Log message #4192376

# At Username Text
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:59 mehov @challgren I like how changed your opinion that fast :)
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:58 challgren Do what admad says!
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:58 admad No.. don't use TableRegistry anymore
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:57 mehov Been doing that too, yep
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:57 challgren `TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Articles')` would be the new method
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:57 mehov I need to use a model in a controller. I was performing the tableregistry/tablelocator trickery until one of those got deprecated so I had to research and redo. Using the good old loadModel since then. I'm not the OP though
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:55 challgren Well whats your use case? And is the model your trying to access in any way related to an already loaded model?
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:51 mehov The point still stands though, or you think it doesn't?
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:51 challgren Give or take a year!
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:51 mehov @challgren 4, actually :)
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:50 mehov https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50518521/deprecation-of-tableregistryget#comment88054262_50518521
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:50 challgren That was written 3 years ago FYI
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:49 mehov https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29578825/which-approach-is-best-to-get-instance-of-a-table-in-cakephp-3-0
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:49 challgren But avoid using loadModel in Entities causes issues with serialization
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:49 challgren loadModel is also part of ModelAwareTrait so it can be used in a lot of places
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:48 mehov As far as I understand, one should use loadModel where possible, and TableLocator in other cases
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:40 kgb.acct.personal Sup. When do I use loadModel() and TableLocator::get()?
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:39 challgren Seatgeek is written in Cake if I recall
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:33 neon1024 Ooh, check out you Seatgeek guys sponsoring a youtube video I’m watching!
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:24 neon1024 Morning all
# Jul 9th 2019, 07:01 info315 So i need to extends the `Validator` class some how
# Jul 9th 2019, 06:26 info315 What is the best way to add a application wide validation rule?
# Jul 9th 2019, 05:35 cnizzardini Anyone played with the new console command stuff much?
# Jul 9th 2019, 05:06 conehead Hm is there a way to execute shell commands within migrations? Looking for something like Phinx just for shell commands
# Jul 9th 2019, 04:33 savant I followed up via pm. The plugin doesn't seem to populate that variable via anything so it needs to happen in userland code
# Jul 9th 2019, 01:12 challgren What do you expect the `$user` to be an array? the UserEntity?
# Jul 9th 2019, 00:37 newyorknick Works fine when I’m loading routes from the `CakeDC/Users` plugin itself but when I hit my pages controller it’s not loading the user from the session
# Jul 9th 2019, 00:35 newyorknick I know I can hack it in my pages controller but I know theres a simpler solution and I’m having a hard time figuring out the recommended way
# Jul 9th 2019, 00:34 newyorknick Hey guys I’m having a hard time populating the `$user` var properly in my `/pages` controller templates after installing the CakeDC/Users plugin.
# Jul 8th 2019, 23:14 challgren As for videos I would say most of them are going to be old and a little outdated. The book.cakephp.org website is up to date with all the newest 3.8 stuff
# Jul 8th 2019, 23:14 challgren @davorminchorov https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/tutorials-and-examples.html is a great start to learn the framework
# Jul 8th 2019, 21:35 ricksaccous i figured it out by the way, my earlier problem, i was setting the field to null before the save and that was nullifying all errors
# Jul 8th 2019, 21:33 davorminchorov Hi, I am new to CakePHP and I am about to start working on a new project. Can someone suggest to me a good video resource for learning the framework and its features?
# Jul 8th 2019, 20:06 ricksaccous oops
# Jul 8th 2019, 20:06 ricksaccous ```php->allowEmptyString( 'email', function ($context) { return false; }, self::getCommonEmptyMessage('Email') );
# Jul 8th 2019, 20:06 ricksaccous I have no idea why
# Jul 8th 2019, 20:06 ricksaccous but the allowEmptyString error message is not displaying
# Jul 8th 2019, 20:05 ricksaccous so the field is displaying as required
# Jul 8th 2019, 17:12 cleptric As oauth is only about authorization, it’s out of the scope of the authentication plugin
# Jul 8th 2019, 17:12 cleptric @martin If your interested in oauth server, league php implemented one which works quite well
# Jul 8th 2019, 16:31 genellern @half2me did you find out why? I had the same issue last week but haven't had time to figure out what's going on