge
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:47 admad we got better things to do instead of dealing with a potential db lockup because someone tried accessing that 5825925 page
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:46 admad savant would know for sure
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:46 admad not sure, either mysql or postgres i presume
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:45 voycey What DB is this running on?
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:43 admad that's why it's page number is clamped to 50
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:42 admad yeah traditional paging isn't a good option for large tables
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:40 neon1024 Perhaps it needs swapping to offset pagination
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:40 neon1024 We didn’t implement any limit that I remember
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:40 neon1024 Perhaps it’s Crud, but in our api we allow the limit param and it tops out at 100
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:30 voycey Seems like a conscious decision to not allow it
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:29 voycey :eyes:
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:29 voycey https://github.com/cakephp/irc.cakephp.org/blob/6fd8df9196c1c4dc35ac8ce4fb4eca721af20ca9/src/Controller/LogsController.php#L64
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:28 voycey As surely ?page=254 would work?
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:28 voycey Im not sure just adding ->last in there will solve it to be honest
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:27 dereuromark PR it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:27 voycey would be good to be able to go back to the beginning of it!
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:27 voycey Not sure - I think like Mark said there is probably some limit somewhere
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:24 neon1024 Morning everyone :wave:
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:23 neon1024 @voyc]
# Aug 20th 2019, 07:23 rightscoreanalysis $routes->connect('articles/view/:slug', ['controller' => 'Articles', 'action' => 'view'], ['pass' => ['slug']]);