Log message #4191082

# At Username Text
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:24 ricksaccous at least for this project i don't think i will
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:24 ricksaccous might need this in the future but doubt it
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:23 ricksaccous interesting
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:23 ricksaccous ah cool i found it https://github.com/ankitpokhrel/tus-php
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:22 jeremyharris tus is the way to go, it’s a protocol for resumable uploads
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:17 ricksaccous also i found this http://www.resumablejs.com/
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:17 ricksaccous @nudl3ss what is tus-php?
# Jun 27th 2019, 15:14 nudl3ss Hello there, I am building video uploading system and I have a little problem. I want to make resumable upload feature should internet connectivity drop or browser crash. I was looking tus-php but I couldn't integrate it right. Is anyone know something how can this resumable feature to make it work? Thank you!
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:40 neon1024 Wasn’t sure that it was out of beta yet
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:40 neon1024 I’ll take a look
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:40 jeremyharris now I use the authorization lib and haven’t turned back. the policy stuff alone is a huge win
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:39 jeremyharris yeah I’ve done prefix based roles before, works pretty well until things get complicated or require hierarchy
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:39 neon1024 It’s prefix based still as I thought that would make it a bit simpler
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:38 neon1024 Figured it can’t be that hard, but then I realised that I give a role access, but I need to restrict them elsewhere
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:38 neon1024 Yeah, I should have done that
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:38 jeremyharris @neon1024 might be worth looking into RBAC (role based access control) plugins for ideas, or the new authorization lib which has a really nice policy system which you might be able to gain insight from
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:29 neon1024 Ah, I can make my own Role Auth :)
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:26 mdotobie Evening @admad, per our discussion yesterday about when `Form::schema()` is called, I did not realize that `__debuginfo` is a magic method that gets called when `print_r` is used on an object. PsySH is using print_r to immediately output objects you’ve mutated or instantiated which in turn is calling the `__debuginfo` method on the Form object and within that the Schema dependency.
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:24 neon1024 Kinda like a `$this->Auth->allow()` but with a value to match
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:22 neon1024 Or it the controllers `isAuthorized()` perhaps, by overloading the AppController method
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:22 neon1024 Or give access to controllers and manage action permission in the controller beforeFilter?
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:21 neon1024 Is there a more elegant way to manage permissions by role, other than a big `isAuthorized()` method?
# Jun 27th 2019, 14:06 admad @challgren this deprecation notices in validator exist since 3.8.0-beta1 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/commit/d1a0cfe0fc0677d78f69cfec589acca296384720
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:42 neon1024 Oh, I guessed correctly! `[‘controller’ => ‘Examples’, ‘action’ => ‘view’, ‘prefix’ => ’foo/bar\
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:41 neon1024 When using nested prefixes, what does the ‘prefix’ url array option look like?
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:34 cake-aml I can think of other solutions such as checking the route for that controller or avoid using the middleware and load a component that could then be configured, but I feel like there's a more elegant solution somewhere
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:30 cake-aml thanks for the reply. Is there then any 'good' way of achieving what I want?
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:28 admad response instance should never be modified before calling $next(). While it will work for now it will break in 4.0
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:16 slackebot calls $next() first then applies the headers) am I simply approaching this wrong and shouldn't unset the header in my Controller? or is there a clean way to unset the header? so far overriding the middleware to set the headers before $next() or using a "global" instance (SecurityHeadersMiddleware::instance() and change it there) have worked for me, but I'm not convinced I should be doing that
# Jun 27th 2019, 13:16 cake-aml hi I'm trying to set X-Frame-Options to 'sameorigin' in my application, but I want to manually disable it in a specific Controller. I tried using the setXFrameOptions method in SecurityHeadersMiddleware + manually unsetting the header in that controller's beforeFilter ($this->response = $this->response->withoutHeader('x-frame-options')) the problem is that the SecurityHeadersMiddleware always sets the Headers after the controller (__invoke
# Jun 27th 2019, 10:09 neon1024 @david last time I hit this issue it was because I had misconfigured my Nginx setup
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:55 vossen.steven array notation isnt needed if only one word though
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:54 vossen.steven __('Some word: {0}, ['word'])
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:54 egalles mmm ok, thanks
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:54 vossen.steven should be {0} instead of %s
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:53 egalles when I do that, the text in view shows me: Some word: %s
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:53 egalles hi there, looking for translate some texts, it's that the correct way ? __('Some word: %s,'word'); ¿?
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:40 david any idea?
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:40 david when using ADmad/cakephp-i18n, if I do not set the language, like: http://mydomain.com It is redirecting me to http://mydomain.com//es (notice the double slash before the language slug). It's the first time I have this problem, I always use this plugin and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong this time, but I can't figure what is.
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:37 david morning
# Jun 27th 2019, 09:12 slackebot CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php line 200 → Controller->render() CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php line 167 → Dispatcher->_invoke(SuivisController, CakeRequest) APP/webroot/index.php line 117 → Dispatcher->dispatch(CakeRequest, CakeResponse) ``` I don't understand why... (CakePHP 2.10.13)