Log message #4191205

# At Username Text
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:19 steinkel this happens because of a session timeout?
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:18 steinkel right, in the second request you don't have session key and cookie is triggered
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:18 madbbb The problem is only on first post request, if I refresh the page again everything work as expected
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:15 steinkel another item to check would be when you check for Auth, `checkAuthIn` parameter value in AuthComponent
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:12 steinkel ok, could you describe the use case a bit? I understand you're removing the session key to trigger the cookie auth, this happens in the same request or are you doing a redirect after the session cleanup?
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:07 steinkel checking
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:06 madbbb 8.4.0
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:04 steinkel I mean the plugin version
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:03 madbbb CakePHP 3.7.9
# Jun 28th 2019, 10:00 steinkel hi which version are you using @madbbb
# Jun 28th 2019, 09:53 slackebot the problem is?
# Jun 28th 2019, 09:53 madbbb I have CakeDC/Users plugin with AuthComponent RememberMe functionality. The problem is when I clean my session storage to fire cookie rememberme authorisation my app works on GET request, but on POST requests beforefilter not fired. So I put an exception in first line of called controller method and as you can see on POST requests \Cake\Controller\Controller->startupProcess() doesn't run at all. Can you please guide me on how to find where
# Jun 28th 2019, 09:44 madbbb morning!
# Jun 28th 2019, 09:33 imonsei admad, can't thank you enough for your help the other day. really helped point my brain in the right direction :)
# Jun 28th 2019, 09:15 neon1024 @admad Predictions for Sunday?
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:53 admad i am asking cause i was working on updating Crud for Cake 4 and added Table type hint and few places based on docblocks :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:53 nuzulfikrie Hi guys,.. need help on this one. What did I do wrong ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56802916/cakephp-3-7-cakephp-authentication-plugin-error-authentication-is-required-to
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:51 neon1024 Interesting thought though
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:51 neon1024 @admad Nope
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:40 admad @neon1024 wake up! Have you used Crud with Webservice plugin's Endpoint?
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:38 conehead Morning
# Jun 28th 2019, 07:32 imonsei good morning o/
# Jun 28th 2019, 06:50 challgren Once you get the hang of it you'll want to use it for every project
# Jun 28th 2019, 06:49 challgren @glenn.e I wrote a sales system that synced with QuickBooks online, did order routing, crm, and online portfolio and much more and it took about 4 weeks using CakePHP 2.9 and all the plugins and I'm very quite happy with it. I use to hate frameworks but cake hooked me because it's delicious and bakes a lot of code for you
# Jun 28th 2019, 05:39 admad @mehov only getters won't be deprecated. `association()` was deprecated cause it was split into `getAssocation()` and `hasAssociation()`. `getAssociation()` will throw exception for non existent name while `association()` didnt
# Jun 28th 2019, 05:37 mehov Just found `association()` which in fact did get deprecated and replaced with `getAccociation()`: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/commit/2784f16bec47a41084d9e4f82926e4816651ae8a#diff-d36d5650ddbf69668bdd04f31f4a7a42R877 Seems strange why `associations()` wouldn't be, but anyway thanks for confirming!
# Jun 28th 2019, 05:30 admad @mehov if it hasnt been already in 3.8.0 it won't be :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 28th 2019, 05:28 mehov Hey guys, I was looking at https://api.cakephp.org/3.7/class-Cake.ORM.Table.html#_associations and wondering if `associations()` will get deprecated and replaced with something like `getAssociations()` anytime soon? That'd seem in line with these https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/commit/9adee92813dd15bc7da296e781e80b75e60076c0#diff-78d8ad0057861d185ebe8463fcc1b49f for example
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:35 glenn.e guess i got an afternoon of reading now
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:35 savant it goes through creating a quick CMS and shows off a bunch of functionality that will hopefully give you a good frame of reference
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:35 glenn.e i just need to read where things go
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:34 savant https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/tutorials-and-examples/cms/installation.html
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:34 savant you might want to walk through the cakephp tutorials
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:33 glenn.e i just needed to throw together a quick CRM
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:33 savant If you decide to stick with us, feel free to ask any questions, we’ll be happy to help
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:32 savant I’m not going to comment on whether I think usercake/userspice is good or not, I already like CakePHP and it provides a lot of functionality to create very complex apps in a structured way
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:31 savant looking at “usercake”, seems like its now “userspice”
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:31 savant lol
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:31 glenn.e :P
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:31 glenn.e it may of been usercake
# Jun 28th 2019, 04:31 glenn.e i may owe you and the team an apology