Log message #4191414

# At Username Text
# Jul 1st 2019, 04:04 ra7bi @ndm i followed your suggestion in ``https://cakesf.slack.com/archives/C053DPNGT/p1561889872215700`` but i dont know how i can replaced the original call of `TCPDFEngine.php`
# Jun 30th 2019, 19:54 mdotobie In regards to the Hash utilities, what is difference in use cases for the `{n}`, `{s}` or `{*}` – I’m not sure why I would use anything other than just `{*}`
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:35 yamcomnet not my favorite :)
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:35 yamcomnet ended up using ZipArchive()
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:35 yamcomnet basically i was looking support to zip folder recursively
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:34 st.steinkuehler Policies are always needed with this plugin
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:33 st.steinkuehler @ndm Thanks, I figured it out by now. This small paragraph has helped https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/1.1/en/component.html#automatic-authorization-checks and also this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/53494211
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:27 ndm @st.steinkuehler I'm not yet overly familiar with the plugin, but as far as I understand, all permissions are resolved by policies. For controllers and actions, the resource could be the current request object I guess. Check for example the request authorization middleware docs: https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/1.1/en/request-authorization-middleware.html
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:26 ndm Slacks user select box is really annoying, it should close itself after pressing TAB, which effectively selects the user :(
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:23 ndm @thomas078 Maybe... maybe not... you'd have to explain what exactly your concern is.
# Jun 30th 2019, 17:00 yamcomnet working with cakephp Folder/File utilities. Any best practice to .zip folder?
# Jun 30th 2019, 16:52 martin hmm trying to make the oauth 2 server plugin working in cakephp 3.7 is to much work. I wanted to simple use a plugin to make oauth2 on an api project, Nobody uses oauth2 anymore in cake?
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:24 martin oh now it works :)
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:19 martin I hate errors like that
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:18 martin hmm now I have an "An Internal Server Error Occurred"
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:13 martin Maybe I just need to remove the companyname from the namespace? :S
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:11 martin but I don't see namespace?
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:11 martin ```| pluginname._controller:index | /Pluginname/:controller | {"action":"index","plugin":"pluginname"} ```
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:09 admad use the routes shell to see the routes connected
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:07 martin IT says I need to create file, and set the namepace to Pluginname/
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:06 martin also dumped the autoload
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:06 martin In composer.json namespace is correct
# Jun 30th 2019, 15:06 martin Can't I create plugins in namespace "Company/Pluginname" ? I'm fighting with routes naar controller inside plugin, but it says it can not find it. But it is there :S
# Jun 30th 2019, 14:37 slackebot permissions anywhere by using the identity stored in the request." is the right way? Do I need a Policy for a action based check? Can someone give me further informations? Which articles in which order should I read and understand. I would like to understand the overall context of the "parts" involved in authorization. Thank you.
# Jun 30th 2019, 14:37 st.steinkuehler Today I try the Authorization Plugin and I have some issues or missunderstandings on my side: I want to have an action based authorization as before with the old Auth-Component. How do I do this with the Plugin? I set up the middleware as described in the "Quickstart". I guess the "Policies" stuff is not what I want because "You can create policies for any class in your application". or? So it seems that this "You can check
# Jun 30th 2019, 14:36 akimov.dev Hello! Help me please, how can I get json body of request in beforePaginate method?
# Jun 30th 2019, 12:29 snake-venom any suggestion ?
# Jun 30th 2019, 12:29 snake-venom i am trying to save user id.. when i am sending user id = 0 then its not saving but when sending user_id = 1 then it is saving..
# Jun 30th 2019, 12:29 snake-venom hi there..
# Jun 30th 2019, 12:20 ndm @st.steinkuehler A custom finder maybe. Really depends on at which point the data you want to set is available, and under which circumstances it has to be set.
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:38 st.steinkuehler Is there a simpler, more direct way to change a field for the logged in user, like this? ``` $userData = $this->Authentication->getIdentity()->getOriginalData(); $userData['assignnewpwd'] = false; $updatedIdentity = new Identity($userData); $this->Authentication->setIdentity($updatedIdentity); ```
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:35 challgren Your entities and validation rules will prevent bad data from being inserted
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:34 challgren Use the orm and request objects, never use $_POST with cake
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:33 wgon0001 Thanks for help. I will try it out.
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:23 challgren But simple way to prevent it from being inserted at all is to create a Custom Rule Object so you can reuse it.
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:22 slackebot write the contents to a PHP file and execute it, or have it written to a place where an external attacker could execute it.
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:22 ndm @wgon0001 Obfuscation via ROT13 or Base64, I haven't seen that in years. Generally you need to first properly assess a threat, just adding "security stuff" will most likely fail if you don't know how a possible attack works. As @challgren said, that code snippet alone is no threat. Ask yourself, how could someone exploit ROT13 obfuscated PHP that's embedded in a database record? Your application would have to un-ROT13 it, and either eval it, or
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:16 challgren Plus if you did get `<?php @eval($_POST[value]);?>` inserted into your database. It wouldn’t run
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:14 challgren And then if you wanted to you can write your own rule to look for that string https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/validation.html#creating-custom-re-usable-rules
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:11 challgren https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#merging-request-data-into-entities
# Jun 30th 2019, 11:11 challgren https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#converting-request-data-into-entities