Log message #4191534

# At Username Text
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:37 ich no seriously 0.2.9
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:36 ndm @hmic People keep confusing the `@since` tag with the actual version number...
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:33 ndm @vossen.steven Both are set to true by default, that's by design. Old style plugins (those without a `Plugin` class) are ment to have all hooks disabled according to the docs, but it looks like this isn't true.
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:31 hmic ?
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:31 hmic or 2.9.0_
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:31 hmic ich: seriously, 0.2.9?
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:24 ich Hello, any have Dokus from CakePHP 0.2.9 ? My exDelevoper has made our system out of an old version of cakePHP and we are not able to find any documentation on, even if we need it. We will get a new System but now we need to make hotfixes asap in order to security flaws in our system
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:12 vossen.steven I've also noticed that if I use `$this->addPlugin` and dont set bootstrap or routes to true that still get loaded? If I debug `$this->getPlugins()` I see everything is set to true, is this a bug or a feature? :)
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:04 ndm np :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:02 vossen.steven ty :)
# Jul 1st 2019, 11:02 vossen.steven ok nvm im potato
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:59 vossen.steven but that has to happen before `Cache::setConfig(Configure::consume('Cache'));` is called
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:58 ndm yep... though you can do that at anytime
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:57 vossen.steven I assume in the bootstrap of my plugin?
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:55 ndm https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/caching.html#configuring-cache-engines
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:55 ndm @vossen.steven You can configure the cache directly, like `\Cake\Cache\Cache::config('test', ['className' => 'Cake\Cache\Engine\FileEngine', /* .. */])`
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:48 slackebot 'test_', ], ], ]; ``` I dont know if this is the 'correct' way but I could use this cache key when I queried in the initialize of the appcontroller Now with the deprecation Plugin::load I simply switched to $this->addPlugin, and now I get the error that the cache key doesnt exist I assume the bootstrapping of plugins happens after the bootstrap of application, while with Plugin::load the bootstrapping happened instantly
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:48 vossen.steven Hey guys, what would be the best way to dynamically add cache keys from plugins? I used to do something like this ``` Plugin::load('Test', ['bootstrap' => true]); ``` In the bootstrap from test I would ``` Configure::load('Test.cache'); ``` And in the cache file I had ``` return [ 'Cache' => [ 'test' => [ 'className' => 'Cake\Cache\Engine\FileEngine', 'path' => CACHE . 'test/', 'prefix' =>
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:29 ndm @mw_fingoweb I see, but that's a different problem? You'd have to elaborate on that, explain what "doesn't work" means in that context, and show your saving code and the data that you're trying to save.
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:15 conehead Although this is not nice coding. checkfunct should throw an exception. funct1 should catch that exception and update the response
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:13 a.didier found myself an answer that seems to work : ``` $this->render("error"); $this->response->send(); $this->_stop(); ```
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:12 mw_fingoweb @ndm: I've tried 'className' => 'App\Model\Table\Archive\OffersTable', but saving with associations doesn't work
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:10 mw_fingoweb And offers initilize instance of Users table, UsersTable initialize offers table instance and this is inifinite
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:09 mw_fingoweb jtraulle: I don't have Query because of infinite loop of initializing tables :D I'm loading midel with TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get("Archive/Offers");
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:01 a.didier (CakePHP 2.10)
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:01 slackebot want to do is to use `checkfunct()` to render a different view and skip all the instruction in `funct1()`. `checkfunct()` will always render an error view but with a custom message because it will be used in many other "normal" functions. I tried to put `$this->render("MyErrorView")` in the `checkfunt() `but it keeps rendering the `funct1()` view. Is there is any way to make `checkfunct()` render a view and stop everything else ?
# Jul 1st 2019, 10:01 a.didier Hello all :wave: Quick question : I have something like this => ``` [...] private checkfunct() { [... do stuff...] if(error) { // render an error view } } public funct1 () { $this->checkfunct(); [some stuff that should be executed if there is an error in checkfunct()] } [...] ``` I have a route that connect `funt1()`, so when i call it on a normal situation it should render it's default view : `funct1.ctp` . What i
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:51 a.didier Hello all :wave: Quick question : I have something like this => ``` [...] public funct1 () { } [...] ```
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:46 jtraulle :mw_fingoweb : Depending how you are loading your association when querying, if an user has a list of offers and each offer belongs to a user and the user object is loading its list of belonging offers and so on, this explains the recursivity problem.
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:42 jtraulle :mw_fingoweb : What is your ORM query in the end ?
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:37 ndm @mw_fingoweb `className` generally works fine. If you still have an infinite loop, then your problem might be somewhere else, or you're not using the option as intended.
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:36 ndm @blancessanchez30 Sounds like an possibly empty response body. Check the headers too, check `$this->response`, etc... Add breakpoints (or debug output/logging) in your application and in `ControllerTestCase::_testAction()` to see whether things are being invoked as expected, where the code might bail out, etc...
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:34 mw_fingoweb But this makes infinite loop
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:33 mw_fingoweb I need working targetTable in 2 directions
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:33 mw_fingoweb Unfortunatelly className doesn't work :(
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:23 challgren @ra7bi this is my use of it
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:21 challgren Is gitlab slow for anyone else?
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:20 ra7bi will check it
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:18 challgren https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/CakePdf/blob/master/src/Pdf/CakePdf.php
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:17 challgren You could use CakePdf() instead of the ViewBuilder
# Jul 1st 2019, 09:17 ra7bi now , it can render PDF but you need to modify the plugin or extend the engine to take control over the Pdf engine