Log message #4191022

# At Username Text
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:38 challgren And we’ll beat the English just like we did many many years ago :P
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:38 neon1024 Yeah, if England beat Norway, it might be ENG v USA
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:37 challgren @neon1024 USA USA!!!
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:37 neon1024 I’ll watch the Womens Football World Cup instead ;)
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:37 neon1024 @admad I don’t see England making the semi-finals
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:36 admad You should worry about Sunday xP
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:36 slackebot config/app.php. in [/Users/challgren/Projects/electric/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Core/functions.php, line 311] `
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:36 challgren Arhhhhhhhh `Deprecated Error: You are using a deprecated argument order for Cake\Validation\Validator::allowEmptyString. You should reverse the order of your `when` and `message` arguments so that they are `message, when`. - /Users/challgren/Projects/electric/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Validation/Validator.php, line: 855 You can disable deprecation warnings by setting `Error.errorLevel` to `E_ALL and ~E_USER_DEPRECATED` in your
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:36 neon1024 @admad India to beat Windies by 4 wickets today I reckon
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:35 admad Any event you dispatch will be sent to global instance too
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:32 madbbb why can't shell use global instance?
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:31 admad Yes, you are setting on global instance
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:29 madbbb $this->getEventManager() is clean without any listeners on it. Are instances are different?
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:22 madbbb bootstrap.php loads after bootstrap_cli.php
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:17 kgb.acct.personal bootstrap_cli.php
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:11 madbbb I register my event listeners in bootstrap.php file everything work as expected, but I can't see registered listeners in my shell. Where do I register them to get listeners work in shell?
# Jun 27th 2019, 08:06 madbbb Morning!
# Jun 27th 2019, 07:45 conehead Hmm if you would want the user to let him choose which fields he wants to be seen in a form and which not. How would you go for it? Save his configuration in the database and pass it into each session. When rendering the form access the session and check if the field should be visible?
# Jun 27th 2019, 07:31 neon1024 Morning everyone
# Jun 27th 2019, 07:19 conehead Is the expected value in code_id? Or is the value incorrect?
# Jun 27th 2019, 05:29 slackebot else { $this->log('no save'); } } } ```
# Jun 27th 2019, 05:29 chan after save data i want to save code_id by auto increment id, but code_id not save in table, what wrong? my coding is following. i write model of cakephp2 afterSave function. ``` public function afterSave($created, $options = array()) { if ($created) { $this->data[$this->alias]['id'] = $this->id; $this->data[$this->alias]['code_id'] = 'U' . str_pad($this->id, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if($this->save($this->data)) { $this->log('save'); }
# Jun 27th 2019, 03:00 challgren CakePHP 3.8.0 is released!! https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases/tag/3.8.0
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:42 mdotobie Makes sense @cnizzardini. Sounds like you can still throw some exceptions from your abstraction for a nicer developer experience though
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:34 cnizzardini But if an engineer goes to use it wrong, it should fail fantastically anyways, even without a nice LogicException message
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:33 cnizzardini @mdotobie my use case is different than that, pulling data from db and passing it into an absraction layer, would've been nice if was easy
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:24 mdotobie I’ll use `debug()` on the `$form` object in the console and see if the output matches
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:20 mdotobie That’s a good point. I’m not using `__dumpinfo()` directly but that output happens in the console right after the object is instantiated so Psy might be using it for output it and i just don’t realize it
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:18 ndm @mdotobie Are you maybe dumping the form object? Like `debug($form)`? In that case it would be invoked from `Form::__debugInfo()`, but other than that, it shouldn't. Set a breakpoint or dump a stacktrace (`debug(\Cake\Error\Debugger::trace())`) to get more info about from where it's being called.
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:14 slackebot the Table level anyway.
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:14 mdotobie @cnizzardini if you are getting all your Person entity objects as the result of a query you can pretty much guarantee the ResultsSet will be all Person objects. If you’re building the entities from data you get from a form for instance then yes, you could technically create an array that had Person entities intermixed with entities of other types, but I’m not sure what you’d do with it. Attempting to save that array of entities would f
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:11 mdotobie I thought that @ndm but when I use the console and do something like `$form = new App\Form\ApprovalForm` I can see the fields populated from the `buildSchema` method. It seems to suggest that it’s building the schema before I ever get to the FormHelper
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:10 cnizzardini prob not, i am likely being too anal about exact arguments anyways
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:09 ndm @mdtobe The form itself doesn't call it, it's called in various methods in the`\Cake\View\Form\Context\FormContext` class.
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:09 mdotobie Are you creating the Person entities from some external data?
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:08 mdotobie I assume you’d be getting the entities from a database query tho
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:08 mdotobie That would be a `ResultsSet`
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:08 cnizzardini And if its not an instance of that it throws a LogicException
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:07 cnizzardini would be nice if I could define something as a collection of App\Model\Enity\Person
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:06 cnizzardini not really
# Jun 26th 2019, 22:04 mdotobie I’m thinking that’s what you’re going for @cnizzardini