Log message #4191998

# At Username Text
# Jul 4th 2019, 11:30 admad @rchavik check what core's `plugin load` does
# Jul 4th 2019, 11:30 rchavik quite painful to migrate :(
# Jul 4th 2019, 11:29 rchavik thanks for the ndm
# Jul 4th 2019, 11:23 ndm @rchavik The `Croogo/Install` plugin should probably provide a `Plugin` class, and load the plugins in the `boostrap()` method. https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/plugins.html#plugin-objects
# Jul 4th 2019, 11:01 rchavik @admad how do i dynamically load plugins then? use case: installing croogo via composer create-project. it provides plugin Croogo/Install that provides shell installer. the shell installer needs to dynamically load Croogo/Core plugin, Migrations plugin, etc
# Jul 4th 2019, 10:51 admad @louis https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.View.Helper.FormHelper.html#_addWidget
# Jul 4th 2019, 10:45 admad You shouldn't be loading plugin in app's bootstrap anymore.
# Jul 4th 2019, 10:44 admad @rchavik TestCase::loadPlugins()
# Jul 4th 2019, 10:08 ndm @mehov `Cake\Database\Log\LoggingStatement` (it's marked as `@internal`, hence it doesn't appear in the API docs) extends `\Cake\Database\Statement\StatementDecorator`, which implements `\Cake\Database\StatementInterface`.
# Jul 4th 2019, 10:01 michal.ferak Gotcha, thanks, I will be watching out for those from now on for sure :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:59 slackebot Cake\Database\Log\LoggingStatement, Cake\Database\Statement\PDOStatement - nothing worked
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:59 mehov Hi gentlemen Query::execute() is documented to return https://api.cakephp.org/3.7/class-Cake.Database.StatementInterface.html, but in fact returns Cake\Database\Log\LoggingStatement (which I can't even find a dedicated API page for) I have a method that returns the return of Query::execute() because it's errorCode() is needed later. If I can't run a query, I still need to return something that has errorCode(). What should I return? Tried
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:57 challgren Gotta watch for those RCs and stuff, best to look at the releases page, shows you how many commits to the branch since the release was published
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:51 michal.ferak Oh! Thanks. I was starting to pull my hairs out
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:49 challgren https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-queue/tree/914bc5acaeac642c196e49d3bc5f53cfc7edc700 is 3.16.2
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:49 challgren Current release is 3.16.2. Master has dev changes for the 4.0-RC
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:47 slackebot QueueTaskInterface class
# Jul 4th 2019, 09:47 michal.ferak Hi, could please anyone confirm that the version of dereuromark/cakephp-queue plugin loaded via composer is the same as the version on git? I did everything I could (specified the exact version number, ran composer clear-cache, deleted the vendors and composer.lock and reinstalled everything fresh,…) but still I am on an older version of the plugin, on two different machines. I noticed this because the version I’m on doesn’t have t
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:57 louis Yes in cookies or using request params $this->request->getParam('_csrfToken');
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:54 challgren Thats the way it is now
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:53 rchavik all right.. i would prefer not to touch Application.php, but ok
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:53 jeremy.payne Thanks, it looks like I can do this in my template file ` <meta name="_csrfToken" content="<?=$this->getRequest()->getCookie('csrfToken')?>"> `
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:52 louis https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/plugins.html#loading-a-plugin
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:52 challgren inside the bootstrap() function `$this->addPlugin('Queue', ['routes' => false]);`
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:51 challgren @rchavik in your Application.php
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:51 rchavik for cake >=3.7 how to load plugins during bootstrap? i can't use Application::loadPlugin() because the instance is not created yet
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:51 madbbb without turning off behaviour
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:45 louis It could probably help you https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/source-class-Cake.View.Helper.FormHelper.html#601
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:44 madbbb Morning! Is it possible to edit created_by field in Muffin/Footprint this field is cleaned when converted to entity
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:41 jeremy.payne The docs mention `When using the CsrfComponent you should always start your forms with the FormHelper. If you do not, you will need to manually create hidden inputs in each of your forms.`, but doesn't provide an example of doing so.
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:39 louis Hello everyone, I would like to add helper provided by the plugin : https://github.com/ADmad/cakephp-i18n#timezonewidget The problem is Form Helper is already loaded, So I just want to add some configuration but I don't know how to do. For your information I'm using Lilhermit https://projects.lilhermit.co.uk/cakephp-plugins-bootstrap4/installation.html#extending-appview plugin loaded with extends method
# Jul 4th 2019, 08:38 jeremy.payne Hi all, I have a javascript heavy form (angular). Is there any way I can inject the _csrf token in a <meta> field of the page instead of the body? It seems like it's only possible to get the token if the page has a form, which it has none of (the angular script provided by a third party replaced anything in the <body> tag with the app).
# Jul 4th 2019, 05:47 kgb.acct.personal Nvm. I can use func()->date()
# Jul 4th 2019, 05:41 kgb.acct.personal Looks like it's not in docs?
# Jul 4th 2019, 05:40 kgb.acct.personal How do I use MySQL DATE() function in query builder?
# Jul 4th 2019, 02:53 challgren @bgrinter https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/awesome-cakephp#auditing--logging
# Jul 4th 2019, 02:51 challgren Thats a very good list for Plugins
# Jul 4th 2019, 02:51 challgren https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/awesome-cakephp
# Jul 4th 2019, 02:50 cnizzardini I don't believe that specific behavior exists, https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/behaviors.html
# Jul 4th 2019, 02:49 cnizzardini We are using lorenzo/audit-stash
# Jul 4th 2019, 02:48 cnizzardini Let me dig through our code, hang on