Log message #4191309

# At Username Text
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:57 slackebot $service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Session'); $service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Form', [ 'fields' => $fields, 'loginUrl' => '/administrators/login' ]); ``` Adding `/myapp/` to both URLs works, but in production there will be no `/myapp/`. I would expect it works auto detected. Can someone give me a tip on what I'm doing wrong?
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:57 slackebot Middleware redirects to the url without the `myapp` and the browser gets an error from the webserver. Changing it to `Router::url('/myapp/administrators/login')` works, but the authentication does not work with the error: `Login URL did not match /administrators/login` I guess because of this: ``` // Load the authenticators, you want session first
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:57 st.steinkuehler Still trying the "newer" Authentication Plugin: My app runs in the browser under `/myapp/` and the base directory in `config/app.php` is set to `App => base => false` (auto detected). No problems with generating urls by cake so far. But now with this ``` $authentication = new AuthenticationMiddleware($this, [ 'unauthenticatedRedirect' => Router::url('/administrators/login'), 'queryParam' => 'redirect', ]); ``` the Authentication
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:33 martin https://github.com/uafrica/oauth-server is sadly outdated :(
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:33 martin but should be nice if there was a default thing to do it :P
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:33 martin wel it is not authentication
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:33 martin why is oauth 2 not a default authentication in cakephp?
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:01 admad And sqlite itself installed of course :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 29th 2019, 16:00 admad You will just need pdo_sqlite extension enabled for PHP which you will have to do in ampp/wampp
# Jun 29th 2019, 15:59 admad Of course, cake doesn't care about ampp or wampp
# Jun 29th 2019, 15:45 olanowsubomi but can the sqlite database work indepently on cakephp without the integration with ampp
# Jun 29th 2019, 15:12 admad @olanowsubomi https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/database-basics.html#supported-databases
# Jun 29th 2019, 15:12 st.steinkuehler @olanowsubomi I guess you can, see https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/installation.html and look at your `config\app.php` or `config\app.default.php` in line 220 where the datasources are set - there was a comment "See vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Driver for complete list" and in this folder I see a `sqlite.php` file. Should probably go. try it out.
# Jun 29th 2019, 15:04 olanowsubomi please if i use ampp, wamp or any of such php program for local host please, can i use another sql product such as sqlite with the cakephp instead of the mysql.
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:51 st.steinkuehler @ndm Thanks a log. I forgot the `use` for the `Psr\Http\Message\....` stuff.
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:49 olanowsubomi thanks
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:46 ndm @olanowsubomi Composer suggestions are optional, CakePHP will run without them unless you make use of a feature that actually requires them (for example `ext-openssl` is required for anything encryption related). Most suggestions come with a short explanation as to what those packages may be needed for.
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:45 ndm eh... wrong name
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:45 ndm @fsteim_slack Look at the type declarations in the error message. In your code it points to classes in the `App` namespace, which indicates that you are missing the required `use` statements.
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:42 slackebot Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProviderInterface::getAuthenticationService(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) in [....]\src\Application.php on line 36` can someone give me a tip on what I'm doing wrong?
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:42 st.steinkuehler Hello, my app runs fine with the old Authcomponent for Authentication + Authorization but I want to use the "newer" Authentication Plugin with 3.7.9 and I do the quick start from here https://book.cakephp.org/authentication/1.1/en/index.html but I get an error: `Declaration of App\Application::getAuthenticationService(App\ServerRequestInterface $request, App\ResponseInterface $response) must be compatible with
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:10 olanowsubomi hello is there anybody there?
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:01 slackebot available if u need to see it to offer help. I would appreciate it if my message is being considered and responded to in good time, Thanks for your patience.
# Jun 29th 2019, 14:01 olanowsubomi Hi, i got an easy way around the problem of cakephp download through the usage of ampps which is wamp/mamp stacks but after the download there were series of suggestions in the cmd this got me confused if the cakephp is properly downloaded and may be i need to do those suggestions before proper download of cakephp can be made or i just need to follow up the suggetions after this download i made. The copy of the download process is still
# Jun 29th 2019, 12:42 chrisshick It makes CD easier from a scalability side when you have several servers that have to be deployed. Razee by IBM for kubernetes is one such solution
# Jun 29th 2019, 12:40 chrisshick @challgren not at all. Pushed based is less secure from a server perspective because you’ll most likely have to open a port or create ssh credentials. In a pull based scenario, an agent would call a master server to check for any version changes and if there is one then it would pull the lates build and do the deployment
# Jun 29th 2019, 12:37 chrisshick @dereuromark yeah we have sh scripts now. Just that I’d see if anyone had a more mature and tested solution
# Jun 29th 2019, 12:36 chrisshick @savant continuous deployment
# Jun 29th 2019, 10:54 admad @mocelle cakephp console is not a separate package (yet) unfortunately. You can use symfony/console
# Jun 29th 2019, 09:47 mocelle Is there way to use cakephp console with microframeworks like slimphp?
# Jun 29th 2019, 09:31 challgren Wouldnt you want to push to production instead of pulling? Pulling seems risky
# Jun 29th 2019, 08:50 dereuromark sh Scripts?^^
# Jun 29th 2019, 08:40 savant CD?
# Jun 29th 2019, 04:48 chrisshick While not directly related to cake, has anyone found a good pull based CD for PHP?
# Jun 28th 2019, 17:32 barry.chapman @daniel.upshaw this is geared towards making cake an IdP not a SP
# Jun 28th 2019, 17:22 daniel.upshaw Thanks @ndm... That's what I'm talking about, yes, and I agree it doesn't seem possible... With the Bake template pattern it is, but seems that it's not quite the same extending core Commands...... I like your idea with the classic extending, and just using a different name with other inheritance
# Jun 28th 2019, 16:45 ndm @daniel.upshaw Are you really talking about extending (as in inheriting an existing shell), or maybe more like decorating (as in adding functionality to an existing shell)? The latter isn't possible AFAICT, but classic extending surely is (like `ExtendedMigrationsShell extends \Migrations\Shell\MigrationsShell`). Gotta fly now, I can put together a small example later if you need one.
# Jun 28th 2019, 16:11 daniel.upshaw @barry.chapman I did try creating a plugin, and I can create Shell tasks and Console commands, but my goal is to extend an existing Core one
# Jun 28th 2019, 16:08 daniel.upshaw And could release a Cake 3 fork
# Jun 28th 2019, 16:08 daniel.upshaw Maybe just a few Cake3 updates
# Jun 28th 2019, 16:08 daniel.upshaw Seems to be only a few files