Log message #4197781

# At Username Text
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:45 admad :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:44 neon1024 The tests passed ;)
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:44 admad wipe the smug off ya face will ya :)
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:43 neon1024 Haha
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:42 admad doh, one for pic change for my brain to register :P
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:41 neon1024 Tis the season eh @dereuromark :P
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:38 spriz @neon1024 Oh it is neat for sure! :clap:
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:33 neon1024 I’ve not heard of Sentry before, it looks kinda cool
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:33 spriz Whack-a-doodle! It seems like all the crappy ones has `[ExceptionName]` pattern
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:31 neon1024 Not me, sorry @spriz
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:25 spriz Is anyone else using Monolog and Sentry in their Cake app? :thinking_face: I'm having an issue with duplicated entries in our Sentry that is not completely equal and I cannot figure out from where they origin.... https://drive.bondev.dk/d/f/504009216103594656
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:20 spriz Setting `App.Error.log` to `false` removes 2nd one :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:19 spriz Ah, first one is ConsoleErrorHandler it seems, and 2nd is the log entry that goes to stdout as well
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:15 spriz as you can see the shell only contains `throw new \RuntimeException('Bar');`
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:14 spriz First at line 11 without trace and then line 12 with trace :thinking_face:
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:14 spriz Any idea why this shell would show exception stuff twice in my CLI? :thinking_face: :)
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:12 neothermic didn't realise it was showing the percentage as a circle :)
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:11 neothermic and until I got above 0.5%, I always assumed the logo for coverage was a red circle
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:11 neothermic it's SonarQube
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:09 neon1024 Swanky gui
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:09 neothermic it's infinitely better than last monday ;)
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:09 ricksaccous PROGRESS R O G R E S S
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:08 neothermic YES
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:03 slackebot1 ] ########################### \tests\TestCase\Model\Table\ArticlesTableTest.php (line 96) ########## DEBUG ########## [ (int) 0 => 'articles', (int) 1 => 'articles_tags', (int) 2 => 'tags' ] ########################### ```
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:03 slackebot1 ConnectionManager::get('default'); $stmt = $connection->query('SHOW TABLES'); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $stmt->closeCursor(); debug($result); $collection = $connection->getSchemaCollection(); debug($collection->listTables()); ``` ``` \tests\TestCase\Model\Table\ArticlesTableTest.php (line 93) ########## DEBUG ########## [ (int) 0 => [ (int) 0 => 'articles' ], (int) 1 => [ (int) 0 => 'articles_tags' ], (int) 2 => [ (int) 0 => 'tags' ]
# Aug 13th 2019, 14:03 ndm @mehov works fine, maybe you have auto fixtures disabled, `$this->fixtureManager->loaded()` doesn't really say anything about the state of the database, as "loaded" here means just that the fixture classes have be loaded, not that they have been applied. The naming here wasn't really the best choice, especially because `FixtureManager::load()` and `FixtureManager::loadSingle()` will actually apply the fixtures. ``` $connection =
# Aug 13th 2019, 13:34 neothermic ahh,r ight
# Aug 13th 2019, 13:34 neon1024 As usually it’s a process which changes data, so I set fixtures and check the data after
# Aug 13th 2019, 13:33 neon1024 If I do need to test them
# Aug 13th 2019, 13:33 neon1024 I tend to write integration tests
# Aug 13th 2019, 13:33 neon1024 Most of my shells tend to implement methods or libraries, and if they don’t they’re usually single-use so don’t need test
# Aug 13th 2019, 13:32 neothermic strange question, but do you test shells? or do you squirrel the logic they do into testable methods?
# Aug 13th 2019, 12:39 conehead In case anyone was wondering why I wanted to separate them ;)
# Aug 13th 2019, 12:39 conehead Ah well...I just added a `@group` annotation to my unit tests... This way I can run all unit tests before pushing a commit
# Aug 13th 2019, 12:07 conehead do you guys seperate your unit tests from your functional/integration tests?
# Aug 13th 2019, 11:43 slackebot1 debug($collection->listTables()); ``` Both `debug()`s are empty. Why? I thought it should at least show the tables defined in the fixtures for this test (all of which show up under `$this->fixtureManager->loaded()`)?
# Aug 13th 2019, 11:43 mehov Hey guys Sorry about asking this again but I still need help. I'm trying to manipulate the corresponding database table while a test runs. Here's what I have (inside a test method): ``` // attempt 1 $db = \Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager::get($connectionName); $statement = $db->query('show tables;'); //$statement->execute(); debug($statement->fetchAll()); // attempt 2 $collection = $db->getSchemaCollection();
# Aug 13th 2019, 11:43 graziel hmm in book `chronos` points to https://book.cakephp.org/chronos/ but redirects to https://book.cakephp.org/chronos/1.x/en/index.html - 404
# Aug 13th 2019, 11:42 dereuromark Do we have a decimal value object yet? Around https://php-decimal.io/#installation or a PHP only solution of some sorts? Does there sth exist in PHP?
# Aug 13th 2019, 11:32 neon1024 Ahh, I have used `email_address` and then `email` in the form :face_palm:
# Aug 13th 2019, 11:32 martin My boss wants to create a database per shop, is that a good idea? in one way I don’t like that idea, in the other way it will be a lot easier for mysql to search in data