Log message #4191818

# At Username Text
# Jul 3rd 2019, 09:24 neon1024 I guess if one already exists, but you could use `'when' => 'create'` I guess
# Jul 3rd 2019, 09:23 neon1024 Perhaps both?
# Jul 3rd 2019, 09:23 neon1024 Wouldn’t the request need to contain an uploaded image?
# Jul 3rd 2019, 09:06 admad That would be an application rule, not validation rule
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:35 ra7bi Let me check , thanks
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:34 neon1024 Just validate the entity property is not empty
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:33 neon1024 That’s a validation rule
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:33 ra7bi @neon1024 how i can set a rule to check associated data if exist ? for example when adding User records , User must insert a photo or many photos , im talking about Users/add As i know i can set a rule to check if users table field are set or not , but not photos which is belong to users
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:18 neon1024 @ra7bi You’re looking for a hasMany association, with a rule and validation
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:17 neon1024 @ra7bi Yes it does
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:17 neon1024 How’d you update existing row data with a migration? Does that require sql?
# Jul 3rd 2019, 08:14 scuadra Hello. In Cake 3.7 for some reason the TimestampBehavior is not working for me. I do not have modified field in my table but only created. Could this be the issue?
# Jul 3rd 2019, 07:50 ra7bi im talking about Insert `User.photo`
# Jul 3rd 2019, 07:48 ra7bi do cakephp support this type of relation `User at least have one Photo or more but not null ` FYI Photo is another table
# Jul 3rd 2019, 07:47 ra7bi Hey
# Jul 3rd 2019, 07:24 challgren @drailanjohn.gss DebugKit will help you with that
# Jul 3rd 2019, 05:56 drailanjohn.gss hello guys, how can I measure the speed of a query in cake php ?
# Jul 3rd 2019, 05:44 xuanvu442 Hello guys, I’ve a small question, please help me. Can I see the log request from the user? something like this
# Jul 3rd 2019, 00:24 waspinator for example with the current authorized user `$this->Identity->get('id')`
# Jul 3rd 2019, 00:23 waspinator is there a way to set the id crud view action if its not provided? https://crud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/actions/view.html
# Jul 2nd 2019, 22:12 joey.mukherjee I don't have a method for profile in my UsersController. If I add one, it doesn't get called. However, I have `<?php echo $this->User->link ("My Profile", ['plugin' => 'CakeDC/Users', 'controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'profile'], ['class' => 'dropdown-item']); ?>` as my link. If I change plugin to false, I get CakeDC/Users.ProfileController not found. Am I not extending correctly?
# Jul 2nd 2019, 22:01 ricksaccous extend the controller... then expose the variables you want in your extended controller
# Jul 2nd 2019, 21:58 slackebot wrong...
# Jul 2nd 2019, 21:58 joey.mukherjee I've got another dumb question about the CakeDC Users plugin. I know how to customize the profile page as I copy it from the Template area under CakeDC to my own. However, I want to update the information that goes in there. In other words, I want to send my own related tables to the profile page. What is the best way to do that? Right now, I am editing vendor/cakedc/users/src/Controller/Traits/ProfileTrait.php. I know that is
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:44 joey.mukherjee Thanks, that worked! I had `$this->loadHelper ('CakeDC/Users.User');` in there but I guess I need the AuthLink as well. Are there others that I should be aware of?
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:29 rochasmarcelo load it inside your AppView ```public function initialize() { $this->loadHelper('CakeDC/Users.AuthLink'); ````
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:24 joey.mukherjee I don't have this everywhere apparently. I am getting a Missing Helper error. For me to have this in my baked views, I am adding this to the top: `use CakeDC\Users\View\Helper\AuthLinkHelper;`. but it doesn't work. What is the right namespace?
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:04 rochasmarcelo https://github.com/CakeDC/users/blob/master/src/View/Helper/AuthLinkHelper.php
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:03 joey.mukherjee Thanks @rochasmarcelo, that worked... I have never seen AuthLink. Where is that?
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:03 ricksaccous oh cool, is that a thing? interesting
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:01 rochasmarcelo like ``` $this->AuthLink->isAuthorized($url)```
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:01 rochasmarcelo or AuthLink::isAuthorized
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:00 rochasmarcelo AuthLink::link
# Jul 2nd 2019, 20:00 rochasmarcelo @joey check AuthLink
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:57 ricksaccous no, you can create your own helper though
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:56 joey.mukherjee So I need booleans for every little thing? That seems wrong to me. I think I am using the Rbac so it seems like there should be an easier way, but looking at the docs, it mentions identity traits and all that and I don't think I have any of that?
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:55 ricksaccous and pass it down to the view
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:55 ricksaccous you can set a canEdit boolean in the controller
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:54 ricksaccous it doesn't come with a helper
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:54 ricksaccous @joey.mukherjee indeed, that's a component not a helper
# Jul 2nd 2019, 19:52 joey.mukherjee Hello all! I am using the CakeDC Users plugin. In my view, what is the correct/best way to show (or not) a link if the user is allowed to do what the link points to or not? I have this: `if ($this->Authorization->can ($role, 'edit'))` but it says I am missing the Authorization helper.