Log message #4190858

# At Username Text
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:46 challgren Anyone ever hear of cakephp 2.10.13 getting hacked? Where the password hashes where changed and the login failure message changed?
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:43 neon1024 Or do you mean a code versioning system like Git?
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:43 neon1024 Are you looking for a CakePHP 2 freelance developer?
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:43 neon1024 That doesn’t make any sense.
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:31 chan please can you send reference link, explain me , about code manager for cakephp 2.
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:17 imonsei morning neon
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:17 imonsei woo it works \o/
# Jun 26th 2019, 08:01 neon1024 Morning all
# Jun 26th 2019, 07:30 imonsei i'm gonna try it!
# Jun 26th 2019, 07:30 imonsei ... do you think i can just extend ControllerTask and override the bake() function if i want to put extra variables into the $actions = ['index', 'view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete',]; line?
# Jun 26th 2019, 07:16 imonsei I OD'd on them and went too high and came in from the bottom again ;)
# Jun 26th 2019, 07:05 admad i hear there are pills available online to boost your IQ :P
# Jun 26th 2019, 07:00 imonsei i was too dumb to understand that the example files had to go into my own project's src folder. not the vender one or my bake theme one... imma go lay down for a bit
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:59 imonsei yep... i'm retarded. i figured it out now.
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:57 imonsei and i'm litterally copy pasting the code blocks into the files. so i'm almost sure i can't figure out instructions for basic file system.... and that's sad
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:55 imonsei i'm beginning to think I have a genuine low IQ. I can't get the tutorial example for "creating your own bake command options" to work. https://book.cakephp.org/bake/1.x/en/development.html#creating-new-bake-command-options
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:40 conehead good morning
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:33 imonsei good morning :)
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:12 admad The fact that SO can bring you 3 year old responses is actually beneficial for those using older version of the framework. For e.g. most people here won't remember the specifics of Cake 2 usage.
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:10 admad As for the amount of activity on either it comes down to users. They are free to use whatever they prefer. We can't force everyone to a single platform in name of consolidation of info.
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:08 admad The answers on forum and SO are persistent for years and easily searchable. That's not the case with slack. It highly impractical to search a topic on slack plus the free slack a/c we have only saves a limited history.
# Jun 26th 2019, 06:03 bgrinter @admad true - although it also seems to spread the knowledge thin. Forum is very quiet, slack has higher volume, there's stack overflow where you search and find "Hooray - someone else with my same problem!" - and the last reply was 3 years ago, something like "Is there an update to this?"
# Jun 26th 2019, 05:53 admad @bgrinter also slack is not an "open" system. For e.g. they recently blocked access to users from some countries like Iran
# Jun 26th 2019, 05:52 admad many people use stackoverflow too
# Jun 26th 2019, 05:51 admad btw there's IRC channel too
# Jun 26th 2019, 05:51 admad it's about choice.. we can't/won't force people to use only one
# Jun 26th 2019, 05:31 bgrinter More general question - there's the CakePHP forums and Slack group. Assume both run / administered by Cake Foundation? If so - why two? Seems like more overhead and I usually end up asking questions on both to guarantee a reply. Would it be better to consolidate? Or is it about choice - some people prefer forums? Slack seems to have a much higher participation rate although the questions in forum are more in depth
# Jun 26th 2019, 04:13 ra7bi can i replace `$this->Form->input('file',['type'=>'file']); ` with Icon ?
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:59 ricksaccous yeah
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:58 rightscoreanalysis i had to set the entity on the form though to have the validation messages appear
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:58 rightscoreanalysis yeah i see that is working now
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:54 ricksaccous under the fields
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:54 ricksaccous it should just spit out the errors
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:54 ricksaccous because if you are and you haven't changed the templates significantly
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:53 ricksaccous FormHelper
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:53 ricksaccous the cake way is to let the field spit them out, are you using formHelper
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:53 rightscoreanalysis is the cake way to use the validation messages on the field?
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:51 ricksaccous if you aren't doing things the cake way you'll have to figure it out yourself
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:51 ricksaccous if you do things the cake way cake will spit the errors out for you
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:50 rightscoreanalysis the format is not standard
# Jun 25th 2019, 22:50 rightscoreanalysis how can I work with that?