Log message #4191612

# At Username Text
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:34 dereuromark ah, or this: $joinData = $tag->_joinData; $tag = $existing; $tag->_joinData = $joinData; $entity->tags[$k] = $tag; ^^
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:33 admad @dereuromark set id field for the entity and set `isNew()` to false :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:32 mdotobie My experience is changes to existing child entities don’t get marked as dirty on the parent entity, only in the child
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:32 inoas I am a little confused if EXISTS() can help me out
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:31 mdotobie I think you probably need to patch the entity first, add it to the association and mark it as dirty
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:31 mdotobie oh so you’re trying to patch the “existing” tag entity and save it with the parent object @dereuromark?
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:30 inoas ndm join() or innerJoin() / I cannot use innerJoinWith() unless hmmm... add a self join association ?
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:29 inoas ndm what do you mean / the limit operator?
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:29 dereuromark i probably need to do some re-patching here though
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:29 dereuromark i tried $entity->tags[$k] = ['id' => $existingId] + ['_joinData' => $tag->_joinData]; etc
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:29 mdotobie well I’m assuming a parent object is being saved and a “new” child entity
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:28 mdotobie can’t you just pass an array with the ID of the existing one to the associated property @dereuromark?
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:27 dereuromark How can I replace a "new Entity" being saved in a beforeSave with an existing id (entity)? Any quick way?
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:27 ndm @ionas it works in joins IIRC
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:21 ndm yep
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:19 admad @ndm right, so it will be always cast when doing array <=> object conversion
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:18 inoas with limit 1
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:18 inoas instead of column IN (SELECT id FROM... )
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:18 inoas wasnt there some other syntax but in... I just need a virtual table, not a join
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:17 inoas This version of MariaDB doesn't yet support 'LIMIT and IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery ... whats your way around?
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:16 ndm https://wiki.php.net/rfc/convert_numeric_keys_in_object_array_casts
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:16 inoas I just hope they introduce another concept of arrays instead of tinkering with those what they are
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:16 ndm @admad I should have been a little more precise, I ment circumvenving the casting isn't possible anymore... it was possible to do that casting an object to an array, but now the same casting rules apply there
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:16 dereuromark they sure think things through :P
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:16 admad i highly doubt the behavior of numeric array keys will change in 7.x
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:15 admad https://3v4l.org/frjFs
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:15 dereuromark i wonder if the php74 type safety fixes this strange behavior, as this will kill some apps if they internally reassign those to typed properties
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:14 admad @ndm https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php still shows numeric and non-string keys being cast to int. I would expect such a significant change to be well documented
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:10 mdotobie I actually didn’t know that @ndm. Luckily that isn’t something I do. I never really understood why it was useful anyway.
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:10 ndm I'd have to look it up
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:10 admad @ndm that's new to me. Must be 7.3 not 7.2
# Jul 1st 2019, 13:05 ndm @mdotobie Correct... it should be noted though, that as of PHP 7.2 (IIRC) it's not possible anymore create arrays with integer string indices.
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:53 inoas what was the way to teach cakephps orm group by max etc?
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:48 mdotobie So by that logic @ndm I assume `{s}` will match `'abc'` and `'123'` but not 123
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:44 ndm @mdotobie The cookbook is a little unclear/misleading, `{n}` will match numeric keys, which includes numeric strings, ie it will match `123` and `'123'`, but not `'123abc'`.
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:38 mdotobie okay. I will look a bit deeper. It was more out of curiosity. I use Hash quite a bit and just wanted to get a better sense of how it works.
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:37 mdotobie I think I understand the docs mention that `{s}` will match numeric strings. If `{n}` only did indexed arrays and `{s}` did associative arrays and `{*}` did both I would get it. But I’m not sure I follow.
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:36 admad maybe the docs are wrong :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:36 admad check the test cases
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:36 admad then maybe i am mistaken
# Jul 1st 2019, 12:35 mdotobie the docs say that `{n}` will match any string key