Log message #4190764

# At Username Text
# Jun 25th 2019, 15:15 ricksaccous in the request
# Jun 25th 2019, 15:15 ricksaccous @a.didier yeah I think you just set the 'header' array
# Jun 25th 2019, 15:09 a.didier Hi, is this possible to change the User-Agent when using HttpSocket on Cake 2.10 ?
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:18 akimov.dev Oh, thank you very much! It helped me to fix the problem
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:14 admad since the error message shows `crud\\action
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:14 admad that's the case
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:12 vossen.steven guessing its your host being case sensitive and local not
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:10 akimov.dev I get the error Class '\\App\\crud\\action\\IndexByCategoryAction' not found. This happens while using hosting. At the local server all works well
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:08 madbbb you can try
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:05 akimov.dev Hello! I have got some problem with crud plugin once I've uploaded my project to the hosting. Whether I can apply for a help here?
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:03 neon1024 Yes
# Jun 25th 2019, 13:01 adriencs hi guys, gurlz, it is possible to $this->redirect out of prefixed route ?
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:56 rrd564 yes, i should provide an empty array
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:51 madbbb the default strategy in 3.5 was to replace
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:46 rrd564 maybe an empty array will do it
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:46 rrd564 so i should try something else
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:46 rrd564 Hm it seems that i would need replace startegy what is the default
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:43 rrd564 Thank I have a look
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:41 conehead Maybe have a look at the save strategy? https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-belongstomany-associations
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:35 rrd564 When I modify a model with association and I want to remove a belongsToMany associated data, how do I do it? If I do not have model[0][associatedModel][_ids] in the POST array, than it keeps the original associated values
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:24 emiliano hello, a simple question, any tutorial for implement a chat with firebase and cake? thanks a lot
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:22 madbbb @vossen.steven I didn't collect nor eat them
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:17 vossen.steven @madbbb whats the points of the cookie collection then? And how are you supposed to delete cookies?
# Jun 25th 2019, 12:01 madbbb I'm glad that I had almost 27% of test coverage - it helped me to find many deprecations.
# Jun 25th 2019, 11:58 conehead Ahhh. Thought you were upgrading from v2 ;)
# Jun 25th 2019, 11:57 madbbb @conehead My app was built on 3.5, so I updated the skeleton and did some copy and paste on deprecated methods.
# Jun 25th 2019, 11:56 admad @vossen.steven https://api.cakephp.org/3.7/class-Cake.Http.Response.html#_withCookie
# Jun 25th 2019, 11:47 conehead Is there no AuditLog plugin that can save associations (the ids) automatically?
# Jun 25th 2019, 10:39 conehead Ha, that is it? I am working it for now roughly 2 months :P
# Jun 25th 2019, 10:23 madbbb I want to thank you all for helping me upgrade my application to 3.7. Be ready for 3.8 release.
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:51 vossen.steven @madbbb np I stopped using the ->orwhere + ->andwhere a while ago since it would, in my opinion, do some unexpected stuff and I fell like the way I currently do it is cleaner as well
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:49 vossen.steven I feel retarded but can someone plz tell me how you're supposed to read/write cookies with the removal of the component? I guess reading is request->getCookie() and for writing I now have to create a cookie object and attach that object to a cookiecollection or something?
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:47 madbbb thank you! both of your queries are working
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:43 conehead ``` $query->where([ 'OR' => [ ['Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'Trackings.ata IS' => null], ['Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'Trackings.ata IS NOT' => null, 'Trackings.finish' => true] ] ]) ```
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:42 vossen.steven try ``` $query = $this->find() ->where([ 'Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'OR' => [ [ 'Trackings.ata IS' => null, ], [ 'Trackings.ata IS NOT' => null, 'Trackings.finish' => true, ], ], ]); ```
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:41 conehead madbbb all your OR statements belong into a query
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:38 madbbb I tried to change it to ``` ->where([ 'OR' => ['Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'Trackings.ata IS' => null], ['Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'Trackings.ata IS NOT' => null, 'Trackings.finish' => true] ]) ``` but it produced not expected query.
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:36 madbbb but now I have another problem with orWhere depreciation. can you please help me to rewrite this query to make it 3.7 ready ``` $query = $this->find() ->where(['Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'Trackings.ata IS' => null]) ->orWhere(['Trackings.order_id' => $entity->order_id, 'Trackings.ata IS NOT' => null, 'Trackings.finish' => true]); ```
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:34 madbbb nothing extraordinary - just glanced through 20 models and seek for forgotten field by myself.
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:30 imonsei yes please
# Jun 25th 2019, 09:29 np @madbbb share with us