Log message #4192172

# At Username Text
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 and it keeps redirecting to admins
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 but the url that i want is admin
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 my controller name is admins
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:26 blancessanchez30 its purpose is to view the newly registered
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:25 blancessanchez30 its the new ID when admin was registered
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:25 admad why bother passing `$this->Admin->getLastInsertId()` in the direct array when you only want to redirect to `/admins/reg_sucess`?
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:24 blancessanchez30 So what should I do to make the routing same as a declared in `routes.php`
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:23 admad @blancessanchez30 redirect routes are only used for incoming requests. Not redirections using `Controller::redirect()`.
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:15 nuzulfikrie I see ok
# Jul 8th 2019, 06:14 admad IMO instead of trying to clear the records on logout you should check and prevent login from same IP
# Jul 8th 2019, 05:52 blancessanchez30 But when redirecting, it always redirect to ```/admins/reg_sucess/1```
# Jul 8th 2019, 05:51 blancessanchez30 And I declared in `routes.php` ```Router::connect('/admin/reg_success', ['controller' => 'admins', 'action' => 'reg_success']);```
# Jul 8th 2019, 05:50 blancessanchez30 For example: ` return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'admins', 'action' => 'reg_success', $this->Admin->getLastInsertId()]); `
# Jul 8th 2019, 05:50 blancessanchez30 Why does redirect doesn't follow routes which I've declared in routes?
# Jul 8th 2019, 05:35 admad @nuzulfikrie it's in seconds. The clean is done by PHP itself based values of php.ini values for session garbage collection. Alternately you can just setup a cron to cleanup expired records at regular intervals
# Jul 8th 2019, 04:55 nuzulfikrie support hi all, just wanna ask when we configure cakephp to store session data inside database. The expires is in what unit? miliseconds? . Plus whenever the user logs out, it did not delete the data inside database. Do i need to manually delete the data?
# Jul 7th 2019, 22:31 waspinator hmm, so I guess it's a configuration issue. Not sure what it is as the same settings work with gmail
# Jul 7th 2019, 22:12 ndm @waspinator CakePHP's SMTP transport by default uses the STARTTLS mechanism and will try to use TLS encryption. https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/3.8.0/src/Mailer/Transport/SmtpTransport.php#L236-L240
# Jul 7th 2019, 21:48 waspinator does cake support starttls or only tls?
# Jul 7th 2019, 21:34 waspinator these settings always results in a SMTP timeout ``` 'default' => [ 'className' => 'Smtp', 'host' => 'smtp.office365.com', 'port' => 587, 'timeout' => 30, 'username' => 'me@mydomain.com', 'password' => 'mypassword', 'client' => null, 'tls' => true, 'url' => env('EMAIL_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_URL', null) ], ```
# Jul 7th 2019, 21:33 waspinator has anyone tried sending emails using 365 stmp servers?
# Jul 7th 2019, 09:31 slackebot } ``` updating database is no option at this point as it still serves as datasource for another (older) application in production system
# Jul 7th 2019, 09:31 mrfeedback any ideas how i can solve this?: in my table i got content with latin_1 encoding. the new app is running under utf-8. when i encode the output of the table into utf8 special chars are broken. i tried to mutate data like this ```protected function _getTitle($title){ if (mb_detect_encoding($title, 'utf-8', true) === false) { $title = mb_convert_encoding($title, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'); } return $title;
# Jul 7th 2019, 09:16 mrfeedback oh! thanks!
# Jul 7th 2019, 09:15 vossen.steven @mrfeedback https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/entities.html#accessors-mutators
# Jul 7th 2019, 09:08 mrfeedback @challgren can you show me an example? i can´t follow your thought
# Jul 7th 2019, 08:02 challgren @mrfeedback you can modify the data returned with _getS3key() in your entity
# Jul 7th 2019, 07:32 mrfeedback or does somebody have any example for this?
# Jul 7th 2019, 07:32 mrfeedback whats the best way to alternate a resultset? e.g. i have a field `s3key` and I want to replace this field with a presigned url for this request.
# Jul 7th 2019, 07:31 mrfeedback thanks. yes i did, but i had a typo. so it didnt work on the first try ^^
# Jul 7th 2019, 06:14 ra7bi Hey , does cake support auto-load for associated table ? example `Users` hasOne `photo` i want to say each time you query User table also get his photo without writing contain .
# Jul 6th 2019, 21:19 challgren @mrfeedback did you try `Projects.id`?
# Jul 6th 2019, 18:42 graziel should work, same error?
# Jul 6th 2019, 18:41 mrfeedback i tried 'Project.id' => 'DESC' but doesn´t work too
# Jul 6th 2019, 18:39 graziel multiple column with 'id' name and sql doesnt know which one you mean
# Jul 6th 2019, 18:34 mrfeedback any ideas why this is returns the error `Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous` ` return $this->find() ->matching('Marketinginfos', function (Query $q) { return $q->where(['closed' => true]); } ) ->order(['id' => 'DESC']) ->limit(50);`
# Jul 6th 2019, 17:10 vossen.steven @ndm thnx for the info
# Jul 6th 2019, 16:24 ndm http://docs.phinx.org/en/latest/commands.html#the-rollback-command
# Jul 6th 2019, 16:24 ndm @vossen.steven AFAIK there's no single command, you'd need at least two separate steps. First rollback to a specific state (for example `migrate -t 0` (where `0` is either the initial state, or the first breakpoint)), and then apply migrations again.
# Jul 6th 2019, 15:04 vossen.steven Is there a command similar to laravels migrate:refresh for sphinx?
# Jul 6th 2019, 02:57 challgren @unclezoot its beforeMarshall