Log message #4192209

# At Username Text
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:33 dereuromark "ModelAwareTrait::loadModel() now allows fully qualified namespaces as a parameter."
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:33 dereuromark the changelogs clearly state that this is only supported for 3.8+
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:33 neon1024 Seems to be the same in 3.7.9 I guess I’ve got something screwy somewhere
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:33 conehead I'm on 3.8 and did a quick try
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:32 neon1024 I wonder why it doesn’t for me :thinking_face:
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:31 conehead Using classname is working fine for me
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:31 neon1024 So 3.7.7 it probably needs some class namespace breaking up
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:30 neon1024 Which is fair
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:30 neon1024 I guess that `$this->App\Model\Table\OrganisationsTable` is invalid
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:30 neon1024 So it’s trying to set `$this->{$alias} = $factory($modelClass);`
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:30 neon1024 So the actual issue seems to be that the `$alias` is `public 'alias' => string 'App\Model\Table\OrganisationsTable' (length=34)`
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:29 neon1024 Okay
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:25 admad don't need test suite, can just stick some `debug()` / `dd()` in the method
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:23 neon1024 If it’s covered by the tests, there is probably an issue in my code perhaps a bad namespace
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:23 neon1024 Well two reasons really, firstly I am working on other bits currently so don’t want to get too into something else mentally, and secondly I don’t have the test suite for the core setup so I can’t easily jump in and run the tests
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:22 neon1024 It’s covered in the tests cases
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:22 neon1024 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/TestCase/Datasource/ModelAwareTraitTest.php#L74
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:21 admad why guess when you can find out what's actually going on? :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:21 neon1024 I’ll have a quick look in the tests
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:20 neon1024 I would guess that `$this->{$alias} = $factory($modelClass);` would be trying `$factory('\App\Model\Table\OrganisationsTable')`
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:19 neon1024 I don’t see any processing except the `pluginSplit`
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:10 admad dig into the method and see if the FQCN get split up properly into alias and model type
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:08 admad hmm actually loadModel() does accetp FQCN too
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:07 neon1024 Presumably it’s matching on the TableRegistry key then
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:06 admad loadModel() doesn't accept FQCN
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:05 neon1024 Bit confusing
# Jul 8th 2019, 08:05 neon1024 `$this->loadModel(OrganisationsTable::class) // false` `$this->loadModel('Organisations') // OrganisationsTable`
# Jul 8th 2019, 07:01 blancessanchez30 Thank you :thumbsup:
# Jul 8th 2019, 07:01 blancessanchez30 I just forgot to add wildcard in declaration in `routes.php`
# Jul 8th 2019, 07:00 blancessanchez30 Solved it
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:40 blancessanchez30 Not working
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:33 admad `return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'admins', 'action' => 'reg_success'])`
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:29 blancessanchez30 should i declare all controllers and actions in `routes.php`?
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:29 blancessanchez30 what should i do
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:28 blancessanchez30 but it only redirects to `/admins/reg_success`
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:27 blancessanchez30 Made it like this ```return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'admins', 'action' => 'reg_success', $this->Admin->getLastInsertId()]);```
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:27 admad then update the URL array accordingly to get `/admin/reg_success`
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 and it keeps redirecting to admins
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 but the url that i want is admin
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 my controller name is admins
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 its purpose is to view the newly registered