Log message #4193644

# At Username Text
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:45 h.mavisakalian @conehead Thank you, but I need something else… you see the problem is I need the query to give me the results of the rows that for example have 2 values from the array as well
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:42 admad yes
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:41 koeller @admad So the proper way would be that the client sends another index request?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:41 conehead @h.mavisakalian probably you need something like this: ``` $query = $this->Users->find(‘all’,[ ‘conditions’ => ['yourField IN' => $searchArray], ‘order’ => [‘Users.id’ => ‘ASC’] ]); ```
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:40 admad @koeller for a REST API for a delete request you just respond with a success/failure status
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:39 admad @maymeow if it's a standalone plugin first plug it into an app :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:39 koeller @admad: Okay, what would be the best way then? setting a view variable with the result of the finder im using in index Action?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:39 graziel @maymeow you are probably missing cache config after updating cake https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/app.default.php#L111
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:38 admad @koeller since you mention using JWT auth I assume you are working on a stateless REST API. There's no redirection for such requests.
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:37 maymeow Any idea how to solve this?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:36 admad how do you expect `‘conditions’ => $searchArray` to work without specifying which fields/columns to use?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:35 dereuromark see awesome list
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:35 h.mavisakalian which plugin is that?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:35 slackebot $this->Crud->on('afterDelete') with $this->redirect(['index']) and $this->setAction('index'), but I would only recieve a NotFoundException. I'm a bit puzzled here. Thank you for reading!
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:35 koeller Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the friendsofcake/CRUD plugin. I'm doing a simple delete and try to redirect to index, so that the response of the request would be a list of all items for logged user. I'm using JWT as Authentication method. Reading this:https://crud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/actions/delete.html#crud-beforeredirect I thought, it should automatically redirect to index, but it won't. So I tried to manually redirect in
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:35 dereuromark use Search plugin for this
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:34 h.mavisakalian What am I doing wrong?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:34 h.mavisakalian But it doesn’t work
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:34 h.mavisakalian $query = $this->Users->find(‘all’,[ ‘conditions’ => $searchArray, ‘order’ => [‘Users.id’ => ‘ASC’] ]);
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:33 h.mavisakalian Now I want to search the database this way
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:33 h.mavisakalian I created an array from a search query with all values using exlode(’ ’, $searchValue);
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:31 h.mavisakalian Good morning everyone. I have a question about search queries in CakePHP 3.X
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:25 aivaras.godliauskas here you can set conditions
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:25 aivaras.godliauskas ``` class ArticlesTable extends Table { public function initialize(array $config) { $this->hasMany('Comments') ->setConditions(['approved' => true]); $this->hasMany('UnapprovedComments', [ 'className' => 'Comments' ]) ->setConditions(['approved' => false]) ->setProperty('unapproved_comments'); } } ```
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:25 aivaras.godliauskas https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/associations.html#default-association-conditions
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:24 neon1024 I need gmp, sodium and intl
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:24 neon1024 Anyone know where I can find package names for PHP extension for Debian Fastly?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 aivaras.godliauskas Hi @neon1024 Fun fact im useing n3on as my nic
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 felix.robaglia I'd be curious how ! I'm an intern and have a lot to learn @aivaras.godliauskas ^^ How can I say it directly in the table ?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 neon1024 Morning all :wave:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 aivaras.godliauskas or you can try and use some kind of soft delete for example https://github.com/UseMuffin/Trash
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 neon1024 I quite like creating my own query and passing it to the Paginator :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 aivaras.godliauskas if you want to do it right way you can add this condition in table itself, where realiation is defined
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 admad no. read up about custom finders on manul
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 felix.robaglia Like a method i'll put in my AppController admad?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 felix.robaglia Wow, thanks a lot, I must be blind then cause it has to be in the doc ! Ty guys !
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 admad also a cleaner way would be to make a custom finder for that
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:21 admad or use `conditions` like that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:21 aivaras.godliauskas @felix.robaglia you can go ``` $this->paginate = [ 'contain' => ['Contracts'=>[ 'conditions'=>['delete IS'=>null] ] ] ]; ``` i believe
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:21 admad @felix.robaglia `['contain' => ['Contracts' => function ($q) { $q->where(...)}]`
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:19 felix.robaglia But I would like to only get contracts that have NULL in their 'deleted' column. I'm sorry if that's a dumb question or anything, but I did read the doc and i'm still stuck ! Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: